This app has been updated by Apple to display the Apple Watch app icon.
- Made food trail more obvious within Maze puzzle
- Improved AI of NPCs so some will now walk around
- Added icons to the in-game menu to make selection more intuitive
- Improved tutorial
- Improved terrain texturing
- Stable easier to find
- Added new hurt message on screen so can see when enemies attack from behind
- Fixed bug: where enemies within the maze were always silent
- Fixed bug: where volcano letters could hide on way back up the side of the volcano
- Fixed bug: spawned items can no longer appear on building floors
- This release is all about noises! We've added a full range of sound effects added to the game
- Player now walks and rides at a faster speed
- Player rotation is now saved when the game is saved
- Initial garden crystal slightly harder to find
- Added additional crystal at the entrance to the volcano
- Fixed bug: Tools can now break when durability drops to zero
- Fixed bug: Head no longer bobs briefly when Main Menu loads
- Fixed bug: Enemies no longer randomly turn around when attacking
- Created your player's Home area for when you start a new game
- Moved lava pit challenge into a Volcano
- Added different themed joystick for looking
- Added head bobbing movement when the player walks
- Fixed bug: Enemies can no longer get reduced health if loading game at night
- Created Non-Player Characters (NPCs) to help guide you through the game. Look out for the soldiers!
- Iron Mace has been added as a new top tier weapon
- The Copper Pickaxe has been added and can be used to mine Iron Ore
- Grass and new improved tree system has been added to give the environment a more 'Countryside' feel
- Added 'Quick Save' button to In-Game Menu allowing you to save your progress wherever and whenever you want
- 'You Died' menu now updated to match other menu systems
- In Game Menu now navigates more smoothly without any vertical flicks
- Bug Fix: Crossbows now fire correctly. Well spotted Simon!
- Bug Fix: Can no longer occasionally move when inside the menu systems
- GameCenter Leaderboard added for iOS users
- Main Menu & In-Game Menus completely reworked to allow touch screen buttons for quicker navigation (Thanks to Simon for the suggestion!)
- Minor updates
- Copper Swords added to the game
- Huge update to In-Game Menu
- See all your currently owned resources
- See your current Kill counts for each enemy type
- New crafting signs created to make crafting objects far easier with green text for sufficient resources gathered
- Easier to select Menu options with larger selection buttons
- Added onscreen images when resources are collected
- Fixed bug: Where horses didn't always get saved & sometimes weren't rideable
- Flint and Copper added to the game as resources
- Crystal icon updated
- Improved switching between Tool types by removing 'None' option
- Resource respawn times increased to 5 minutes
- Re-worked initial World as an introductory world, moving 3 peaks challenge to the Snow Peaks World
- Far more small stones & driftwood to pick up around the initial level
- Fixed bug where footsteps sound like walking in the snow
- Significant reduction in app size
- Brightened daylight and moonlight
- Minor bug fixes
- Full redesign of the Lava Pit puzzle
- Large performance improvements
- Added Simon's Feedback Lodge to Snowy Peaks world
- Armor now behaves more realistically with health reduction reduced
- Improved cloud & lake realism
- Imps now have claws
- Added frames per second easter egg
- Enemies less overpowered at night
- Minor bug fixes, including duplicate horses, walking on lava, horses following you when you died, zombie players.
- Brand new 'Snowy Peaks' map added (unlock the portal to get there) & let us know what you want to see in the new map
- Social media interactions added to the game
- Stopped horses from falling down slopes when you dismount
- Various bug fixes and minor updates
- Added in-game menu map to help with navigation
- Added rideable horses and a stables, to help get round the map faster
- Added loading screen with useful game hints
- Made driftwood and small rocks larger & easier to spot
- Fixed game over and game complete sections so they now appear correctly
- Removed forest & increased general tree frequency across entire map
- Increase frequency of Ogres
- Added 3D in-game menu for crafting and saving/loading games
- Remove snow effects now that Christmas is over
- Updated environments for Main Menu, Game Over and Game Complete sections
- Added strength values to tools & weapons
- Arrows now drop over distance to increase realism
This latest update now lets you save your progress whenever you like (by selecting 'Save' from the Menu)
- Added enemy Spiders
- Added lucky meals (where edible items can fully replenish food)
- Able to repair tools before they break by selecting to 'craft' them
- Added Water Wells around the map, providing drinking water
- Lowered water & food reduction rates
- Luck wells replaced with Luck Fires
- Stronger enemies provide more hide for stronger armour
- Clue added for lava pit puzzle
- Changed enemy chase distances
- Can no longer accidentally craft downgraded tools
- Added The Munros Puzzle
- Increase size of map by over 200%
- Broken tools now downgrade to a lower level tool when broken
- Added The Forest & Stone hills
- Added Night Fury for all animals
- Wolves now stronger than goblins
- Flashing icons added when player states get low (e.g. low health or low armour)
- Improved enemy and farmable item colliders
- Enemies can no longer spawn near start point
This week's update brings with it the much requested Save Game functionality. No longer start at the beginning each tie you open the app. Here are some of the other enhancements we have included in this latest update:
- Separated out Farming Tools & Melee Weapons
- New resource added: small rocks
- Durability now applies to both Farming & Melee items & impacted by hitting farmable items or enemies
- Multi page menu system added
- UI enhancements
Merry Christmas! To help celebrate we've created a snow theme along with realistic snow sounding footsteps and snow falling from the skies. Enjoy!
- Added 'The Ogre' ... don't get too close!
- Added attack sounds for all monsters
- Added Menu system that explains current crafting
- Play area increased by 400%
- Added new falling platforms puzzle
- Added Luck Wells and the concept of a Good Luck Bar helping critical hit chance
- Craft leather armour from dead enemies
- Low health blood effect now appears when near death
- Added onscreen menu button
- Water reduction rate halved
- Improve clarity of text on Companion
- Fixed clouds by moving them lower
- Added armed goblins as a new enemy
- Added 2 new weapons
- Added pine trees and granite farmable items
- Snowy mountains added
- Performance improvements
- Farmable items can now produce multiple resources & multiple types of resources
- Random generation of farmable environment items
- Random generation of enemies
- Status bars no longer update when dead
- Weapon durability now hides when unarmed
Main Updates
- Added new weapon (stone club)
- Added new enemy (The Wolf)
- Recently collected items now highlighted to player
- Added destructible castle entrance
- Enemy health changes color as health drops
- Added new medieval style font throughout app
Other updates:
- Reduced night cycle
- Added random farmable spawn items throughout the map
- Game boundaries only trigger when nearby
- Fixed bug where dead enemies still caused pain if touched