Field Investigator Взлом 2.0

Разработчик: Damjan Irgolic
Категория: Утилиты

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Keep track of your investigation, app ideal for various fields of research and investigation, open cases, add clues, take pictures, write logs.
App can be used by private detectives, paranormal researchers, Computer forensics investigators, corporate investigators and more.

Private detectives and investigators work in many environments, depending on the case. Some spend more time in offices, performing computer searches and making phone calls. Others spend more time in the field, conducting interviews or performing surveillance.

Although investigators often work alone, some work with others while conducting surveillance or carrying out large, complicated assignments.

Some of the work can involve confrontation, and some situations may call for the investigator to be armed. In most cases, however, a weapon is not necessary because private detectives and investigators’ purpose is to gather information, not to enforce laws or apprehend criminals.

Private detectives and investigators may have to work with demanding, and sometimes distraught, clients.

Field Investigator is everthing you need in one place, manage whole investigation, tasks, witnesses, images, evidences, clues!