Version 1.1.1 containing changes/fixes and improvements since version 1.0.7
- iOS 12 build optimizations, Fixed fatal and non-fatal memory leaks on disconnect or updates from pushAPI, improving performance and reducing memory usages, also improved UX for disconnecting from push API by auto-stopping running timing sessions and some minor bugfixes in appearace of athlete names and fullscreen timers
- Improvements in storage and retrieval of stored events, only show non empty trainings, also added csv export to share mail, and added confirm dialog to reset button and better confirmation with new coachTIMING color schemas
- Updated color schema to reflect new CoachTiming and coachDisplay color schemas
- Added better error handling in connection to expired sessions, also listens to new discconect events emited from push api
- Added pinched zooming, auto-focus and auto exposure to increase QR-code scanning distance
- Added support for name synchronisation from coachtiming (If athlete is unknown in coachWATCH first and last name are provided by the api now) also fixed issue with labelnames in infoview panel
- Fixed issue that prevented stop event to be proccessed when athlete did not lap yet, and added fullscreen laponly view (can be toggled in location settings below lap delay setting)
- New version with connection status, disconnect toggle and heartbeat, also fixed some graphical inclarities and glitches
- Disabled idle timer when clocking
- Added better end to end encryption and access authorization and authentication between pushAPI and coachWATCH.
- Added promotional new feature screen for push API promotion, use production pubnub keys
- Added rollback for late QR code check-ins (you can scan QR code and join in active session obtaining the history dtaa automtically) and connection changes between different coachTIMING servers (switch observing different coaches)
- Improved update strategy for prevlap, total time and current lap time timer displays and added feuture to ignore last stop event and mutate prev lap to stop
- Improved overall Apple Watch stability and instant updates on apple watch for all event types tiggered by push API now supported, also display lap number an total lap number instead of control buttons on pushAPI triggered athletes
- coachwatch version 1.0.1 - fully featured coachwatch push API integration
- Sequenced push API Both acurate and robust timing now implemented, even with minutes of internetloss, accurate timing recovers and no events are lost
- Added support for new sequence and history rollback features from API, also reverse corrects negative timing offsets
- Workout switch functionality over sets works now for the push API (however some minor issue's are still unresolved)
- Added workout and venue data from push API some bugfixes and probarly some new bugs since some core functionality moved
- Improved switching to proper workouts and atheletes on remote events, also added subscribtion to tag_create api push events
- Fixed issue that caused QR scan not to work when already scanned before
- Fixed issue that caused multiple device subscriptions per device to push API by reusing deviceUUID and improved UX for new trainings after QR-code scan
-Added multi event push api support to simulatiously receive multiple events, turns QR camera based on device orientation
Overall improvements/hotfixes:
We have made improved in the App's overall stability, issue's that where discovered/reported in the 1.0 Appstore Release have been resolved.
NEW FEATURES (available in the pro subscription):
- Added start/stop and reset/lap pod buttons to the big screen view.
- Display latest lap time in big screen view for 3 seconds after the lap event.