Приложение было обновлено компанией Apple, чтобы в нем отображался значок приложения Apple Watch.
Остров Hour of Code! Представлен на Code.org по адресу https://code.org/learn.
Отправляйся на новый таинственный остров и помоги Хиро изучить его! В этом весёлом мобильном курсе ученики отправляются в путешествие, которое было создано специально для проекта Hour of Code™. Решая занимательные задачки в тропических джунглях, ученики знакомятся со многими базовыми понятиями программирования.
Этот курс ученики могут проходить сами, он доступен бесплатно и подходит для детей от 6 лет (6+). Курс доступен на 27 языках. Hour of Code™ – это национальный проект от Computer Science Education Week и Code.org, призванный за один час заинтересовать миллионы учеников компьютерными науками и программированием.
=== Материалы для учителей ===
Получите план урока, руководство по решению и программу обучения для этого курса: https://boxisland.io/hourofcode
Thanks for playing Box Island! Version 2 of Box Island marks the full release of the game. It contains many significant improvements and new features, including:
* Improved coding gameplay that is even more engaging for kids!
* Redesigned gameplay interface that is super simple and intuitive
* Improved set of the 100 carefully crafted levels in the game
* Parents can now select between multiple coder profiles that unlock parts of the game
* New 3D model, animations and fun sounds for Hiro, the main character!
* 3D environments are now even more polished and new scenes have been added!
* The lively worldmap road now contains beautiful gates to help players on their learning journey
* New cinematic story part where Hiro finds new tools on the island
* New gameplay songs tailored to the story of the game
* In-game support for 27 languages, making Box Island a truly global experience
Thanks to all the players for making Box Island a reality!
* Significant stability and performance improvements
* 7 new in-game languages. There are now 27 in-game languages available!
- New: Croatian, Czech, Dutch, Greek, Hungarian, Polish, Ukrainian
* New story part added when conditional token is discovered
* Minor bug fixes
* Stability fixes
* Fixed rare networking bug when restoring purchases
* Bug fixed where upgrading from version 1.0.x to 2.0.x started the adventure on Box Island from the beginning
- After upgrading to 2.0.3 everyone should have their progress restored
Thanks for playing Box Island! This new version marks the full release of the game. It contains many significant improvements and new features, including:
* Improved coding gameplay that is even more engaging for kids!
* Redesigned gameplay interface that is super simple and intuitive
* Improved set of the 100 carefully crafted levels in the game
* Parents can now select between multiple coder profiles that unlock parts of the game
* New 3D model, animations and fun sounds for Hiro, the main character!
* 3D environments are now even more polished and new scenes have been added!
* The lively worldmap road now contains beautiful gates to help players on their learning journey
* New cinematic story part where Hiro finds new tools on the island
* New gameplay songs tailored to the story of the game
* In-game support for 20 languages, making Box Island a truly global experience
Thanks to all the players for making Box Island a reality!
* Bug fixed where upgrading from version 1.0.x to 2.0.x started the adventure on Box Island from the beginning
- After upgrading to 2.0.3 everyone should have their progress restored
* Fixed rare networking bug when restoring purchases
* Stability fixes
Thanks for playing Box Island! This new version marks the full release of the game. It contains many significant improvements and new features, including:
* Improved coding gameplay that is even more engaging for kids!
* Redesigned gameplay interface that is super simple and intuitive
* Improved set of the 100 carefully crafted levels in the game
* Parents can now select between multiple coder profiles that unlock parts of the game
* New 3D model, animations and fun sounds for Hiro, the main character!
* 3D environments are now even more polished and new scenes have been added!
* The lively worldmap road now contains beautiful gates to help players on their learning journey
* New cinematic story part where Hiro finds new tools on the island
* New gameplay songs tailored to the story of the game
* In-game support for 20 languages, making Box Island a truly global experience
Thanks to all the players for making Box Island a reality!
* Bug fixed where upgrading from version 1.0.x to 2.0.x started the adventure on Box Island from the beginning
- After upgrading to 2.0.3 everyone should have their progress restored
* Fixed rare networking bug when restoring purchases
Thanks for playing Box Island! This new version marks the full release of the game. It contains many significant improvements and new features, including:
* Improved coding gameplay that is even more engaging for kids!
* Redesigned gameplay interface that is super simple and intuitive
* Improved set of the 100 carefully crafted levels in the game
* Parents can now select between multiple coder profiles that unlock parts of the game
* New 3D model, animations and fun sounds for Hiro, the main character!
* 3D environments are now even more polished and new scenes have been added!
* The lively worldmap road now contains beautiful gates to help players on their learning journey
* New cinematic story part where Hiro finds new tools on the island
* New gameplay songs tailored to the story of the game
* In-game support for 20 languages, making Box Island a truly global experience
Thanks to all the players for making Box Island a reality!
* Bug fixed where upgrading from version 1.0.x to 2.0.x started the adventure on Box Island from the beginning
- After upgrading to 2.0.3 everyone should have their progress restored
Thanks for playing Box Island! This new version marks the full release of the game. It contains many significant improvements and new features, including:
* Improved coding gameplay that is even more engaging for kids!
* Redesigned gameplay interface that is super simple and intuitive
* Improved set of the 100 carefully crafted levels in the game
* Parents can now select between multiple coder profiles that unlock parts of the game
* New 3D model, animations and fun sounds for Hiro, the main character!
* 3D environments are now even more polished and new scenes have been added!
* The lively worldmap road now contains beautiful gates to help players on their learning journey
* New cinematic story part where Hiro finds new tools on the island
* New gameplay songs tailored to the story of the game
* In-game support for 20 languages, making Box Island a truly global experience
Thanks to all the players for making Box Island a reality!
Thanks for playing Box Island! This new version marks the full release of the game. It contains many significant improvements and new features, including:
* Improved coding gameplay that is even more engaging for kids!
* Redesigned gameplay interface that is super simple and intuitive
* Improved set of the 100 carefully crafted levels in the game
* Parents can now select between multiple coder profiles that unlock parts of the game
* New 3D model, animations and fun sounds for Hiro, the main character!
* 3D environments are now even more polished and new scenes have been added!
* The lively worldmap road now contains beautiful gates to help players on their learning journey
* New cinematic story part where Hiro finds new tools on the island
* New gameplay songs tailored to the story of the game
* In-game support for 20 languages, making Box Island a truly global experience
Thanks to all the players for making Box Island a reality!
* Hiro now collects the stars on the map in each level!
* UI updated for better user experience
* New fun story parts
* New 3d environments
* New songs
* New animations for Hiro
*Fixed rare networking error
*The World Map now correctly updates when the game has been unlocked
* Updated World Map with even more detail, it now has fun tropical wild life
* Levels have been expanded to 100
* Transitions between environments now include fun story segments
*The World Map now correctly updates when the game has been unlocked
* Updated World Map with even more detail, it now has fun tropical wild life
* Levels have been expanded to 100
* Transitions between environments now include fun story segments
* Updated World Map with even more detail, it now has fun tropical wild life
* Levels have been expanded to 100
* Transitions between environments now include fun story segments
* Bætt við takka í foreldraglugga til að hefja leik upp á nýtt alveg frá grunni.
* Ýmsar lagfæringar og aukin skilvirkni
Updated screenshots, video and keywords for the App Store page of the app.