A girl finds a genie in a lamp.
But wait... The genie does not want to grant three wishes. This genie is only willing to offer advice to the girl.
But can a normal girl's actions be enough for all her dreams to come true?
If you wish to find out, then you can read - or listen to - or even watch the story as the adventure unfolds. This is only possible thanks to the augmented reality feature of the book!
You can download the book (free-of-charge!) by visiting: https://en.ruthfrendo.com/3-xewqat
Tifla ssib lampa bil-ġenju.
Iżda żomm… Il-ġenju mhuwiex bħal ġenji l-oħrajn li jwettqu tliet xewqat. Dan il-ġenju jkun lest biss li jagħtiha pariri biex il-ħolmiet tagħha jsiru realtà.
Imma’ tifla normali kif qatt tista’ twettaq dak kollu li tixtieq?
Jekk trid tkun taf, kulma għandek tagħmel hu li taqra – jew tisma’ – jew anki tara l-istorja. Dan kollu għax dan il-ktieb jaħdem bir-realtà awmentata!
Tista' tniżżel il-pdf tal-ktieb billi tidħol: https://www.ruthfrendo.com/3-xewqat