DOTS.bike, the all-in-one essential safety device for cyclists.
DOTS.bike isn’t just a brake light. It’s an advanced bike safety solution, which offers both convenience and protection in a simple, lightweight and easy-to-use smart GPS.
DOTS.bike firmly attaches to your bike’s seat, letting you enjoy a range of features - including:
- Intelligent brake and rear light, which helps keep you visible in all traffic and weather conditions
- Advanced motion sensors, which detect impact and send help alerts including GPS coordinates to contacts - in the event of a fall
- A fallen bike algorithm that alerts you if your bike falls
- Instant Bluetooth recognition and geolocation
Plus, DOTS.bike has a long-lasting battery. Whenever you’re running low, simply remove the Power-Light and charge, while the Tracker lets you continue monitoring your bike. Reconnect, and you’re all ready for your next journey.