Birdathon Читы

Birdathon Взлом 1.5.2 + Чит Коды

Разработчик: Barry Langdon-Lassagne
Категория: Образование
Цена: Бесплатно
Версия: 1.5.2
ID: com.voyageropen.Birdathon


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Birdathon is a tool for recording your bird observations, organizing your bird checklists and sharing your birding adventures with others. Use Birdathon in the field to quickly record whether a bird is seen or heard and the number observed. The time and location of each observation is automatically recorded. You can adjust the location, time entries and the count of birds observed at any time to ensure your records are accurate.

Checklist maps display the locations of your observations. You can overlay county boundaries for every US state. You can add a range circle such as a 5MR (5-mile Radius) to your maps. You can import and overlay custom kml files onto your maps.

Your checklists can be viewed in taxonomic order, alphabetically, by rarity or as a timeline of birds in the order observed. You can enrich your checklist with field notes and add observations such as mammals, butterflies, wildflowers, etc., to make it into a rich record of your experience. You can organize your checklists into categories such as Day List, Year List, County List, Life List, etc., and assign color themes to your lists.

Bird species may be added and deleted from your lists at any time. You can create new checklist templates from your previous lists or import templates created by others. You can change which template is being used. You can import text files into Birdathon, making them into templates or new checklists.

Different export options for your checklists let you import into eBird or into another copy of Birdathon.

A Summary view aggregates bird observations from all your checklists across different time spans (week, month, year, etc.) and geographic locations, sorting the information in various ways. Summary maps and lists can be restricted to a specific geographic range. You can export Summary data into a csv text file or create a new checklist template from the Summary.

The bird species source data and other resources used in this app come from the following sources:

AOS Checklist derived from the American Ornithological Society's Checklist of North and Middle American Birds. Used with permission.

ABA Checklist derived from the American Birding Association's checklist of North American Birds. Used with permission.

Santa Clara County Checklist derived from the Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society's Santa Clara County, California Bird Lists, maintained by Brooke Miller. Used with permission.

World bird family names and world birds come from the Clements Checklist, from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s eBird/Clements checklist of birds of the world. Used with permission.

Alpha codes come from The Institute for Bird Populations’ Standardized 4- and 6-letter Bird Species Codes.

County boundary data is from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) TIGER/Line 2019 Shapefiles found on the United States Census Bureau's website at Boundaries should be used as general guidelines and not be considered precise. Note especially where county boundaries follow creeks, rivers, ridge lines and other natural features, and so are of much finer resolution than can be shown on Birdathon’s maps.

App Preview music "Carefree" by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

История обновлений

A few bug fixes for this release:
• The Clements Checklist of birds of the world was missing the following birds: Common Buzzard, Eastern Shrike-tit, Western Shrike-tit, Northern Shrike-tit, Olive-backed Forest Robin
• If you have a checklist with a bird whose common name changed in the latest Clements Checklist, Birdathon now does a better job of assigning those birds to the correct family. Previously most would show up as "Uncategorized" when sorting by Taxonomic order (Family). Some birds (such as species that were split) could not be categorized, so they may still appear as "Uncategorized." In those cases, you will need to determine the new common name
• You can now import bird lists that were saved from the Summary. The Summary only exports some of the information, so the new checklist created will only have that information

Happy birding!
Updated to the latest Taxonomy: Clements/eBird from August 2022. American Ornithological Society (AOS) Checklist 63rd from July 2022, Pyle's standard Alphabetic ("alpha" or "banding") codes from August 2022 and the Santa Clara County, California checklist from January 2023. Some bug fixes as well.
The latest taxonomy from Clements/eBird, AOS and ABA, smarter searches, more importing options and an "achievements" screen are the highlights of this update.

