Fixed general display bugs
- made small layout changes on several screens
- added clear button for search input on Practice Screen, Support Screen and Instructor Screen
- added contact section on Support Screen
- changed the layout of header from Practice Screen and added the number of displayed videos under it
- new section in Home Screen with recommended videos based on the answers from Onboarding Screen
- possibly to change you’re onboarding answers from My Profile
- fixed several bugs
* Free classes section on the landing page!
* Now you can share our weekly live stream with your friends and family!
* Users using Apple ID will receive better guidance when they fail to retrieve their passwords.
* New volume feature tweaked and now more friendly.
* We also fixed some more bugs because we know you don’t like them either.
* Now you can use a link to navigate to a specific category
* Updated Version Number
* Bug fixes
* Possibility to share videos
* New modifications for home screen cards
* Highlighted video on a category - video that can be accessed without a subscription
* Navigation issue fixed
* added the ability to airplay to an apple tv
* general improvements and stability fixes
* new design for Home Screen
* new playlist module: possibility to add a video to a playlist and manage them on My Profile
* lowered header a little bit, to support a wider range of devices
* added some tweaks for subscription screen
* added play/pause overlay for video from Instructor Screen
* possibility to download videos and watch them when being offline
* instructor screen loads faster
* improved overall perfomance
* faster loading for comments
* live stream classes
* added autoplay capabilities to the video player
* for your security, email changes need to be confirmed before we process them in the app
* improved subscription purchase flow
* added a way to filter the video list to display videos with duration less than 5 minutes
* added a way to clear all notifications from the notification history
* added possibility to save username and password after logging in and then autofill the credentials
* now email can be updated from My Profile section
* added radio button in Settings screen for enabling/disabling user comments notifications
* back button should not disappear when a subscription is not active on Video Screen
* added search and filters on Categories screen
* now it’s possible to search for videos after hashtags
* added search and filters in Instructor screen
* improved facebook login for cases where the user is hiding his email address
* improved notifications display in the Customer Support section
* product video overlay is displayed even before the video has started loading
*small loader in video corner to indicate that it is buffering
*progress bar on 360 to indicate that the product is loading
*images cache flushing
*improved design for notifications text to fit well in the notification panel
*improved design for the screen when you select your country if logging in with facebook
* new and improved way of visualizing the products in shop
* fixed an issue where notifications history was displaying in the wrong order
* improved register flow for new users - highlight missed fields and inconsistencies
* general improvements within the app to make it more visible and easier to read
* fixed an issue where Facebook avatars could be blurred
- Fixes an issue where under certain circumstances you could not press the like button for a video
- Fixes an issue where under certain conditions, you could not use the skip controls in the video screen
- Improved quality for icons on video controls
- Fixes a potential crash that occurred when the video is buffering and controls are used
- Fixes a bug where 2 videos where playing simultaneously when coming from the instructor Screen
- Fixes a bug where the video play button was stuck
- 360 view of the chair in the shop screen now rotates again only when the app is closed and opened again
- Shop Carousel images now fit the available area and are more visible
- Navigating to the Practice section is now possible by tapping again on it
- Improved navigation in the Support section
- Fixes a bug where the number of comments were not correctly displayed on the Home screen
- Fixes a bug where the shop could display an unavailable product
- The Shop now displays discounted products appropriately
This version includes stability improvements for video streaming and app performance.
This version includes stability improvements for video streaming and app performance.
This version includes stability improvements for video streaming and app performance.
This version includes stability improvements for video streaming and app performance.