The purpose of this application is to determine the Blast Pressure acting on a structure based on TNT equivalence value for further analysis and design.
This application generates a full comprehensive report based on scaling laws, Hopkinson rule, Kinney and Graham values.
it will determine the following:
- Scaled Pressure
- Arrival and Duration time
- Overpressure Impulse
- Scales Peak Overpressure
- Scales Impulse Pressure
- Scaled duration time
- Shock Velocity
- Particule Velocity
- Peak Dynamic
- Peak Reflected Overpressure
- Reflected Time
- Over Pressure
- Net Pressure
- Shock wave GRAPH produced by Blast acting on wall at any time t
Material can be used in this application: TNT, Dynamite, Amatol, Compound B, HMX, Lead Azide, Mercury Fulminate, Nitroglycerin, PBX, PE4, Pentolite, PETN, RDX, Semtex, Tetryl
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