Consolidate Читы

Consolidate Взлом 2.6.3 + Чит Коды

Разработчик: Nicholas Baughan
Категория: Производительность
Цена: Бесплатно
Версия: 2.6.3
ID: com.baughan.Classes


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Consolidate helps students to plan and track their learning and studying.

1. Plan Your Studies
• List all the lessons you need to learn for your course.  
• Add learning outcomes, useful links, and notes.
• Organise and filter lessons using categories.

2. Track Your Learning
• Document whenever you study each lesson.
• Note down what you did well, and what you need to work on.
• Self-evaluate your progress using a traffic-light system.

3. Adapt Your Revision
• As you track your learning, get an overview of your progress to guide future studying.
• Easily see which lessons you understand well and which ones need more work.

# Designed for Apple Platforms
• iCloud sync
• Multiple windows
• Widgets
• Siri Shortcuts
• Apple Watch App
• Apple Watch Complications
• Light and Dark Mode
• Accessibility: VoiceOver, Dynamic Type
• Calendar import
• Spotlight

История обновлений

Consolidate 2.6.3 contains enhancements to adding lessons and bug fixes.

# Adding Lessons
• Controls for adding a lesson now appear as a popover on iPadOS and a resizeable sheet on iOS, allowing you to view and interact with the list behind.
• Choose to keep the popover/sheet open when adding lessons, allowing you to easily add multiple lessons at once.

# Bug Fixes
• Fixed: The app would crash when trying to view the list of lessons on iOS 17.
Consolidate 2.6.2 contains enhancements to existing features, bug fixes, and behind-the-scenes improvements.

# Enhancements
• Drag a lesson onto a category to add the lesson to that category on iOS 17 and iPadOS 17.
• Drag a category onto a lesson to add the lesson to that category on iOS 17 and iPadOS 17.
• When using Stage Manager, drag a category or lesson to an empty space to open it in a new window on iOS 17 and iPadOS 17.
• Drag a category or lesson to the side of your screen to open it in Split View on iOS 17 and iPadOS 17.
• The filter lessons menu now shows as a popover on iPadOS.
• The Add/Edit tag screen now shows as a popover on iPadOS.
• The Add/Edit tag screen has been re-organised to group colour controls together.

# Bug Fixes
• Fixed: Importing events from your calendar would not work on iOS 17 and iPadOS 17.
• Fixed: When using Handoff to switch devices, the category, course, or lesson you were working on would not load.
• Fixed: When minimising a window or returning to the Home Screen, re-opening the window would sometimes fail to restore the previous state.
• Fixed: The Progress and Countdown widgets would always show the ‘Progress’ heading, even when there were no lessons in the category/course.
Version 2.6.1 adds support for iOS 17, iPadOS 17, and watchOS 10, and fixes bugs introduced in version 2.6.

# New Operating Systems
• Consolidate is fully compatible with the latest Apple operating systems.

# Improvements
• The ‘Study’ section has been renamed to ‘Progress’.

# Bug Fixes
• Fixed: The progress chart would sometimes appear too small and clip text.
• Fixed: Deleting a learning outcome would not reorder subsequent outcomes.
Consolidate 2.6 (formerly Classes) brings a new name, improved support for iOS/iPadOS 16 and watchOS 9, and several improvements to the user experience.

# Support for iOS/iPadOS 16
The latest operating system powers features such as charts, title menus, and customisable toolbars.

# Lesson Browsing
• Browse lessons in a multi-column table on iPadOS. Quickly sort lessons by title, date, study date, study count, and evaluation.
• Customise the toolbar to show the controls you use most frequently.
• Context menus now work on all selected lessons.
• Search the current view or all lessons in the course

# Updated Lesson Details View
• New layout design shows more of your content at once and adapts better to larger screens.
• View how your self-evaluation has changed over time using the new chart.
• Edit all lesson details from one place.
• Removed the suggestions section.

# Visual Design Updates
* New colour scheme throughout the app
• New app icon
• Reorganised the Settings page
• Bold, colourful headings are consistently used.
• A new information view.

