Anagram Classic Patience Взлом 1.0.8

Разработчик: 7 Minute Games Corporation
Категория: Игры

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Download Anagram Something for FREE now and play the latest and most exciting word game on your iOS device. Anagram Something is a word game where you have to find certain number of words based on the letters we provide you. We twist and swirl, warp and jumble the letters to make this word game more challenging. Every Scrabble and TextTwist mania fan will love playing Anagram Something!
Keep improving your spelling skill and vocabulary through our brain challenging game!

• FREE to play. Enjoy this jumble letters game anytime and anywhere on your device.
• Easy to understand gameplay for every text game mania.
• Over 400 levels of challenge. Search words and twist these letters to finish all the levels.
• Fun to play by yourself or play this boggle like TextTwist game with your friends and family as an exciting group activity!
• Beautiful minimalist game design that is appealing for word games mania of all ages.
• Start from the easiest word challenge level to the hardest ones.
• Search for words from the jumbled letters.
• Swirl or wrap the letters to help you find the words.
So, what are you waiting for? Use your brain to complete our challenge. Be a word twister! Never give up and try different combinations of letters before you quit!
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