You have probably been told that the formula to calculate your dog’s age in human years is simply to take your dog’s age and multiple it by 7…
However it is not as simple as that! Dog’s go through the first stage of life much more quickly than we do as humans and so by age 1 they are already as old as 15 in human years!
Size and breed are very important too and therefore, need to be taken into account when calculating your dog’s age in human years.
This app allows you to enter your dog’s age and whether it is a small, medium or large dog breed (as determined by weight). Then once you have pressed the “Calculate!” button, you will be able to find out the equivalent age of your canine companion in human years!
You can also upload a photo of your furry friend and share it with your friends to show everybody how paw-fect your picturesque pet really is!
If you really enjoyed the app I want to know and likewise, if you have some ideas about further features or improvements that you would like to see in further updates, I also want to know so do not hesitate to contact me or leave a review!
Pending updates:
- Layout improvements
- Allow for removal of advertisements
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