# Other Improvements
• Better support for entering link URLs.
• Learn how Consolidate keeps your data safe and how to export/delete your data from the settings screen.
• View iCloud sync progress
• Fixed: The lessons toolbar would not dismiss when returning to the category list.
Classes 2.5 adds many refinements and polishes to existing app features. Many improvements have been made to accessibility, usability, visual design, and app customisation. Classes 2.5 now requires iOS/iPadOS 15, watchOS 8, or later.

# Accessibility Improvements:
• When ‘Differentiate Without Colour’ is turned on within your device’s accessibility settings, Classes will show a number beside lessons to show its evaluation, rather than relying on colour alone
• The icons within the lesson list are larger and more easily readable
• Improved the wording of VoiceOver accessibility hints for several controls
• Added help hints for more controls and elements displaying information
• Added a label for the show statistics button to improve discoverability

# New Features
• Swipe lessons to delete or mark them as completed
• Added swipe actions to delete and edit categories
• Added a course countdown complication for the Apple Watch Modular, Modular Compact, and Infograph Modular faces
• Click on the deadline date to change the date style

# Usability Improvements:
• Deleting courses, categories, and lessons will show a confirmation dialog, to prevent accidental deletion
• The menus for changing a course and editing the options for the current course have been merged, to reduce confusion with course settings and the main app settings
• When deleting a category, added the option to also delete the lessons belonging to this category
• When completing multi-step tasks, such as importing lessons from your calendar or creating a category, swiping down will no longer dismiss the screen, to prevent accidental cancellation
• The default course shown when adding Widgets and Siri Shortcuts actions will respect the default course selected within the main app
• Creating a course will cause the new course to be selected within the app automatically
• On iPadOS, the ‘All Lessons’ list will show before selecting a category, instead of a blank screen

# Visual Design Improvements:
• Marking a category as favourite is now smoothly animated within the category list
• Updated the course & categories help screen
• Updated the background of the statistics screen to fit in better with the visual design of other parts of the app
• Added a splash of colour to the Add Category and Add Course screens
• Updated the button styles for course and category suggestions
• Updated the symbol to represent lesson evaluations
• Improved font weight of several symbols and text labels

# Customisation Options:
• Added the option to remove badges in the category list
• Added the option to remove the lesson evaluation summary in the category list

# Bug Fixes
• When running the 'Create Lesson' shortcut, it was not possible to assign zero categories to the lesson when prompted by Siri
• The colour of study sessions in Apple Watch were always green, regardless of its true evaluation

# Behind the Scenes
• Streamlined unused code to reduce app size
• Removed code for older, unsupported operating systems to reduce app size and prepare for newer operating systems
• Restructured duplicate code to reduce app size and increase reliability
Classes 2.4.1 is a minor update with crucial bug fixes and improvements.
• Fixed a bug causing an immediate crash when opened on older versions of iOS/iPadOS
• Added search support for lessons on Apple Watch
• Added support for Quick Look, enabling rich previews of categories and lessons when using Spotlight
• Fixed a bug where selecting a category from Spotlight would not load it within the app


Classes 2.4 is a major update with many new features, including support for the Apple Watch, a redesigned lesson details view, and a new app name & icon.

# New App Name and Icon
The app name and icon have been changed to reflect the many changes to Classes over the past year. The basic paper and coffee idea has remained, however the improved notebook makes the appʼs function clearer, and the colours match those used throughout the app.

# Apple Watch App
A streamlined, independent version of Classes has been designed for the watch to help you study on the go!
• Browse lessons and categories from all courses to see what topics you have to learn
• View learning outcomes and other lesson details
• Mark lessons as 'attended'
• Add study sessions to quickly document your studying
• Run Siri Shortcuts locally from your watch, including when your iPhone is not nearby
• Pick up on iPhone, or iPad, using Handoff

# Updated Detail View
The new lesson details view provides a number of improvements, including:
• Bolder headings
• Collapsible sections
• Clearer, bordered buttons
• A more optimised layout for iPad.

# Spotlight Search
All lessons and categories are now indexed in Spotlight. Quickly find your lessons alongside results from other sources, and open them within the app.

# Improved Learning Outcomes
• When adding outcomes, automatically remove bullet points/numbers which may have been copied over.
• Reorder outcomes after they have been created.