• New sort orders: You can now sort all your checklists by Species Count or by Theme (color) in addition to the previous List Type, Alphabetical, Created and Modified sort orders.
• Searches inside a checklist now ignore hyphens, apostrophes, and leading and trailing blank spaces, making it more resilient and easier to type. Thanks to a user who suggested this really useful feature!
• Achievements—when you tap on the checklist count at the top of the screen, you'll now see a few fun statistics, such as how many species and bird families you've seen. This feature was suggested by a user. Let me know how you like it and what statistics would be most interesting to track.
• Tapping the checkbox in a checklist now defaults to incrementing the observed count (you can disable this in Settings by turning off "Enable One Tap").
• New settings allow you to include/exclude family names and scientific names from searches within a checklist. This was also requested by a user.
• In the Settings screen, "About Birdathon" now shows the version, and is blue to make it clear it's a link to more information.
• When importing a straight text file of common names you can choose to create a list template or import as a filled-in checklist. The count will be 1 for each species and the date/time will be the time of the import. Files exported from Birdathon using "Export Summary to CSV" can also be imported as a template or a checklist.
• Downloaded eBird checklists can now be imported. Note that not all the data in an eBird checklist gets imported into Birdathon — most notably, the map location and the checklist comments are lost, as eBird doesn't export that information.
• Files on iCloud Drive that hadn't yet been synced with your device are now handled correctly.
• Switching templates in a checklist will now also update the custom rarity of already-observed birds if the new template contains custom rarities (e.g. the Santa Clara County 2021 Checklist). If the new template does not have a custom rarity for the bird, it's custom rarity will remain unchanged.
• The List Statistics (button at the bottom of a checklist) now shows you the list name and type. If you've overridden duration in the eBird Report window, the List Statistics will now also show you calculated vs reported duration.
• In the Summary view, the button for setting date ranges had stopped working. Thanks to a user for spotting this one!
• The Summary view now remembers the last date range you selected.
• Fixed a bug in Summary view where the date range calculations could incorrectly use non-bird observations or observations in checklists that had "Include in Summary" disabled.
• Fixed a bug on the iPod touch (and possibly other small-screen iOS devices) where the "Start" button was disabled when attempting to create a new checklist.
• Improved compatibility with iOS 15. This mostly means fixes for drawing or graphical layout of user interface elements
• There are lots of other little bug fixes, performance improvements and adjustments to make things look and behave nicely
• I am always looking for ideas on how to make Birdathon better and more useful for your checklisting needs. Please send feedback to [email protected] with your cool ideas, bug reports or just to say "hello" and let me know how Birdathon works for you.
Updated checklists, improvements to eBird export, better searching and lots of small improvements. See full list below.

