You can now batch export all cuts for a project in a single step from the Projects pane.
* Exporting now uses the default iOS share dialog. This provides a wider range of services you can save your notes to.
* Dropbox support has been removed from the app - install the Dropbox app and you can save files to it from the new share dialog
* Fixed an issue that could cause the Kollaborate login window to be blank
* Fixed an issue that could prevent Kollaborate sync working correctly
* Improved support for Kollaborate Server 3.0.2
* Minor bug fixes, tweaks and optimizations
* Fixed a crash when loading Notes view on iOS 12 and below
* Improved support for Dark Mode
* Fixed some UI issues on iOS 13
* Fixed a crash when authorizing with Dropbox
Fixed an incompatibility with changes made to realtime / synced sessions on the Kollaborate cloud site
* Moved the export / reset button sets options from the settings page to the button set editor. They are now located in the Actions menu to the right of the Sets pane.
* Free run timecode no longer pauses playback when switching to another app and back again
* Fixed an issue where button sets with special characters in a .cnbuttons file may not import correctly
* Minor bug fixes and tweaks
* Sync mode is maintained when switching between cuts or restoring the app from the background
Changes in version 2.5:
* Time-of-Day timecode is no longer available from the New Project dialog and can now be found in the Sync menu. This makes it more flexible and means you can now use Kollaborate comment streams with TOD timecode.
* Increased the maximum visible button label length
* Fixed an issue where markers exported with drop-frame timecode may not import correctly into DaVinci Resolve
* Fixed an issue where the "Note Saved" overlay may not appear
* Moved Time-of-Day timecode from the New Project dialog to the Sync menu
* Various minor bug fixes and tweaks
* Time-of-Day timecode is no longer available from the New Project dialog and can now be found in the Sync menu. This makes it more flexible and means you can now use Kollaborate comments streams with TOD timecode.
* Increased the maximum visible button label length
* Fixed an issue where markers exported with drop-frame timecode may not import correctly into DaVinci Resolve
* Fixed an issue where the "Note Saved" overlay may not appear
* Moved Time-of-Day timecode from the New Project dialog to the Sync menu
* Various minor bug fixes and tweaks
* Support for exporting markers to DaVinci Resolve via an EDL. To import into Resolve, right-click the timeline on the Media or Edit views, then go to Timelines > Import > Timeline Markers from EDL.
* Fixed an issue where the Export dialog wouldn't close automatically after emailing notes
* Fixed a Dropbox error
* iOS 11 support
* Stability improvements
* Fixed an issue where cloud notes may not update immediately
* Various other minor fixes
* New Kollaborate SDK with more aggressive caching improves cloud performance
* Long button titles no longer go all the way to the edge
* Improved reliability when exporting button presets
* Various bug fixes, tweaks and improvements
iOS 10 compatibility
Minor bug fixes and tweaks
* Button titles span multiple lines and dynamically resize to fit in more text
* Fixed an issue where playback buttons may not work if the cut was initially loaded in portrait orientation
* Notes now reorder correctly when editing timecode
* Prevented users from accidentally switching back to the project view by swiping in the wrong place
* Fixed an issue where large button sets could not be scrolled after switching out of notes view
* Minor Kollaborate API tweaks
* Various other tweaks and improvements
* New Kollaborate authentication system. It should detect your previous login automatically but if not, please reauthorize from the settings menu. Self-hosted customers should be using Kollaborate Server 2.0 or higher.
* Improved calculation of drop-frame timecode
* Improved accuracy when running in manual sync mode
* Notes are now auto-capitalized
* Kollaborate thumbnail caching
* Fixed a crash when deleting notes
* Various other bug fixes and tweaks
* iOS 9 compatibility
* Fixed an issue where users may be unable to remotely pause synced Kollaborate playback
* Stability improvements
* Various other bug fixes and tweaks
Improved timecode sync compatibility with Adobe Premiere CC 2014.2
* Button profiles can be exported between devices. Email the profile to another device, then tap and hold on the attachment in Mail and select Open in Cut Notes.
* Kollaborate: admins can now edit / delete someone else's comment
* Fixed a crash that could occur when switching frame rates while editing another field
* Fixed a crash that could occur when switching button sets while editing a button
* Various other tweaks and fixes
* Fixed an issue that could cause dialog boxes to not appear
* Various other bug fixes and tweaks
Please note that some users are reporting an inability to export from this version. We apologize for this issue and are awaiting a new update to be approved by Apple.
* Improved performance when loading large numbers of projects
* Added an option to disable autocorrect in text fields
* Settings have been moved from the iOS Settings app to the in-app settings dialog
* Fixed an issue where you may not be able to select your custom Kollaborate server until your relaunch the Kollaborate login dialog
* Fixed a crash that could occur when browsing Kollaborate files
* Fixed a crash that could occur when deleting a cut or backup
* Minor UI tweaks
New tool: Marker Import for Windows can import Cut Notes markers into Adobe Premiere Pro: http://www.digitalrebellion.com/cutnotes
Changes in this version:
* Added an Autosave Vault for local projects
* Tap the timecode display to hold the current position, then tap notes to append them. Tap the timecode again to unhold
* Support for Kollaborate audio files
* Shows whether a Kollaborate file has been viewed
* Now shows the number of notes in the Notes switch button at the bottom
* Improved the responsiveness of Pro Tools sync
* Stability improvements
* Various other bug fixes, tweaks and improvements