Желе для единорога Читы

Желе для единорога Взлом 4.0 + Чит Коды

Забавный кулинарный симулятор

Разработчик: Shake It
Категория: Развлечения
Цена: Бесплатно
Версия: 4.0
ID: com.shakeitmediainc.unicorn.slime.girl.games.for.free


Game screenshot Желе для единорога mod apkGame screenshot Желе для единорога apkGame screenshot Желе для единорога hack


Создатели суперпопулярной игры «Повар-единорог» приготовили для вас новую игру ЖЕЛЕ ДЛЯ ЕДИНОРОГА!

- Забавная игра в стиле «сделай сам» с МНОЖЕСТВОМ видов НЕВЕРОЯТНОГО ЖЕЛЕ!
- Новые виды желе КАЖДЫЙ МЕСЯЦ!
- Готовьте уникальные виды желе, такие как единорожное, светящееся в темноте, из жвачки, магнитное, зефирное, шампуневое, меняющее цвета, съедобное из «Нутеллы», съедобное из конфет Laffy Taffy и многое другое.
- Множество реалистичных инструментов для игры: чаши, лопатки, ложки, мерные чашки, тарелки, коробки для хранения, толкушка, фигурные насадки и многое другое.
- Самые разные материалы для создания желе: родниковая вода, белый клей, прозрачный клей, кондитерская сода, блестки, пищевой краситель, раствор для контактных линз, порошковый боракс, горячая вода, порошковый краситель, меняющий цвет, светящаяся краска, светящиеся блестки, шампунь, зефир, шоколад, конфеты, посыпка и многое другое.

Как играть:
- Используйте интерактивное управление.
- Следуйте рецептам по приготовлению желе.
- Смешивайте различные компоненты, чтобы создать уникальный вкус и цвет вашего желе.
- Украшайте желе красивой посыпкой, блестками и игрушечными единорогами.
- Храните желе в кладовой или в холодильнике.
- Ешьте съедобное желе, чтобы запустить радужную магию.

ВАРИАНТЫ ПОДПИСКИ на игру «Желе для единорога»:
Вы можете оформить подписку, чтобы играть БЕЗ РЕКЛАМЫ:
8,99 $ в неделю
После оформления подписки вы сможете отключить всю внутриигровую рекламу.
Оплата будет списана с аккаунта iTunes после подтверждения покупки.
Подписка продлевается автоматически, если ее не отменить минимум за 24 часа
до окончания текущего оплаченного периода.
С вашего счета будут списана стоимость продления подписки за 24 часа до завершения ее текущего периода.
Пользователь может управлять подписками и их автоматическим продлением в настройках своего аккаунта после покупки подписки.
В период действия текущего срока подписки ее отмена невозможна.
При наличии бесплатного пробного периода остаток его длительности будет добавлен к длительности подписки при ее покупке.
*Цены эквивалентны стоимости в долларах США в соответствии с матрицей цен App Store компании Apple.

На использование данного приложения распространяются Условия предоставления услуг, доступные по адресу https://www.shakeitmediainc.net/terms-of-use/.
Сбор и использование ваших данных осуществляется в соответствии с Политикой конфиденциальности, доступной по адресу https://www.shakeitmediainc.net/privacy-policy/.

Возникли сбои, зависания, ошибки? У вас есть комментарии или отзыв?
Поделиться с нами своими мыслями или идеями можно по адресу https://www.shakeitmediainc.com/contact-us/

Важное сообщение для покупателей:
- Загружая данное приложение, вы соглашаетесь с Политикой конфиденциальности в отношении приложения «Рецепты желе для единорога».
- Обращаем ваше внимание на то, что эта игра может содержать услуги третьих сторон в ограниченных целях, разрешенных законодательством.
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История обновлений

Better game performance
Dear Users,
New Slimes this week!
-Dalmatian Slime
-Gold Leaf Galaxy Slime
-Pirate's Booty Slime
-Rainbow Slime Waterfall
-Pink Kitty Make Up Slime
-Honeycomb Sponge Slime

Check our 2 NEW FUN and FREE games:

Unicorn Carnival Fair Food

Unicorn Restaurant

If you like our app, it means a lot to us if you rate us 5 stars!

Feel free to drop us a review or contact us as contact@shakeitmediainc.com

Shake It Team
Dear Users,
New Slimes this week!
-Dalmatian Slime
-Gold Leaf Galaxy Slime
-Pirate's Booty Slime
-Rainbow Slime Waterfall
-Pink Kitty Make Up Slime
-Honeycomb Sponge Slime

Check our 2 NEW FUN and FREE games:

Unicorn Carnival Fair Food

Unicorn Restaurant

If you like our app, it means a lot to us if you rate us 5 stars!

