We've fixed the stability of our questionnaires to make them faster and have incorporated the ability for providers to invite new patient users.
0.4.4 improves stability for patient portal connections.
If our 3rd party service for patient portal authorization does not redirect you back to the app, we also have implemented a mechanism to still allow your portal records to start importing.
We've improved access to patient portals across the US. Have the ability to re-import and update your portal records or entirely remove a patient portal from your record.
This is an extremely powerful functionality that we will work to expand and improve in the future.
Some minor stability fixes related to file upload and questionnaires were added
A bug where resetting the password and searching for patient portals were disabled is now resolved
- We have added the ability to sign up with your phone number.
- Use the Attachments feature to upload images of ID, insurance, and COVID vaccination proof.
- We now support scheduled questionnaires! Get notifications to update your medical history and Curamei automatically updates medical records even if you have no patient portal to connect to.
- Additional performance and UI improvements have also been enabled.
In our biggest update to date, 0.2.3 Introduces a number of new changes to the Curamei platform to optimize it for showing more information and being more useful to patient users who do not have providers on the platform.
- The new Providers screen replaces Manual Uploads and Access Controls to unify all activities related to a provider in one screen.
- The new Records screen replaces the old Medical Records and Narrative screens, utilizing a new powerful Curamei-native FHIR-processing standard which allows description and display of more data fields
- Access to the creation of manual medical records has been limited until a future version of Curamei so that we can have time to refine the form
- Support for connection to Google FIT, Garmin Connect, and Apple Health digital health products is now added to Curamei
- The new Digital Health screen allows users to view all relevant digital health integration data in a singular screen
- Security fixes and additions further insulate users from any potential breach of their data privacy
- Animations and layouts have been updated to better support a responsive mobile experience for users
New Features:
- Links to app.curameitech.com will take you directly to the Curamei app if you have it installed
- Minor styling changes for provider view in manual uploads