- remove the on-screen keyboard with a long-press on the toolbar, or with the "hideKeyboard" command.
- remove the toolbar above the keyboard with "hideToolbar" ("showToolbar" to bring it back on) or using Settings.
- virtual environments for Python: "python -m venv newDirectory" to create a new enviromnent, "source newDirectory/bin/activate" to activate it. "deactivate" to revert to the standard environment. Virtual environments are limited to user-installed packages.
- save and restore environment variables when a-Shell goes in the background, so virtual environments remain active over restarts.
- Vim sessions are saved and restored if the app goes in the background, but only if you activate the option in Settings (to avoid having users who cannot escape Vim).
- updated Python to 3.9.8, numpy to 1.22.
- fixed multiple bugs: with Vim, with config, with WebAssembly, with Python, ipython...
- Environment variables on the command line now work: "FOO=bin ls $FOO"
- Multiple bug fixes for Python mode in Vim
- More robust management of subprocess and their environment
- Multiple bug fixes
- new commands: ffmpeg, ffprobe, unrar.
- ffmpeg is compiled to Arm64 and uses hardware acceleration for fast conversion.
- iOS won't idle while a-Shell is running a command (good for long running commands).
- if you open an iCloud directory with pickFolder, a-Shell will download all files in this directory
- new commands: downloadFile and downloadFolder, to force downloading iCloud files.
- Shortcuts: You can run small python scripts or ImageMagick (convert) commands in extension.
- Improvements to lg2: lg2 merge --abort, lg2 reset --hard, documentation fixes
- multiple bug fixes.
- fixed several issues with sharing from the Files app or other apps.
- fixed issues with Shortcuts running in App when the App is not already running.
- fixed an issue where a-Shell was not using the system colors for foreground and background.
- lg2 (a git replacement) now checks for existing keys in .ssh/known_hosts
- new commands for lg2: lg2 submodule, lg2 apply.
- "delemark --all" will erase all current bookmarks (except the standard bookmarks: ~home, ~shortcuts, ~iCloud...).
- "exit" on iPhones also resets command history and current directory.
- ready for iOS 15.
- commands like vim and less now use an alternate screen, reducing clutter in the terminal.
- new gesture recognition: slide laterally to move the cursor, vertically to scroll. In Vim and less, slide to move the cursor.
- new command: lg2, a git-like command based on libgit2. clone, pull, push, rebase... from inside a-Shell.
- pwd now shows the compact definition of the path (~/Documents). pwd -P shows the long version.
- new permanent bookmarks: ~iCloud and ~cloud for the iCloud "a-Shell" folder.
- webAssembly files are executed even if they don't have the ".wasm" suffix.
- autocomplete works with "~/", environment variables and shortcuts.
- new interactive JavaScript interpreter: jsi.
- new Python module: regex.
- new option in Shortcuts: keep going even if a command returns an error code.
- new command: xxd for Hexadecimal dump.
- better management of "#!" in files. It now works with all commands and arguments.
- working directory and environment variables are preserved for each command and sub-command.
- bug fixes for lua, vim and ipython.
- fixed bugs with the WebAssembly interpreter that affected ffmpeg.
- improved aliasing. "alias vi vim" works now.
- webAssembly commands can now read text entered from keyboard.
- ssh, ssh-keygen, scp and sftp all use OpenSSH 8.5, with standard configuration files and key files.
- interactive sftp.
- no duplicate version of commands in auto-complete list
- prepares for switch to iOS 14.5
- minor bug fixes
- bugs fixes for improved stability
* You can refer to bookmarks in command arguments, using ~bookmarkName. "cp ~name1/file ~name2" will copy the file from one bookmarked directory to the other.
* "~shortcuts" refers to the shortcuts directory.
* New commands:
- play: play audio and video files, directly in the app. Supports picture-in-picture, and continues playing with the app in the background.
- view: preview files using iOS preview ability. Works with images, PDF, and any type iOS can preview.
- export for environment variables (like setenv, but with a different syntax: export name=variable)
- alias to rename commands: alias lm "ls -lhrt !* | more". Inside aliases, "!*" refers to all arguments, "!^" to the first argument.
- new command: sleep (seconds). It could be useful in combination with shortcuts.
- fixed an issue with ssh and running vim or less on the remote host.
- fixed several issues with webAssembly.
- new commands from the ImageMagick package: convert, identify... to create, edit and convert images.
- fixed an issue with help() in python and ipython.
- fixed several issues with man and mandocdb.
- fixed a major issue with Python packages.
- fixed an issue with Lua and standard output.
- new command: wol. Send wake-on-lan to other computers.