Feel free to drop us a review or contact us as contact@shakeitmediainc.com

Shake It Team
Dear Users,
New Slimes this week!
-Dalmatian Slime
-Gold Leaf Galaxy Slime
-Pirate's Booty Slime
-Rainbow Slime Waterfall
-Pink Kitty Make Up Slime
-Honeycomb Sponge Slime

Check our 2 NEW FUN and FREE games:

Unicorn Carnival Fair Food

Unicorn Restaurant

If you like our app, it means a lot to us if you rate us 5 stars!

Feel free to drop us a review or contact us as contact@shakeitmediainc.com

Shake It Team
Dear Users,
New Slimes this week!
-Dalmatian Slime
-Gold Leaf Galaxy Slime
-Pirate's Booty Slime
-Rainbow Slime Waterfall
-Pink Kitty Make Up Slime
-Honeycomb Sponge Slime

Check our 2 NEW FUN and FREE games:

Unicorn Carnival Fair Food

Unicorn Restaurant

If you like our app, it means a lot to us if you rate us 5 stars!

Feel free to drop us a review or contact us as contact@shakeitmediainc.com

Shake It Team
Dear Users,
New Slimes this week!
-Clay Balls Slime
-Crayon Slime
-Poop Slime Surprise Kit
-Doodle Balloon Slime
-Coke vs Pepsi Slime

Check our 2 NEW FUN and FREE games:

Unicorn Carnival Fair Food

Unicorn Restaurant

If you like our app, it means a lot to us if you rate us 5 stars!

Feel free to drop us a review or contact us as contact@shakeitmediainc.com

Shake It Team
Dear Users,
New Slimes this week!
-Clay Balls Slime
-Crayon Slime
-Poop Slime Surprise Kit
-Doodle Balloon Slime
-Coke vs Pepsi Slime

Check our 2 NEW FUN and FREE games:

Unicorn Carnival Fair Food

Unicorn Restaurant

If you like our app, it means a lot to us if you rate us 5 stars!

Feel free to drop us a review or contact us as contact@shakeitmediainc.com

Shake It Team
Dear Users,
New Slimes this week!
-Clay Balls Slime
-Crayon Slime
-Poop Slime Surprise Kit
-Doodle Balloon Slime
-Coke vs Pepsi Slime

Check our 2 NEW FUN and FREE games:

Unicorn Carnival Fair Food

Unicorn Restaurant

If you like our app, it means a lot to us if you rate us 5 stars!

Feel free to drop us a review or contact us as contact@shakeitmediainc.com

Shake It Team
-fixed a bug that crashes the app when a food is downloading
-fixed a bug that freezes the screen when game is played for too long
-further optimized battery usage

Dear Users,
New Slimes this week!
- Froot Loops Slime
- Donuts Slime
- Makeup Slime
- Unicorn Cupcake Slime
- Ice Cream Slime

Check our 2 NEW FUN and FREE games:

Unicorn Carnival Fair Food

Unicorn Restaurant

If you like our app, it means a lot to us if you rate us 5 stars!

Feel free to drop us a review or contact us as contact@shakeitmediainc.com

Shake It Team
Dear Users,
Wishing you a Happy 2020!

New Slimes!
- Froot Loops Slime
- Donuts Slime
- Makeup Slime
- Unicorn Cupcake Slime

Check our 2 NEW FUN and FREE games:

Unicorn Carnival Fair Food

Unicorn Restaurant

If you like our app, it means a lot to us if you rate us 5 stars!

Feel free to drop us a review or contact us as contact@shakeitmediainc.com

Shake It Team
Dear Users,
Wishing you a Happy 2020!

New Slimes! April 2020
- Skittles Rainbow Color Slime
- Cookie Dough Slime
- Rubber Band Slime
- Toothpaste Orbeeze Slime

Check our 2 NEW FUN and FREE games:

Unicorn Carnival Fair Food

Unicorn Restaurant

If you like our app, it means a lot to us if you rate us 5 stars!

Feel free to drop us a review or contact us as contact@shakeitmediainc.com

Shake It Team
Dear Users,
Wishing you a Happy 2020!

New Slimes! Jan 8th 2020
- Fanta Orange Slime
- Slime Stress Ball
- Ocean Slime

We also added 2 NEW FUN and FREE games for unicorn fans. Check them out now!

Unicorn Carnival Fair Food

Unicorn Restaurant

If you like our app, it means a lot to us if you rate us 5 stars!

Feel free to drop us a review or contact us as contact@shakeitmediainc.com

Unicorn Forever! Shake It Team
Dear Users,
UPDATES November 25th 2019
-Improved game performance
-Reduced battery usage
-Fixed Screenshots

We also added 3 NEW FUN and FREE games specifically for unicorn fans. Check them out now!

My Little Unicorn (super highly recommended)

Unicorn Chef: Baking

Unicorn Edible Slime

If you like our app, it means a lot to us if you rate us 5 stars!

