Ayurveda Guru provides personalized Ayurvedic guidance to help you make lifestyle and dietary choices appropriate for your metabolism.
The applications includes:
•Integrated questionnaire to determine dosha/metabolic type
•Tables of appropriate foods and beverages by dosha/metabolic type
•Ayurvedic lifestyle and routine recommendations on the following topics: Arising, Bathing, Meditation, Massage, Exercise, Eating, Sex, Sleep, Clothing, Occupation, Spouse, Location
•Ayurvedic clock displaying the dominant Dosha type in nature with respect to both the user’s present local time and the season of the year.
Lifestyle Recommendations By Dosha Type:
Lifestyle choices serve as shield against undesirable outside influences and to create an internal environment that is conducive to health and well-being. Guidelines for the following categories will help to make lifestyle choices that will match your individual dosha type.
Daily Routine:
The foundation of a healthy immune system is a disciplined daily and seasonal routine, routines that take into account your personal constitution. Guidelines for the following categories will help to sculpt a routine that will match your individual dosha type.
Food & Diet:
Get fit and stay fit by eating a diet personalized for your dosha type. Table of appropriate foods include vegetables, fruits, meats, dairy, spices, beverages and more.
•Foods For Vata
•Foods For Kapha
•Foods For Pitta
•Food Combining
•Special Foods
•Hazard Items
Seasonal Clock:
Both the 24 hour day and seasonal year can be differentiated into the periods in which a particular dosha is predominant in nature. Knowing this and adjusting ones diet and routine accordingly is essential to maintaining a healthy body.
•Dosha by Season
•Dosha by Time of Day