Drinky - Drink Water Tracker Читы

Drinky - Drink Water Tracker Взлом 1.0 + Чит Коды

Разработчик: Jake El Mir
Категория: Здоровье и фитнес
Цена: 99,00 ₽ (Скачать бесплатно)
Версия: 1.0
ID: com.jakeelmir.Drinky


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Get help with Drinky, an easy, intuitive app to track your water intake. Based on your body weight, Drinky will remind you to drink water to reach your daily goals. By seeing current water fill visually and in percents you will instantly know how well you are hydrated!

We all know that water is essential to our health, 2/3 of body is consists of water, yet most of us unknowingly suffer from chronic dehydration, this is a underlying cause of many illnesses. To most of us, we are always too busy to drink water, or we only drink water when we feel thirsty, that’s too late if so, thirst is signal which our body warn us that our body have lost water balance, and the cells have already dehydrated to serious situation.

Water plays a very important role in our body, it transports nutrients and oxygen into cells, regulates body temperature, helps with metabolism and so on, drinking enough water can help us lose weight, look younger with healthier skin, less likely to get sick, helps in digestion and constipation, relieves fatigue, have a good mood, reduce the risk of cancer and more.

While it is not to say that the more water your drink, the healthier you will be, too much water will also hurt your health, especially for those who suffer from heart disease, hypertension, nephrosis, edema and so on, drinking a healthy amount of water and drink water in right time is vital to your health.

To majority of us, we only know that we drink ‘a lot of’ water or ‘a little’ water, we don’t know exactly how much water we drink, is that quantity suitable for us?

Drinky is the app which helps us to track the quantity of water we drink and remind you to drink water in right time. Keeping track of your daily water intake needs and making sure your body is well hydrated is not an easy task in todays busy world. Let Drinky help you!

Drinky integrates with HealthKit in order to add the amount of water you have drank to the Health app.

Developed by Driple Agency
Support: [email protected]

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