Feel free to drop us a review or contact us as contact@shakeitmediainc.com

As always I read every review and email you send to us :)

Unicorn Forever! Shake It Team
Dear Users,
UPDATES November 23rd 2019
-Improved game performance
-Reduced battery usage
-Fixed Screenshots

We also added 3 NEW FUN and FREE games specifically for unicorn fans. Check them out now!

My Little Unicorn (super highly recommended)

Unicorn Chef: Baking

Unicorn Edible Slime

If you like our app, it means a lot to us if you rate us 5 stars!

Feel free to drop us a review or contact us as contact@shakeitmediainc.com

As always I read every review and email you send to us :)

Unicorn Forever! Shake It Team
Dear Users,
UPDATES November 13rd 2019
-Improved game performance
-Reduced battery usage

We also added 3 NEW FUN and FREE games specifically for unicorn fans. Check them out now!

My Little Unicorn (super highly recommended)

Unicorn Chef: Baking

Unicorn Edible Slime

If you like our app, it means a lot to us if you rate us 5 stars!

Feel free to drop us a review or contact us as contact@shakeitmediainc.com

As always I read every review and email you send to us :)

Unicorn Forever! Shake It Team
Dear Users,
UPDATES October 31st 2019
-Improved game performance
-Reduced battery usage

We also added 3 NEW FUN and FREE games specifically for unicorn fans. Check them out now!

My Little Unicorn (super highly recommended)

Unicorn Chef: Baking

Unicorn Edible Slime

If you like our app, it means a lot to us if you rate us 5 stars!

Feel free to drop us a review or contact us as contact@shakeitmediainc.com

As always I read every review and email you send to us :)

Unicorn Forever! Shake It Team
Dear Users,
UPDATES October 21st 2019
-Improved game performance
-Reduced battery usage

We also added 3 NEW FUN and FREE games specifically for unicorn fans. Check them out now!

My Little Unicorn (super highly recommended)

Unicorn Chef: Baking

Unicorn Edible Slime

If you like our app, it means a lot to us if you rate us 5 stars!

Feel free to drop us a review or contact us as contact@shakeitmediainc.com

As always I read every review and email you send to us :)

Unicorn Forever! Shake It Team
Dear Users,
UPDATES October 16th 2019
-Improved game performance
-Reduced battery usage

We also added 3 NEW FUN and FREE games specifically for unicorn fans. Check them out now!

My Little Unicorn (super highly recommended)

Unicorn Chef: Baking

Unicorn Edible Slime

If you like our app, it means a lot to us if you rate us 5 stars!

Feel free to drop us a review or contact us as contact@shakeitmediainc.com

As always I read every review and email you send to us :)

Unicorn Forever! Shake It Team
Dear Users,
UPDATES September 16th 2019
-Improved game performance
-Reduced battery usage

We also added 3 NEW FUN and FREE games specifically for unicorn fans. Check them out now!

My Little Unicorn (super highly recommended)

Unicorn Chef: Baking

Unicorn Edible Slime

If you like our app, it means a lot to us if you rate us 5 stars!

Feel free to drop us a review or contact us as contact@shakeitmediainc.com

As always I read every review and email you send to us :)

Unicorn Forever! Shake It Team
Dear Users,
UPDATES August 15th 2019
-Improved game performance
-Reduced battery usage

We also added 3 NEW FUN and FREE games specifically for unicorn fans. Check them out now!

My Little Unicorn (super highly recommended)

Unicorn Chef: Baking

Unicorn Edible Slime

If you like our app, it means a lot to us if you rate us 5 stars!

Feel free to drop us a review or contact us as contact@shakeitmediainc.com

As always I read every review and email you send to us :)

Unicorn Forever! Shake It Team
Unicorn Slime is finally out! Thank you all for your patience!

First off, thanks to all the users that have submitted reviews to us on our original Unicorn Chef and on our 2nd app Mermicorn Chef. We read every review and feedback and regularly apply your ideas and comments to our new games.

Unicorn Slime contains 8 diffiferent slime in the original release and new slimes will be released EVERY WEEK.

As always, we read every review and email, so you have any comment or feedback at all, feel free to contact us and I will reply you as soon as possible!

We have 2 other very popular apps, I recommend them to you:
Unicorn Chef

Merimicorn Chef

Thanks to all of you for writing reviews and showing your appreciation.
If you like our app, it means a lot to us if you rate us 5 stars.

Crash, Freeze, Bugs, Comments, Feedback?
Feel free to drop us a line at https://www.shakeitmediainc.com/contact-us/

Unicorn Forever!! Shake It Team
Unicorn Slime is finally out! Thank you all for your patience!

First off, thanks to all the users that have submitted reviews to us on our original Unicorn Chef and on our 2nd app Mermicorn Chef. We read every review and feedback and regularly apply your ideas and comments to our new games.

