How many times have you observed this scene in a youth baseball or softball game?
An infielder makes an amazing stop on a ground ball. It's the highlight of the kid's budding career to date. And then...NOOOOOO!!! Why did you throw it to THAT base? Or...why did you think you could just step on THAT base??! We've been over this in practice!
Fundamentals are crucial to understanding and playing baseball or softball. Chief among them: where are the force outs? Baseball Force Out Teacher is the perfect at-home supplement to any player or watcher's education.
The eight different baserunner scenarios are randomly presented, and this fun game-like app drills home the correct answers to one crucial question: Where are the force outs? Simply play it over and over until force outs are second nature!
Plus, if you're a coach looking to freestyle or elaborate on infield scenarios, the app has a handy whiteboard feature.