This app has been updated by Apple to display the Apple Watch app icon.
Updated to ios8. The option to toggle 6/5 Snellen line added.
Auto-calibration of some of the newer devices may not be accurate - feedback to fine tune this is appreciated.
Snellen decimal notation added.
A few interface bugs on ios7 fixed.
The clown animated gif has been replaced due to a copyright issue. For people who want to continue to use this image for patient fixation please see the Vision Toolbox app.
Another feature request. More stable multiple eye chart setup.
A preference pane setting on the remote (iPhone/iPod) locks it to a certain iPad. Each iPad will need a unique name for best results.
Tested on a cluster of 3 iPhones and 3 iPads.
Feedback welcome.
Fixed a bug that prevents iPad working in remote mode (sorry!). The iPad can be set to remote mode in the preference pane of the Settings app.
An iPad can now be used as a remote control device.
(Tested on an iPad2 and iPad mini).
The interface has been unified across the 4 charts. The mask button now turns crowding bars on for all charts (toggling on/off for the logMAR). The shuffle button now provides 6 different logMAR charts.
The "arrow buttons" have been enlarged on both the iPad mini and the iPhone (easier for fat fingers!).
Double tap preference for the iPad shuffle function is available (helpful for using an iPad for non-verbal children).
Support website up and running with youtube videos, example slideshow charts (Ishihara plates at present) and a contact form for troubleshooting and feature requests. http://www.eyeapps.com.au
logMAR chart added (from 1.0 to -0.3) with crowding bars.
Three presets available for the Slideshow Pictures allowing better customisation. The order of images can now be rearranged. The remote (iPhone/iPod) now displays the slide name and allows remote preset selection.
Security functions added for use in public hospital clinics. A motion detection or battery disconnection alarm built in (selectable in eyeSnellen preferences). For best results enable "Guided Access" (Kiosk mode). Found in Settings->General->Guided Access (iOS 6 only).
Interface improvements:
6/7.5 (20/25) line added.
Individual line mask is now correctly centred for the iPad mini.
Cross cylinder chart no longer displays a duochrome overlay.
Two finger swipe to change charts is available (patients can trace scotomas on the Amsler grid without inadvertently changing the chart).
Important Interface changes due to prompt user feedback:
1. Picture chart has been increased in size.
2. Direction keys have been enlarged.
3. Default iPad screen timeout is now 2 minutes (user adjustable).
Lots of new features!
A contrast sensitivity function has been added. This is an extremely important aspect of visual testing and is almost universally overlooked because it requires specialised charts and is time consuming - not any more! This allows the contrast threshold at different spacial frequencies ("acuity") to be measured efficiently on a standardised distance chart. Log CS function added to iPhone5.
We will be validating this in a study to be performed at Fremantle Hospital.
User feedback has strongly suggested increasing the time before the iPad screen times out. An entry in the Settings app has been added (1,2,5 and 10 minutes). Be careful a bright chart on the iPad can drain the battery quickly!
User feedback has asked for additional charts/targets to be available. A Slideshow function has been added with 6 built in charts (cross cylinder, near chart [scaled for iPad mini if present], animated GIF, stereo-anaglyph, Worth 4 dot and Amsler grid). You can add your own slides (jpg,gif,png,bmp) by syncing over iTunes or email (emailed pictures must have the extension changed to '.eye'). User feedback on the usefulness of this feature is encouraged. Additional slides may be made available at http://www.idrs.com.au if interest is shown. The remote control function for the iPhone/iPad to control the slideshow is unlocked with the previous Pro upgrade.
The font for the picture chart has been updated to be less confusing.
iPad slider controls have been replaced by stepper controls for better fine-tune adjustment of chart parameters.
Please email any suggestions or bugs to steve_colley@mac.com.
Lots of new features!
A contrast sensitivity function has been added. This is an extremely important aspect of visual testing and is almost universally overlooked because it requires specialised charts and is time consuming - not any more! This allows the contrast threshold at different spacial frequencies ("acuity") to be measured efficiently on a standardised distance chart. Log CS function added to iPhone5.
We will be validating this in a study to be performed at Fremantle Hospital.
User feedback has strongly suggested increasing the time before the iPad screen times out. An entry in the Settings app has been added (1,2,5 and 10 minutes). Be careful a bright chart on the iPad can drain the battery quickly!
User feedback has asked for additional charts/targets to be available. A Slideshow function has been added with 6 built in charts (cross cylinder, near chart [scaled for iPad mini if present], animated GIF, stereo-anaglyph, Worth 4 dot and Amsler grid). You can add your own slides (jpg,gif,png,bmp) by syncing over iTunes or email (emailed pictures must have the extension changed to '.eye'). User feedback on the usefulness of this feature is encouraged. Additional slides may be made available at http://www.idrs.com.au if interest is shown. The remote control function for the iPhone/iPad to control the slideshow is unlocked with the previous Pro upgrade.
The font for the picture chart has been updated to be less confusing.
iPad slider controls have been replaced by stepper controls for better fine-tune adjustment of chart parameters.
Please email any suggestions or bugs to steve_colley@mac.com.
The direction pad can now be unlocked.