Дангрид Dungreed Читы

Дангрид Dungreed Взлом 1.6.228 + Чит Коды

Разработчик: TEAM HORAY
Категория: Игры
Цена: 449,00 ₽ (Скачать бесплатно)
Версия: 1.6.228
ID: com.teamhoray.dungreed


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Тихий и мирный город был разрушен, и всех его жителей засосало в таинственное подземелье. Вы должны взять на себя роль искателя приключений, посланного из королевства, который должен спасти их из этой катастрофы. Спуститесь в подземелье, чтобы победить несметные полчища врагов, спасти жителей города и отстроить его заново!

В подземелье нет контрольных точек. Когда искателя приключений убивают в подземелье, он теряет снаряжение и отправляется в город.
Но не беспокойтесь. Есть много способов развивать вашего героя. Вы можете навсегда увеличить ваши характеристики с помощью тренировок, и еще более усилить персонажа с помощью различных предметов и еды, которые можно найти в подземелье. Тренируйте искателя приключений и исследуйте самые дальние уголки подземелья!

Особенности игры:

– процедурно генерируемые, но вместе с тем до деталей продуманные карты;
– система развития персонажа, с которой исследовать подземелье станет легче;
– разнообразные магические предметы и оружие: от ржавых мечей до ультрасовременных снайперских винтовок;
– аппетитная еда высочайшего качества в стиле пиксель-арт;
– восстановите город;
– подземелья в различной стилистике: тюрьма, джунгли и лавовая зона;
– захватывающие монстры, ловушки и боссы.
– Поддержка контроллера
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История обновлений

- Fixed the center point of the Monster Ego Sword.
- Improved auto-aim: now aims at monsters when they are actually visible.
- Fixed a bug that prevented Emergency Escape from working if you got stuck in a dungeon passage object.
- Fixed a bug where moving the cursor to the left in the inventory via controller would disable input.

- iTunes file sharing feature is available now.
- Added a UI Screen for cloud-local save file choice.
- Fixed an issue where uncommon/rare item trasures would appear more often depending on device environment.
- Fixed an issue where save files sometimes showed "ERROR".
- As a known issue, we are currently seeing save files occasionally break in iOS. Patch 1.6.224 will include additional improvements to saves, and we'll do our best to make saving files completely error-free. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced while using the game.
- Fixed an issue where uncommon/rare item trasures would appear more often depending on device environment.
- Fixed an issue where save files sometimes showed "ERROR".
- As a known issue, we are currently seeing save files occasionally break in iOS. Patch 1.6.214 will include additional improvements to saves, and we'll do our best to make saving files completely error-free. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced in the meantime.
- [Experimental feature] Auto-save : Added an experimental feature that will save your last progress even if the game is force quit. You can turn it on in the options window.
- Ikina Bear: Fixed an issue where the bear's appearance would revert to its original appearance when moving around the room.
- Fixed an issue where the game would not display properly when screen sharing or recording.
- Changed UI layout of inventory slightly.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused file saves to fail.
- [Experimental feature] Auto-save : Added an experimental feature that will save your last progress even if the game is force quit. You can turn it on in the options window.
- Ikina Bear: Fixed an issue where the bear's appearance would revert to its original appearance when moving around the room.
- Fixed an issue where the game would not display properly when screen sharing or recording.
- Changed UI layout of inventory slightly.
- Fixed a bug where the food data was sometimes not saved properly during campfire-save.
- Fixed a bug where the save data deletion did not work.
- The bug reprt system has been placed on the title screen. When you submit a report, the save files are also uploaded.
The difficulty of each stage of The Trial has been reduced.
Trial 1: Removed some of the spike traps, add a fairy spawn point
Trial 2: Slowed the fire trap projectile interval
Trial 3: Slight increase in the player health and stats
Trial 4: Slight increase in the player health
Fixed some bugs related to dungeon loading system.
- Improved touch control custom system.
- The default HUD for touch control has been changed.
- Optimized dungeon loading performance.
- Fixed some bugs.
Mobile Version Hot Fixes
- Improved Envyrok's trap pattern visibility on iPad resolution.
- Fixed a bug where the player sometimes freezes after using a skill.
Обновлена информация о локализации, игровые теги.
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