Added ability to choose the player color!
Added pickup item such as health restoring items (bandages & medkits), as well as invincibility item, which makes the player not take damage for limited time!
Optimized data being sent from, and received by player, so less data will be used to play the game, as well as decreased latency!
Brought back UDP connection for constantly sent packets, however have a backup TCP connection if UDP doesn't work, reducing latency.
Added many new cool sound & visual effects.
Added a minimap, that shows player locations.
Replaced health bar with a new cool visual & auditory health system (uses a heartbeat)
Got rid of stamina bar.
Added refresh button for the server menu.
Removed some implementations & UI elements that are not used.
Added new features and fixes!
Features: New player damage hit screens, more particle effects, new music.
Fixes: Connection issues and crashes, due to poor connections.