Приложение было обновлено компанией Apple, чтобы в нем отображался значок приложения Apple Watch.
Version 1.2
iOS 11 and iPhone X screen support.
Version 1.3
Bug fix for game board layout in iOS 9 and 10, minor typo fix in popup for new catchup rule.
Updated for iOS 11 and the iPhone X. New catchup rule available in Game Settings.
iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus support.
Language selection screen.
Credits fixes.
* fixed bug with incorrect winner name on game over screen (Sorry!)
* corrected title bar string on game screen
* added a setting to let you change who goes first in a vs AI game
* minor changes to text strings, mostly consistent capitalization of AI and Catchup (thanks go out to Martijn Althuizen for help with this work!)
* minor changes to Dutch localization
* relatively significant changes to the german translation
* fix for the "next game" button flashing after you take an async turn
* close the GameCenter UI if the app goes into the background
* misc additional minor bug fixes
Thanks again for playing Catchup!
This build fixes a really horrible bug with Game Center "invite" games ending as soon as they began. My apologies!!!
Thank you very much for playing Catchup!
v.0.9.3 details
* fixed "invite" games ending as soon as they are created
* number of "your turn" games is sometimes incorrect, (I need to reset all helper arrays when the UI opens)
* crashing bug when you delete an async game in which it is your turn, start a new one, then click next game after taking your turn (need to re-create all the arrays in the async helper)
* swapped positions of share and close on the game over screen.
* added a new "use english instead of XXX" button for non-english localizations
* lots of fixes for Dutch translation text, some english ones
* credit for Dutch translator in English localization
* dutch (nl) translation
* minor change to make one of the tutorial steps a bit more consistently worded
* Русская локализация
* Немецкий локализация
* Экран настроек: удалить местного сохраненную игру при смене ручного уровень AI
* Исправлена ошибка с учебник шаге 3 не получает отображается
* Сделано popover текст прокручивать при необходимости
* Переведены еще несколько строк для всех локализаций
нового в 0.8.x
* Традиционный китайский локализации
* Добавлен HSB ползунки для цветной экран, очищены UI
* Исправлен вылет в IOS 6
- Spanish, Simplified Chinese, and French localization
- Added a link to the game rules from the game menu
- Lots of bugs fixed in prep for launch!
Fixed crippling bug starting Game Center async games. Localized rules text. A few other minor formatting and bug fixes.
...more hexagons!