- Bug fixes
- Minor UI Improvements
- A critical bug is fixed. Now everybody can access their lists without any problem.
- Minor UI improvements.
- Bug fixes and performance improvements.
Bug fixes and performance improvements.
We are happy to hear that you are trying to catch every unfollower with us.
We will help you with all of our resources in this tough journey.
With our latest update, enjoy a bug-free ride to catch all the unfollowers and be ready to unfollow them all.
If you have any problem with the app, don't forget that we reply within 24hours
We are happy to hear that you are trying to catch every unfollower with us.
We will help you with all of our resources in this tough journey.
With our latest update, enjoy a bug-free ride to catch all the unfollowers and be ready to unfollow them all.
If you have any problem with the app, don't forget that we reply within 24hours
We are happy to hear that you are trying to catch every unfollower with us.
We will help you with all of our resources in this tough journey.
With our latest update, enjoy a bug-free ride to catch all the unfollowers and be ready to unfollow them all.
In addition, we have made our logo more modern.
If you have any problem with the app, don't forget that we reply within 24hours
We are happy to hear that you are trying to catch every unfollower with us.
We will help you with all of our resources in this tough journey.
With our latest update, enjoy a bug-free ride to catch all the unfollowers and be ready to unfollow them all.
If you have any problem with the app, don't forget that we reply within 24hours.
We are happy to hear that you are trying to catch every unfollower with us.
We will help you with all of our resources in this tough journey.
With our latest update, enjoy a bug-free ride to catch all the unfollowers and be ready to unfollow them all.
If you have any problem with the app, don't forget that we reply within 24hours.
We are happy to hear that you are trying to catch every unfollower with us.
We will help you with all of our resources in this tough journey.
With our latest update, enjoy a bug-free ride to catch all the unfollowers and be ready to unfollow them all.
If you have any problem with the app, don't forget that we reply within 24hours.
We are happy to hear that you are trying to catch every unfollower with us.
We will help you with all of our resources in this tough journey.
With our latest update, enjoy a bug-free ride to catch all the unfollowers and be ready to unfollow them all.
If you have any problem with the app, don't forget that we reply within 24hours.
We are happy to hear that you are trying to catch every unfollower with us.
We will help you with all of our resources in this tough journey.
With our latest update, enjoy a bug-free ride to catch all the unfollowers and be ready to unfollow them all.
If you have any problem with the app, don't forget that we reply within 24hours.
We are happy to hear that you are trying to catch every unfollower with us.
We will help you with all of our resources in this tough journey.
With our latest update, enjoy a bug-free ride to catch all the unfollowers and be ready to unfollow them all.
If you have any problem with the app, don't forget that we reply within 24hours.
We are happy to hear that you are trying to catch every unfollower with us.
We will help you with all of our resources in this tough journey.
With our latest update, enjoy a bug-free ride to catch all the unfollowers and be ready to unfollow them all.
If you have any problem with the app, don't forget that we reply within 24hours.
We are happy to hear that you are trying to catch every unfollower with us.
We will help you with all of our resources in this tough journey.
With our latest update, enjoy a bug-free ride to catch all the unfollowers and be ready to unfollow them all.
If you have any problem with the app, don't forget that we reply within 24hours.
We are happy to hear that you are trying to catch every unfollower with us.
We will help you with all of our resources in this tough journey.
With our latest update, enjoy a bug-free ride (especially ios14) to catch all the unfollowers and be ready to unfollow them all.
If you have any problem with the app, don't forget that we reply within 24hours.
We are happy to hear that you are trying to catch every unfollower with us.
We will help you with all of our resources in this tough journey.
With our latest update, enjoy a bug-free ride to catch all the unfollowers and be ready to unfollow them all.
If you have any problem with the app, don't forget that we reply within 24hours.
We are happy to hear that you are trying to catch every unfollower with us.
We will help you with all of our resources in this tough journey.
With our latest update, enjoy a bug-free ride to catch all the unfollowers and be ready to unfollow them all.
If you have any problem with the app, don't forget that we reply within 24hours.
-- New and easy-to-follow user interface
-- Now, our users can learn when is the right time to post with the new analysis on likes per hour
- Совершенно новый интерфейс страницы аналитики
- Новый простой и элегантный дизайн графиков и круговых диаграмм
- Теперь наши пользователи могут узнать, какой день это лучший день, чтобы поделиться своими историями и постами с новой функцией круговой диаграммы
- Улучшение пользовательского интерфейса в соответствии с нашими пользователями, ВАШЕЙ, обратной связи :)
Исправлена ошибка:
- Сбой в аналитической странице фиксирован
--- Two new analysis types
Bug Fix:
- Sometimes the back buttons becomes invisible even though it is tappable.
- Sometimes user may not see average view per story
- Some texts are not readable in smaller inch screens