Bright Path is a mobile health research tool designed to offer additional support to teens and adolescents in therapy and/or counseling for mental health and substance use concerns. The app includes information and activities about coping, mental health, substance use, communication, and healthy decision making. Access to online resources with further information about emotional and behavioral health is also available.
Development and evaluation of the Bright Path web-based mobile application is designed to target co-occurring problems, tailor content to patients’ specific needs, enhance patient treatment engagement, and contribute to lasting improvements in teens’ mental health.
Research Team: Pediatric Behavioral Health Development and Technology Research Lab
Director: Dr. Zachary Adams, Ph.D., HSPP
Funding: The app development and research is supported by the K23 Mentored Patient-Oriented Research Career Development Award (NIH/NIDA K23DA038257)
Partners: Indiana University School of Medicine (IUSOM) and HIT