Fixes include:
• Updated to ABA Checklist 8.0.8 (March 2021) and Santa Clara County 2021 checklist
• Checklist templates now includes Clements of Birds of the World, so you can easily make checklists with all 10,722 world species
• Searches will now match common name, family name or alpha code (aka 4-letter banding code). An option in Settings also lets you include scientific name in searches. Searches formerly only matched common name and alpha code
• Searching Birds of the World will also show bird names that match common name, family name or alpha code (aka 4-letter banding code). An option in Settings also lets you include scientific name in this search
• eBird export now lets you choose a latitude & longitude for the checklist if it can't determine a location (for example, if you have disabled Location Services)
• Show Scientific Name in list when a bird is selected
• Fixed a few bugs where importing checklists and checklist templates sometimes failed
• Fixed a bug where you couldn't email a checklist or eBird export if iCloud Drive was disabled
• Birdathon now asks if you want to create a checklist template when importing a .csv file
• If the imported .csv file's first line is a header, that line is now skipped
• For eBird exports, the Location Name in the file now includes the date and time to make it unique. This helps work around a bug in eBird where two checklists with the same name will be placed at the same location no matter what latitude & longitude is included
• eBird export now remembers more of your settings (e.g. "Yes" vs "No" and your checklist location), and you can view and edit your Checklist Notes in the export view. Changes to the notes are saved to the checklist
• Fixed a bug in the Date Picker where it would forget the new date if you dragged the view down instead of tapping "Done"
• The detail view for birds in a checklist now shows the alpha code (4-letter code) near the top of the screen
• You can now clear a location for a bird observation
• You can now change the date and time for timeline notes
• Fixed a bug where Birdathon would sometimes fail to import Custom KML and KMZ overlay files
• For imported checklists, the import information now shows at the top of checklist info (was near the bottom before)
• Other bits of tuning, refinement, cleanup and minor bug fixes
• Updated to the latest AOS (61st supplement, 2020) and ABA (v8.0.7, July 2020) checklists
• McCown's Longspur is now Thick-billed Longspur, as ruled by the AOS in August 2020
• Fixed a crashing bug when choosing Checklist Type on the eBird export screen on some devices
• Fixed a problem where you couldn't email a checklist if there was a "/" in its name
• In the Summary View, you can now choose a range of dates (including times) precisely to see a summary for that timeframe
• Fixed a bug where eBird exports contained distances in kilometers. EBird requires import files to use miles for distance
• In the eBird Report view, all settings are now remembered, and when you choose a checklist type (Traveling, Stationary or Incidental) your checklist is now set to be that type
• Export Checklist: You can now export a checklist summary as a .csv file for viewing in spreadsheets or importing into databases
• Export Checklist: You can now export Birdathon checklists and import into any copy of Birdathon. Export files are saved in .json format
• Enabled bulk exporting of all checklists under Settings. You can later import each checklist into any copy of Birdathon. Export files are saved in .json format
• Improved the user interface for adding notes to the timeline
• Fixed a bug where the bird detail said "No Locations" even when there were locations
• The French name will now show below the English name in the detail view for a bird, if available
Birdathon 1.4 contains many improvements and bug fixes and has been updated to use the latest ABA (v8.0.6 December 2019), AOS (60th, 2019) and Clements (August 2019) checklists. Major changes include:

US county boundaries are much more accurate and based on USGS 2019 Shapefiles. County lines now extend offshore. US territories are now included. You can now tap on a county to highlight it and see its name.

Maps can now display custom overlays in kml or kmz formats. Three custom overlays are included in Birdathon as examples. You can create new overlays in other applications, such as Google Earth, and import them into Birdathon. Maps can also now show traffic.

Exporting to eBird and creating email reports have been enhanced. For eBird export, you can now specify miles or kilometers for distance traveled, pick a list type (Traveling, Stationary, Incidental), set the location for the checklist, set the duration and preview the list of observations. For email, you have full control over what information is displayed: summary statistics, timeline, map, taxonomic list, etc., and have the option to export to a file instead of emailing.

The Checklist View now lets you add a number in the search field to easily bump the count of a species. For example, typing "10 blph" in the search field, then tapping on the seen button for Black Phoebe will increment the seen count by 10. Typing the number last, as in "blph 10," also works.

The species Detail View has been reorganized to highlight individual observations and allow you to add notes to each observation. Observation notes will be included alongside species notes in eBird and email reports. You can also easily switch an observation between seen & heard by tapping on the seen or heard icon. Setting the location of an observation by dragging a map pin is easier now and there is an option for typing in latitude & longitude.

Other changes:

