- More work on fixing the bug repeatedly prompting some users to "Restore Purchases." Please let me know if this still happens to you - thanks!
- Fixed a bug where, sometimes, past games wouldn't display a game's line score in the "Past Games" screen.
- Hopefully finally fixed issues with caching purchase status, so you won't need to hit "Restore Purchases".
- Fixed a crash in the graph view caused by certain shots missing data.
- (Hopefully) fixed bugs with caching purchase status, so that some users won't have to hit Restore Purchases when their purchase is still valid.
- Fixed a particularly nasty issue where the app could get stuck in a crash loop on startup.
- Fixed bug where purchases would sometimes display out of order, or with the wrong prices.
- Added six-month and lifetime tiers to purchases.
Mostly minor bug fixes - shipping a stable release while preparing for larger feature work. (Also I'll have fewer spiels in the summer, and more time to work...)
- Fixed bug where Watch uploads sometimes wouldn't save player position/roles properly.
- Fixed minor transparency bug with table headers.
- Standardized date pickers and made the default interval for stat filtering more relevant (~1 week instead of "whenever you started tracking stats", for if you're like me and usually want to see stats selected from your most recent spiel...)
- Allowed editing of team names through Options -> Data Management.
Added a scoreboard to the Apple Watch app! Now you can track the line-score of games while you keep stats.
Minor bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue where the search bar would accidentally show up while scrolling past games without search enabled.
- Increased label height on graph labels so text is truncated less often.
- Fixed game name labeling so that, when editing a game name, the text box is automatically filled with the current game name instead of nothing.
Thanks for using Curlytics! And thanks to those of you who've emailed me with suggestions or comments - if what we talked about isn't in this version, I'm still working on it :)
As always - good curling!
Bug fixes and quality of life improvements!
- Increased tap target size on Watch interface (to avoid mistaps, accidentally advancing shots, etc.)
- Added ability to resume in-progress game in the Watch app in case the app gets killed while tracking shots. (this happened to me midgame - no fun!)
- Fixed Watch display issues on smaller (38mm) devices.
- Fixed issue where stats sometimes wouldn't reload properly in-app if data filters were applied.
- Syncing games from your watch now puts you on the past games screen so you can view the results you just uploaded in-app more easily.
- Fixed issue where gradient wouldn't disappear from the bottom of views on some phone models.
Thanks for using Curlytics! It's spiel season - good curling :)
Curlytics now includes Watch support with Curlytics Premium! Track your draw statistics with the included Apple Watch extension, and upload them to the app when you're done.
Also fixed a couple minor bugs, including a header height issue on iOS 15.