# Defaults…
Speed up your workflow by setting the default lesson and study type for new items.

# Lesson Suggestions
A new study suggestions section provides:
• Study hints for each of your lessons help you learn
• A guide for new users, to help them get started with the app's features

# VoiceOver
Improvements to VoiceOver, ensuring that all controls have accessibility labels and hints

# Other Improvements and Fixes
• New ‘Seminar’ lesson type
• Streamlined Add Lesson workflow
• Streamlined Add Course workflow
• Fixed course settings menu on iOS/iPadOS 14
• Better handling for numbered lessons within the list when sorting alphabetically
• Better performance when scrolling the lesson list
Classes 2.4 is a major update with many new features, including support for the Apple Watch, a redesigned lesson details view, and a new app name & icon.

# New App Name and Icon
The app name and icon have been changed to reflect the many changes to Classes over the past year. The basic paper and coffee idea has remained, however the improved notebook makes the appʼs function clearer, and the colours match those used throughout the app.

# Apple Watch App
A streamlined, independent version of Classes has been designed for the watch to help you study on the go!  
• Browse lessons and categories from all courses to see what topics you have to learn
• View learning outcomes and other lesson details
• Mark lessons as 'attended'
• Add study sessions to quickly document your studying
• Run Siri Shortcuts locally from your watch, including when your iPhone is not nearby
• Pick up on iPhone, or iPad, using Handoff

# Updated Detail View
The new lesson details view provides a number of improvements, including:
• Bolder headings
• Collapsible sections
• Clearer, bordered buttons
• A more optimised layout for iPad.

# Spotlight Search
All lessons and categories are now indexed in Spotlight. Quickly find your lessons alongside results from other sources, and open them within the app.

# Improved Learning Outcomes
• When adding outcomes, automatically remove bullet points/numbers which may have been copied over.
• Reorder outcomes after they have been created.

# Defaults…
Speed up your workflow by setting the default lesson and study type for new items.

# Lesson Suggestions
A new study suggestions section provides:
• Study hints for each of your lessons help you learn
• A guide for new users, to help them get started with the app's features

# VoiceOver
Improvements to VoiceOver, ensuring that all controls have accessibility labels and hints

# Other Improvements and Fixes
• New ‘Seminar’ lesson type
• Streamlined Add Lesson workflow
• Streamlined Add Course workflow
• Fixed course settings menu on iOS/iPadOS 14
• Better handling for numbered lessons within the list when sorting alphabetically
• Better performance when scrolling the lesson list
Classes 2.3.1 is a minor update with bug fixes.

• Fixed a bug which prevented deleting a category on iOS/iPadOS 15.
• Fixed a bug where the screen would move back to the lesson list unexpectedly when editing the title of a lesson.
Classes 2.3 is a major update which adds support for Siri Shortcuts, more capable lesson filtering, and many more features and improvements.

# Siri Shortcuts
Interact with common actions through Siri and the Shortcuts app.
Available actions: Create Lesson, Create Category, View Category.
Siri can learn from your habits to suggest actions on your lock screen and within Spotlight search. Create multi-step shortcuts, interacting with other apps.
E.g., Set-up a workflow to automatically import events from your calendar as lessons in a new category.

# Filters
Filter lessons by multiple criteria to find exactly the lessons you are looking for. Current filters: Category, Lesson Type, and Difficulty’.
E.g., show only ‘Lectures’ with categories ‘Renal’ and ‘Important’ and difficulty ‘Not Studied’.

# Say Hello to Categories!
‘Tags’ have been renamed to ‘categories’ based on user feedback. This will hopefully make it easier to understand how they are used.

# List Redesign
The design of the list rows and header have been made bolder and clearer.

# Widget Improvements
The visual design of widgets has been improved to use colour more selectively. This improves legibility, especially in dark mode.
Widgets will be automatically inserted and rotated to in configured Smart Stacks based on your app usage.

# Sidebar Improvements
The sidebar has been simplified to only show favourite and standard categories. Previous options (e.g., lesson types) can be accessed through the new filtering feature.
The change course menu has been moved inline with the sidebar content.

# Aesthetic Improvements
The design of many views have been updated to adopt modern iOS/iPadOS best practices.
Classes: for Medical Students 2.2.4 contains bug fixes and performance improvements.

