Early 2 Primary Essence has again raised the bar in the Recording, Describing, and Saving evidence instantly - to our 0-11yrs assessment package (video, photo, and audio) using the latest Mobile App technology.
Live, whilst the children's learning and development is taking place, you can:
• Attribute evidence easily to children, including a description of Aspects, their learning outcomes, and the developmental stage.
• Take mutiple Images within one observation to evidence a sequence/process of learning, which presents as a Montage on the E2P+SEND system.
• Draft observations within the app for completion and upload at a later time.
• Voice to text translation ensuring the observation of learning is not interrupted and quicker than ever before.
• Work offline and gather evidence at any time, in any location.
• Unlimited users and uploads. No time limit on the length of videos capturing learning.
• E2P+SEND allows formative Assessment of children with wide ranging needs such as: Profound, multiple and complex conditions, autistic spectrum conditions, severe learning difficulties. Pupils with behavioural, social, and emotional difficulties.
E2P+SEND is a Free, multilingual package covering the Early, Primary and SEND curriculum.