Clean Gallery app allows you to keep your iPhone Photo library clean. The app includes these features;
1) Access to all your photos as soon as you launch the app.
2) Swipe right for the photos that you want to keep.
3) Swipe left for the app that you want to delete, confirmation will be presented so that photos are not deleted without your authorisation.
4) Swipe up to upload a photo to DropBox. Authorisation to DropBox account is required.
5) Swipe down to share a photo to popular social network accounts.
6) Undo last action, except delete action.
7) See upload progress while photo is being uploaded to DropBox.
8) Click on a photo to see it in full screen mode.
9) While in the full screen mode, single click or double click on the screen to close.
10) App remembers your last position in the gallery so that next time the app is launched you can go straight to your last position in the gallery.
11) You can reset the gallery back to the beginning of the photos.
12) You can enable option to delete photo after DropBox upload.
More features will be added.