• Notes editing workflow — notes are edited in a separate full-screen view to improve performance, maximise the amount of text shown, and allow you to discard changes
• Add link view — the help text has been rewritten so that it is more concise
• Changed the list style to optimise for long lists and smaller screens, and match best practice

• Adding a link would cause the app to crash
• The title "Edit Link" would be shown when adding a link
• Swiping a lesson to delete would result in the incorrect lesson being deleted when the list was not sorted by date. This feature has been temporarily removed to be fixed and will be added again in a future update.

Thank you to everyone who made me aware of these bugs and gave suggestions for improvements!
Classes: for Medical Students 2.2.3 contains improvements to the lesson list and bug fixes.

• Date Changes — within the lesson list, dates will use relative terms such as 'Today' and 'Yesterday'. Dates will show in red if the lesson is overdue.
• Alphabetical Groupings — when sorting lessons alphabetically, lessons are now grouped into sections using their starting letter.

The following bugs have been fixed:
• Editing a link would result in a new link being created
• When editing a tag, the tag's title would not appear until the text field was selected
• After editing a link, the link would not update until reloading the lesson details view

Thank you to everyone who made me aware of these bugs and gave suggestions for improvements!
Classes: for Medical Students 2.2.2 contains many small, convenient features to make the app easier to use.

• A redesigned duplicate function lets you easily make multiple copies of a lesson. You can choose which info to be copied over, e.g. links which are relevant to multiple lessons.
• There are numerous new ways to instantly launch the app directly to a particular tag or filter. These include: dragging an item from the sidebar to the edge of the screen, using Handoff to resume your session from other devices, through Spotlight search, and using Siri Shortcuts.

• Navigation on iPhone and iPad is more intuitive. Lesson details no longer appear from the bottom, but from the right — similarly to most other apps.  
• The full summary and statistics for the current view is now accessed by tapping the colourful summary details section at the top of the list, allowing for a simplified toolbar.
• The new full-screen lesson details view uses multiple columns. Information is easier to read, and more of it is shown on larger displays.
• There is a redesigned picker when selecting the duration of a study session. The minute and hour pickers are combined, making it easier to choose durations most commonly used for studying.
• Icons have been added to the sort menu.
• New buttons are in the lesson details view which let you duplicate, share, and delete lessons more easily.
• Widgets now open to their respective part of the app.
• iPad pointer support within the lesson details view has been improved.
• Import from Calendar — an easy method of adding lessons from events in your device's calendar. This will automatically transfer dates, locations and notes!
• Import from File — a new option within the add menu allows you to import lessons from a backup file much more easily.
• Siri Shortcut Support — Siri will learn which lessons you view frequently, and make proactive suggestions. You can use the Shortcuts app to create custom workflows to view these lessons.

• Redesigned the lesson import workflow, to make the view less cluttered.
• On iPad, 'All Lessons' is selected by default when you open the app, rather than showing a blank screen.

• Fixed a bug with the layout of lesson details on iOS/iPadOS 14.
• Fixed a bug whereby the selected course would not update after changing it on iOS/iPadOS 14.
• Fixed a bug causing incorrect toolbar layout when swiping a lesson to delete.
• Redesigned App Navigation — a simpler, more intuitive navigation system has been implemented, using native iOS elements to fit in with the system.
• Search* — a highly requested search feature within the app allows you to rapidly find the lesson you are looking for.
• Refined Lesson Details — after selecting a lesson, you can view all of the relevant information in a redesigned, clearer grid. All sections have been amalgamated into one screen, so you can see information together with fewer presses.
• New Course Selection — switching between courses is now achieved in a smaller, transient interface. This allows the screen to be filled more efficiently with the content of a single course. Hold down the course name to quickly change course.*
• Drag and Drop Lessons — drag and drop lessons onto the tags in the sidebar to organise your curriculum more naturally and quickly.

• Destructive buttons, such as for deleting items, now show in red within menus, to help you to determine their action more easily.*
• Sort Lessons Menu More Prominent — on smaller screens, the sort lessons picker has been moved to the main toolbar, making it more discoverable and accessible.
• New Filters — New options in the redesigned sidebar allow you to filter lessons by lesson type, percentage of learning outcomes written, and attendance.
• Swipe Actions* — Swipe right on tags in the sidebar to quickly add and remove them from the favourites section.
• Edit Study Sessions — Edit the notes, evaluation and date of study sessions by selecting or touching and holding one of the bars within the graph.
• Redesigned List Header — the statistics view above the list of lessons is more compact, allowing you to see more lessons on smaller devices.

