- modified the registration system with SMS and WhatsApp
- bug fixes
- user interface and performance improvements
- bug fixes
1. Added ON/OFF button in the settings field
2. Added “busy” symbol if a user is in ongoing call, or in mute
3. You can invite friends by Whatsapp
4. Added the “support” button, in the settings field
5. Now BTTalk support two BTT Button connected to the same smartphone
6. Added compatibility with PTTDual and DualMike
7. Bug Fixing
We regularly update the App to improve it. Download the latest version to have all the features, improvements and bugs solution.
We have adapted BTTalk to the requests of the privacy, we profile our users to offer an even better service!
Thanks for using BTTalk!
1. New SMS Provider for BTTalk registration
2. Bug Fixing
We regularly update and improve the App.
Download the latest version and get all features, improvements and bug fixes.
Thanks for using BTTalk!
We regularly update and improve the App. Download the latest version to enjoy all the features, improvements and bug fixes.
Thank you for using BTTalk!
1. New user interface
2. New managing of music in combination with BTTalk Communication
3. Improved managing of BTTalk in Background
4. New MUTE function
5. New voice announcement
6. Bug Fixes
We regularly update the App to improve. Download the last version to have all features, improvements and bugs solution.
Thanks for using BTTalk!
- bugfixes
Who downloads BTTalk for the first time, or who’s redownloading it, will find the PTT on TOGGLE mode with 1 minute limit, so with one click on the display (or on the BTT Button), it will start the transmission and with a second click the transmission will finish. If the transmission will last more than 1 minute, it will end up by itself automatically. During the transmission, every 10 seconds, a brief sound will remind the user, to be in that status.
New graphic design.
Update the contact list manually, by scrolling down with the finger.
Now the contact list shows firstly all the users online and then the others offline.
Minor bug fixing.
1) Now is possible to send a notification to invite all the user of a group to join the conversation even if the app is not running
2) Now is possible to have the map in full screen
3) Option for the group Administrator to override any other active communication (the administrator has higher priority against other talking user).
4) Added a new audio codec for HD audio quality. Now is possible to choose which audio quality is used when you create a group. You have two option: Standard and HD
5) When the "PTT toggle" is active, you will hear a beep sound every 10 second to remind you that you are still transmitting
6) Now is possible to see the name of the person that is talking also in the map
7) New different beep sounds and alert sounds
8) Double click on the PTT button will send a “Call” sound alert to all the active user (like in the real Two way radio)
9) Now is possible to search for a user in the User list window
10) New icon on the main window with the audio connection quality level according to the telephone service connection (2G, 3G, 4G)
11) Restyling of the user interface
12) General bug fix
Improved Japanese translations
New method of registration for BTTalk. Now you will receive a sms with your own activation code, with no additional cost.
Improved BTTalk connection and disconnection command. Now is not necessary to kill the application from the phone OS.
Bug fixing when showing the position point on the map.
- Now is possible to delete your Account (and Groups)
- Now is possible to exit from a group
- New “slide" command to connect and disconnect from the server
- Improved stability with 2G/Edge connection
- Now is possible to choose “Audio queue” on/off and how many second of delay
- Improved stability when stereo music is playing
- Improved stability when the App is in background
- fix of problems on the user list
- fix of problems on the group list
- fix of problems during the registration procedure
- improved app stability
1. Solved a crash problem when you open the App, with some phones models.
2. Added the grey symbol of the headset, when it is not connected
3. If you click on the BTT button symbol, you can connect and disconnect it from the App.
4. Added function to keep the light screen always on
5. Added automatically reconnection of the BTT button
6. Added “HELP” page
7. General stability improvements