• Main view now shows the total number of checklists at the top or the number of matching checklists during searches
• Can now switch templates after creating a checklist
• ABA Rarity and Custom Rarity now display when you tap on a bird name in the checklist
• Easier to add a bird from Clements Birds of the World
• Easier to add "spuhs," e.g. "blackbird sp."
• Easier to add an animal or other non-bird observation
• Tapping the list total at the bottom of the Checklist View now brings up statistics for your list (total species, total tally, time started, duration)
• Added a Setting to turn off section headers for Family (Taxonomic) and Alphabetic sorting
• Added a "One Tap" Setting that allows you to increment a bird by tapping the checkbox to the left of its name. Useful for quickly tallying birds in a checklist
• New icon
• Other bug fixes, performance and user interface improvements
Fixed a bug that can cause a crash when viewing checklists.
• Fixed the missing "Done" button when setting Rarity for a bird
• The search bar is now automatically shown when you create a checklist. You can change this in Settings
• For new users, the ABA Checklist is selected by default the first time a checklist is created (previously, no checklists were selected)
• Rearranged items in the New Checklist and Checklist Info views for easier list creation and modification
• County boundary lines are drawn slightly thicker, to better display in Satellite and Hybrid map views
• When uploading to eBird, the version of Birdathon is added to the comments
• Fixed a crashing bug that happens after searching all lists for a bird
• Fixed a problem where Uncategorized birds could cause a crash in the Summary view
• Improved error reporting for some types of errors
• Fixes to avoid potential crashes
• Other minor tweaks and changes
Improvements in Birdathon 1.3:
• You can now show county lines for any US county or for all counties in any US state
• You can draw a circle of specific radius around any point on a map, making things like 5MR (5-mile Radius) and CBC (Christmas Bird Count) circles easy
• Maps now aggregate nearby observations, reducing clutter and making them easier to read
• iPad is now supported
• Updated the ABA Checklist to version 8.0.5 (December 2018)
• Rotation is now supported for many views. This is especially useful for maps, note fields and email reports
• Checklists now remember which tab (All, Observed, Starred) you have selected
• When viewing checklists by Observed or Starred, searches now encompass the entire list. This is settable in Settings
• Reorganized Settings for easier customization of Birdathon
• There's a new color picker for choosing color themes for your checklists and a theme name is now shown
• You can now adjust the creation date and time when creating a new checklist
• Non-bird observations now show a count on the map
• You can now view a full-screen map when editing individual observations, making it easier to adjust the pin location
• A new debug setting lets you see the GPS accuracy of the observations recorded. Green rings around map pins for high accuracy, yellow for moderate accuracy and red for low accuracy. You can turn this on under Settings
• The Summary view has improved logic for restricting the range (now uses a circular range rather than rectangular) and shows a restricted-range circle on the map
• A bug in the Summary view where non-bird observations were always displaying on the map has been fixed
• When importing a checklist template, it now shows up immediately in the New Checklist view
• Updated the Santa Clara County Checklist to November 2018
• Lots of user interface cleanup, tuning and bug fixing
Bug fix release. Addresses the following issues:
• The summary view was blank when sorting alphabetically (if sorting last name first)
• Fixed incorrect species count for ABA v8.0.4 checklist template
• When the species count is > 999, show commas for the count at the bottom of the checklist
• Fixed a crash when deleting the only non-bird observation in a checklist
• Modified sort order of notes when viewing a checklist by Family or Alphabetically
This release has been updated to include the new ABA v8.0.4 checklist which adds Black-backed Oriole.

Other changes:
• You can now change the creation date for your checklists. This is useful if you are entering older checklists into Birdathon
• Added a few new color themes
• When sorting by List Type, added an index along the right edge for quick scrolling
• Some small bug fixes
In this release we have greatly expanded the built-in list of birds to cover the entire planet! Birdathon now references over 10,500 species from the August 2018 Clements Birds of the World. Also included are the updated AOS Checklist (59th supplement, released July 2018) and the ABA checklist version 8.0.3 (August 2018) update. Four-letter Alpha codes were updated using the Institute for Bird Populations list updated July 24, 2018.

We now support ordering lists by rarity. The ABA rarity codes for North American birds are included, and any checklist you create will contain those codes. In addition, you can set custom rarity for birds in your checklists. The built-in Santa Clara County Bird list includes custom rarity codes specific to the county. Any checklist with custom rarity codes will allow sorting by Custom Rarity as well as ABA Rarity. When you create checklist templates from checklists with custom rarity codes, new checklists made from those templates will contain the custom codes.

Alphabetical sorting of birds now defaults to sorting by “last name.” For example, “Black Phoebe” is sorted under “P” for “Phoebe.” Only birds are sorted this way: notes and non-bird observations are sorted by the first word. You can change bird sorting to "first name" behavior via a setting in the About box. Look for the gear icon in the upper left-hand corner after tapping “About.”

When sorting by Rarity, birds default to family (taxonomic) order within each rarity code, but this can be changed to alphabetical order via a setting.