• Fixed a crash on iPadOS 14 when trying to add a study session from the button within the lessons list.
• Fixed a bug whereby you were unable to add a new course after opening the app for the first time.

* Requires iOS/iPadOS 15 or later
• Added support for iOS 15
• Added support for iPadOS 15
• Improved the feedback buttons within Settings

• Fixed a bug where you couldn't add a link to lessons
• Added support for iOS 15
• Added support for iPadOS 15
• Redesigned filtering on iPad, making use of the bigger display

• Fixed a bug whereby pressing 'Choose Tag' or 'Choose Date' resulted in a tiny view
• Redesigned filtering, with new options to filter by date range.
• New widgets allow you to view information about your course and tags from the Home Screen.
• View attendance information within the lessons view.
• Added Spotlight search support, allowing you to search for lessons by swiping down on your Home Screen.
• Added Handoff support, allowing you to easily pick up from where you left off on other devices.

• Adjust course information from the ... menu in the upper right.
• Improved toolbar layout to maximise space and improve clarity.
Version 2.0.3:
• When viewing lesson details, it simplified to only 2 sections: 'Organise' and 'Learn'
• Editing tags in a lesson can be done in the 'Organise' section.
• Learning outcomes can be found in the 'Learn' section
• New text explains how each component of the 'Learn' section works
• When viewing lessons in a list, there is now a label showing the action of the buttons

Version 2.0.2:
This build has minor improvements and bug fixes for version 2.0.

• The term 'classes' has been renamed to 'courses' to aid understanding of this feature
• The icon for courses has been changed to a folder
• Tags can now be added from the sidebar/first screen, underneath their respective course
• When adding/editing a tag or lesson, you can now see its respective course
• All lessons is selected by default when expanding a course on iPad
• New help tip shows when no lessons are selected
• The confidence graph now shows under tag names in the first screen/sidebar
• After expanding a course in the sidebar, 'All lessons' is automatically selected

• Fixed a bug whereby adding a lesson would crash the app when dismissing the view halfway
Version 2.0.2 (scroll down for version 2.0):
This build has minor improvements and bug fixes for version 2.0.

• The term 'classes' has been renamed to 'courses' to aid understanding of this feature
• The icon for courses has been changed to a folder
• Tags can now be added from the sidebar/first screen, underneath their respective course
• When adding/editing a tag or lesson, you can now see its respective course
• All lessons is selected by default when expanding a course on iPad
• New help tip shows when no lessons are selected
• The confidence graph now shows under tag names in the first screen/sidebar
• After expanding a course in the sidebar, 'All lessons' is automatically selected

• Fixed a bug whereby adding a lesson would crash the app when dismissing the view halfway

Version 2.0:
Classes 2.0 is completely redesigned to help medical students organise their learning and revision.

Classes has a brand new user interface. It is clean, clutter-free, to help you easily find the information you need. There is a newer colour scheme with more contrast to make it easier to see interactive elements. Increased use of colour throughout the app helps you identify your lessons and build associations with your tags.

There are more powerful ways to organise and find your content:
• Support for adding multiple courses to separate lessons from different years, semesters, or subjects
• Add tags as favourites for easy access
• View all untagged lessons
• Easier, more functional sharing workflow to send lessons to other people

Classes now acts as a 'retrospective timetable' — a powerful way to track your study progress in all your lessons, allowing you to optimise your time by prioritising what needs the most work.
• Document the dates and durations you study each of your lessons, to monitor what hasn't been revised in a while
• Note down what you did and next steps, to make your next studying more focussed and worthwhile
• Track how confident you feel you understand each lesson whenever you study it, using an intuitive traffic-light system. This allows you to view your progress and prioritise lessons which need the most work

Feedback welcome!
Version 2.0.1 (scroll down for version 2.0):
This build has minor improvements and bug fixes for version 2.0.

• New warning dialogue when deleting a class
• Improved state restoration when switching between apps
• Easily access tag actions from the top of the screen when viewing a tag
• Added option to show a default class when creating a new window
• Drag learning outcomes to reorder them
• New actions when right-clicking on a learning outcome
• New actions when right-clicking on a link
• More compact picker for switching between list and statistics.

