Exam Guru is designed for IT professional to practice certification exams. Certification exams play important role in securing job position.
Exam Guru is exam simulator for practicing certification exams. The goal is to provide AFFORDABLE source to practice such exams. PDF and VCE files are very expensive, where as you can make one time purchase as per your requirement, and get access to ALL exams. You don't require any PDF or VCE files. Just sign up and start practicing.
Exam Guru contains popular certification exams of various vendors like CISCO, Comptia, Amazon, SAP, Oracle, Salesforce, etc. Large number of questions are included for each exams. These questions are reflective of the types of questions asked in the actual exam, and the answers are validated and explained by experienced professional of respective exam.
Content is regularly updated and new questions are made available all the time.
Main highlights of Exam Guru:
- No need of PDF of VCE files.
- Real time answers validation (Which helps while you are preparing for exams!!).
- Detailed performance graphical statistics.
- You can mark questions as 'Favorite' to access it later.
Please note: These are practice exams. These are not real exams and we don't provide any certification.
By downloading this application, You are accepting these terms of service to use this application. Terms of service can be found at http://iexamguru.com/tos