Other changes in this release:
• Improvements to behavior when searching a list for birds - search results are now remembered even when you change sort order, and smart-quotes, accents and other diacriticals are handled intelligently
• When sorting the main list of checklists by type, you the number of checklists of each type is shown
• When importing checklists from a csv (text) file, Birdathon now ignores blank lines and turns “smart” apostrophes into regular apostrophes
• eMail reports now show family names in the taxonomic listing at the end of the email
• Many other small bug fixes, performance enhancements and improvements to the user interface

Visit for more details.
This release incorporates the new ABA 8.0.2 checklist (May 2018) with four new bird species added.

In the Map view, different colored pins now distinguish notes, non-bird items and indefinite birds from bird sightings.

In the Summary View, sorting by Family now organizes birds by observed count within each family.

Other changes:
• Fixed a bug in the Summary View where some birds can have a 0 or negative count when limiting geographic range
• Fixed a bug in the Summary View where indefinite birds show up in the map even when not shown in the summary
• Fixed a bug in the Summary View where old checklists sometimes displayed birds in the wrong family
• Summary View options text is no longer truncated on smaller iPhones
• Other small bug fixes and layout tuning
Global Search

You can now search all checklists at once for a specific sighting, answering questions like "When did I last see a Purple Finch?" Pull down on the list on the Main view to reveal a search field and type in a bird name. The lists containing that bird will be displayed. You can tap into a list and it will show the matches for your search.

Summary View

At the bottom of the Main view is a new icon for displaying a Summary of all your bird checklists. You can now answer questions like "What birds did I see in the past week, month, year, etc.?". The Summary view shows you all birds seen in a particular timeframe, which you can adjust for any length of time. Tapping on a bird shows you more detail such as dates observed, which lists contain observations of that bird and a map showing all locations where you've observed that species.

The Summary view also has options for including indefinite sightings (the ones where you tapped 'ID?') and non-bird sightings (e.g. butterflies, mammals, etc.) and a powerful feature for specifying the geographic range of the Summary. You can pick a location on a map and only show birds sighted within a specified distance (from 1/4 mile to 10 miles) from that location. This can be great not just for determining which species you've seen at a particular location, but for creating a checklist template for that location.

You can exclude a checklist from the Summary view by opening the checklist, going into Checklist Info and toggling the switch "Include List in Summary Views."

Export options let you save the Summary as a comma-separated-values (csv) text file and let you turn the Summary into a checklist. As an example, you could make a Summary of all the birds you've observed within a mile of a park, then create a template for that park so any time you visit in the future you can use your own custom checklist for that area.


A new setting lets you automatically clear the search field after entering data for bird observations. This makes it faster to do a common search-enter-search-enter style of entering observations. The setting can be found by tapping About in the Main view and then tapping the settings button (a small gear icon) in the upper left.

Other changes:
• When you change the name of a list, the new name shows up immediately
• Searching for birds whose name contains an apostrophe (') now works correctly
• In the Main view, the "+" button has been renamed to "New List"
• ABA Checklist version in the About box is now correct
• Fixed a bug where the year may display incorrectly on December 31
• Lots of little bug fixes and small refinements to the interface

Happy birding!
• Updated to the ABA Checklist v8.0.1 (added Chatham Albatross and fixed typos)
• "AOS" taxonomic ordering for lists is now called "Family"
• Ordering of species within families was incorrect in the AOS checklist; this has been fixed
• New checklists and imported checklists now inherit the correct ordering of species within families
• Incorporated the new American Birding Association (ABA) checklist version 8.0, released November 21, 2017
• Removed the Hawaii 2016 checklist now that the ABA checklist includes Hawaii
• You can now rename an imported template in the New Checklist view by swiping left and tapping 'Rename'
• Refinements to the email report: layout is improved and individual sightings are now listed for each bird
• Fixed a bug in the count totals for birds in the email report
• Fixed a crash that could happen when searching and scrolling a checklist

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Incredible Tip
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Amazing Tip
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