• Fixed a bug where buttons would not work when right clicking on a lesson.
• More descriptive title of the window when viewing multiple tabs.

Version 2.0:
Classes 2.0 is completely redesigned to help medical students organise their learning and revision.

Classes has a brand new user interface. It is clean, clutter-free, to help you easily find the information you need. There is a newer colour scheme with more contrast to make it easier to see interactive elements. Increased use of colour throughout the app helps you identify your lessons and build associations with your tags.

There are more powerful ways to organise and find your content:
• Support for adding multiple classes to separate lessons from different years, semesters, or subjects
• Add tags as favourites for easy access
• View all untagged lessons
• Easier, more functional sharing workflow to send lessons to other people

Classes now acts as a 'retrospective timetable' — a powerful way to track your study progress in all your lessons, allowing you to optimise your time by prioritising what needs the most work.
• Document the dates and durations you study each of your lessons, to monitor what hasn't been revised in a while
• Note down what you did and next steps, to make your next studying more focussed and worthwhile
• Track how confident you feel you understand each lesson whenever you study it, using an intuitive traffic-light system. This allows you to view your progress and prioritise lessons which need the most work

Feedback welcome!
Classes 2.0 is completely redesigned to help medical students organise their learning and revision.

Classes has a brand new user interface. It is clean, clutter-free, to help you easily find the information you need. There is a newer colour scheme with more contrast to make it easier to see interactive elements. Increased use of colour throughout the app helps you identify your lessons and build associations with your tags.

There are more powerful ways to organise and find your content:
• Support for adding multiple classes to separate lessons from different years, semesters, or subjects
• Add tags as favourites for easy access
• View all untagged lessons
• Easier, more functional sharing workflow to send lessons to other people

Classes now acts as a 'retrospective timetable' — a powerful way to track your study progress in all your lessons, allowing you to optimise your time by prioritising what needs the most work.
• Document the dates and durations you study each of your lessons, to monitor what hasn't been revised in a while
• Note down what you did and next steps, to make your next studying more focussed and worthwhile
• Track how confident you feel you understand each lesson whenever you study it, using an intuitive traffic-light system. This allows you to view your progress and prioritise lessons which need the most work

Feedback welcome!
This is the final release of Classes version 1. Classes version 2 will be released as a free update with exciting new features in July 2021.

This update adds support for exporting a backup of all data before version 2. Your lessons and tags should transfer across, but please backup your data now as there is no guarantee that data will not be lost.

Thank you very much, and more information about the version 2 update is available within the app.
New Features:
• Now available on Apple Watch. This allows another way to view quickly view your lessons created on your other devices. You can mark lessons as completed and outcomes as achieved at a glance.
• Updated toolbar for editing lessons, which uses the familiar iOS appearance and offers more functionality, e.g. scrolling to different parts of the list and editing learning outcomes for multiple lessons at once.
• There is a new tutorial for new users of the app, better explaining how Classes can help you study.
• A new help link in the Settings page takes you to our website where you can find more information about how to use the app.
• Ability to duplicate a lesson to create a new one with the same details and tags.

• Changed terminology from "watched" to "completed" and from "written" to "achieved" to be better accommodating to different courses and study styles.
• New and updated text and images can be found throughout the app to give help, tips, and a more friendly appearance to improve user experience.
• Changed the ILO randomiser icon within toolbar to better represent its action.
• Minor improvements to the layout of learning outcomes within the lesson details view.
• Added the ability to sort lessons by teacher and location.
• Updated the layout of the settings screen, making it less cluttered.

• The more menu within the toolbar is now the correct size on iPhone and when multitasking on iPad.
• When no teacher or location is added to a lesson, a blank spaces no longer show when viewing lesson details.
• The learning outcome progress gauge within the list of lessons now shows when 0% of outcomes have been achieved.
New Features:
• A new icon shows the current proportion of learning outcomes written up for each lesson when viewing them in the list.

• The filter lessons icon is now filled in to show when a filter is active.
• Changed the icon for editing lessons to make its purpose clearer.

Bug Fixes:
• Learning outcomes are correctly sorted by name in the outcome randomiser.
• Removed "Tag:" from the title bar after choosing a tag from the sidebar/main screen.

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