Unicorn Slime contains 8 diffiferent slime in the original release and new slimes will be released EVERY WEEK.

As always, we read every review and email, so you have any comment or feedback at all, feel free to contact us and I will reply you as soon as possible!

We have 2 other very popular apps, I recommend them to you:
Unicorn Chef

Merimicorn Chef

Thanks to all of you for writing reviews and showing your appreciation.
If you like our app, it means a lot to us if you rate us 5 stars.

Crash, Freeze, Bugs, Comments, Feedback?
Feel free to drop us a line at https://www.shakeitmediainc.com/contact-us/

Unicorn Forever!! Shake It Team
Unicorn Slime is finally out! Thank you all for your patience!

First off, thanks to all the users that have submitted reviews to us on our original Unicorn Chef and on our 2nd app Mermicorn Chef. We read every review and feedback and regularly apply your ideas and comments to our new games.

Unicorn Slime contains 8 diffiferent slime in the original release and new slimes will be released EVERY WEEK.

As always, we read every review and email, so you have any comment or feedback at all, feel free to contact us and I will reply you as soon as possible!

We have 2 other very popular apps, I recommend them to you:
Unicorn Chef

Merimicorn Chef

Thanks to all of you for writing reviews and showing your appreciation.
If you like our app, it means a lot to us if you rate us 5 stars.

Crash, Freeze, Bugs, Comments, Feedback?
Feel free to drop us a line at https://www.shakeitmediainc.com/contact-us/

Unicorn Forever!! Shake It Team
Unicorn Slime is finally out! Thank you all for your patience!

First off, thanks to all the users that have submitted reviews to us on our original Unicorn Chef and on our 2nd app Mermicorn Chef. We read every review and feedback and regularly apply your ideas and comments to our new games.

Unicorn Slime contains 8 diffiferent slime in the original release and new slimes will be released EVERY WEEK.

As always, we read every review and email, so you have any comment or feedback at all, feel free to contact us and I will reply you as soon as possible!

We have 2 other very popular apps, I recommend them to you:
Unicorn Chef

Merimicorn Chef

Thanks to all of you for writing reviews and showing your appreciation.
If you like our app, it means a lot to us if you rate us 5 stars.

Crash, Freeze, Bugs, Comments, Feedback?
Feel free to drop us a line at https://www.shakeitmediainc.com/contact-us/

Unicorn Forever!! Shake It Team
Unicorn Slime is finally out! Thank you all for your patience!

First off, thanks to all the users that have submitted reviews to us on our original Unicorn Chef and on our 2nd app Mermicorn Chef. We read every review and feedback and regularly apply your ideas and comments to our new games.

Unicorn Slime contains 8 diffiferent slime in the original release and new slimes will be released EVERY WEEK.

As always, we read every review and email, so you have any comment or feedback at all, feel free to contact us and I will reply you as soon as possible!

We have 2 other very popular apps, I recommend them to you:
Unicorn Chef

Merimicorn Chef

Thanks to all of you for writing reviews and showing your appreciation.
If you like our app, it means a lot to us if you rate us 5 stars.

Crash, Freeze, Bugs, Comments, Feedback?
Feel free to drop us a line at https://www.shakeitmediainc.com/contact-us/

Unicorn Forever!! Shake It Team
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Games for Kids
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IC405469417✱✱✱✱✱ 1D1ACC7✱✱✱✱✱
Full Access & Premium Weekly
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IC631672947✱✱✱✱✱ 68F2482✱✱✱✱✱
Full Access & Premium Yearly
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IC001165271✱✱✱✱✱ 248FCB4✱✱✱✱✱
Kids Games
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IC382915173✱✱✱✱✱ 395F1B0✱✱✱✱✱
Games for Kids
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IC841943344✱✱✱✱✱ 1A3CA43✱✱✱✱✱
Games for Girls
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4.6 из 5
1 526 Голосов


roblox .(ru),
Люблю эту игру
Можно чтоб был слайм сноу со всеми добавками которые вы хотите
Самая лучшая игра!но как можно играть со лизунами?
просто ужас
одна реклама ставлю 1 звезду
сплошная реклама нельзя даже по своему назвать слайм и возможности нулевые игра детализирована ужасно!!!и какой даун вообще будет точить карандаш и добавлять в слайм....типо норм вообще с ошметками играться!!?😡😡😡
Вишня и черника😺,

Deleted it right away. Payment everywhere!!
Реклама реклама и ещё раз реклама 😞😗
Все ок😘
Я прочитала отзывы и думаю что это игра понравится!!!!!!!
игра с плохим упровлением,
Пж исправить
Эй не честно! Фсе слаймы платные это что за безобразие?!
🐼игра ужасна там невозможно играть