Fieldrunners Attack! Читы

Fieldrunners Attack! Взлом 3.5.176448 + Чит Коды

Разработчик: Subatomic Studios, LLC
Категория: Игры
Цена: Бесплатно
Версия: 3.5.176448
ID: com.flaregames.fieldrunners


Game screenshot Fieldrunners Attack! mod apkGame screenshot Fieldrunners Attack! apkGame screenshot Fieldrunners Attack! hack


Держите свои шлемы — отмеченная наградами серия Fieldrunners возвращается! От взрывающейся Popcorn Chicken до могущественного Megabot — пришло время собрать универсальную армию для создания собственной империи и покорения противников со всего мира!

Нанимайте героев, обучайте войска, добавляйте оборонные сооружения и управляйте ресурсами, чтобы превратить примитивный городишко в свою собственную неприступную крепость хаоса. Защищаете ли вы свои земли, завоевываете новые в миссиях кампании или сметаете противников со всего мира в мультиплеерных схватках — вас везде будут ждать трофеи и слава.

Затягивающий геймплей с полным стратегическим боевым контролем
Примите командование и покорите вселенную Fieldrunners!
Управляйте ресурсами, чтобы превратить свой городок в неприступную крепость!
Нанимайте и прокачивайте мощных героев, каждый из которых обладает уникальными способностями!
Прорывайтесь через вражеские базы с помощью спланированных оперативных атак
Испытайте свою силу в более чем 60 миссиях кампании!
Карабкайтесь на вершину турнирной таблицы со своими друзьями, воюя с игроками со всего мира и забирая добычу
Создайте армию из солдат, ракетчиков, танков и других военных причуд!
Защищайте свои земли при помощи смертоносных Пулеметной, Пушечной и Огненной башен, а также других уже полюбившихся и абсолютно новых оборонных орудий Fieldrunners
Трансформируйте свои башни, чтобы приспособиться к разным типам угроз, будь то человек, машина или что-то совсем иное!

Это приложение предлагает встроенные покупки. Вы можете отключить их в настройках устройства.

Требуется подключение к сети.
Версия iOS 8 или выше

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История обновлений

Приложение было обновлено компанией Apple, чтобы в нем отображался значок приложения Apple Watch.

• Fixed a desync when using gems to purchase currency to upgrade a building, unit, or hero.
• Fixed an occasional crash at launch related to a time out in retrieving alliance database info.
• View the game using the full screen display on the iPhone X!

• Active hero abilities are usable once again.
• Players are no longer bound by their maximum storage of resources for building upgrades, unit research, and hero upgrades. If a player now has a resource that exceeds their maximum storage, they can use it on upgrades that require more than their maximum storage to purchase.
• Added support for iPhone X.
• Fixed a desync that had occurred when a player tried to use an item purchased in a promo bundle.
• Users can customize their graphics quality settings in the options menu for better performance or battery life.
• Players will now see the items enter their inventory after making a successful purchase.

• Fixed a desync that had occurred when players received an incorrect amount of keys.
• Fixed a desync that had occurred when players received an incorrect amount of food from alliance events.
• Fixed an issue that incorrectly reported player progress towards alliance crate chests.
• Fixed scrolling in the alliance crate challenge leaderboard.
• Fixed scrolling in alliance chat.
• When the player collects the reward from an alliance challenge, the alliance crate animates until the reward is received from the server.
• The Alliance Crate time badge in the Crates screen now shows the proper time remaining for Alliance events.

• Fixed a crash when upgrading hospitals while troops in them are healing.
• Fixed an issue that could cause the game to lose contact with the server when interrupting a battle, or during revenge battles.
• Fixed an issue that could cause the game to lose contact with the server when checking alliance status.
• Fixed several desyncs related to alliances.
• Added support for iPhone X.
• Substantially improved download times when receiving new content.

• Fixed a crash when upgrading tanks to level 12.
• Fixed localization strings for several countries.
• Fixed various bugs.
• Fixed a crash at launch for certain users.
• Enjoy new single-player maps for players at League 11 and higher!
• Heal all hero squads in a hospital.
• Improved the matchmaking system to find better opponents.

• Fixed a bug that would not properly show the rewards the player had received when opening the Alliance Crate from the Crates screen. The Alliance Crate can now be opened from either the Alliance page or the Crate screen and the rewards are shown.
• Notification badges now appear when people have been speaking in chat upon returning to the game
• Adjusted the alignment, state displays and visuals for each of the crates.
• Tweaked the look of Furious George.
• Added a Tier 10 tool tip to the crate information panel.
• Increased the size and brightness of power level text in hard-to-read places.

• Fixed an issue with some enemy bases appearing empty.
• Fixed a crash when viewing leaderboards from the Alliance tab.
• Fixed broken UI when the game is suspended early in tutorial.
• Fixed broken animations on the Tesla Tower.
• Devastate ваших врагов во всех новых отношениях с кем-либо из 11 новых героев и их новых связанных с ними полномочий!
• Получите вознаграждения, работая вместе со своими товарищами по команде в коллег по альянсу событий!
• Принимайте более стратегические решения по более быстрой идентификации самых мощных героев в бою с новыми показателями уровня мощности герой! Эти показатели дают обобщенную силу каждой команды героя с одним номером, принимая во внимание уровень здоровья и героя и войск отряд!
• Откройте для себя и модернизировать более мощный класс героя - легендарных героев!
• Выберите из различных макетов, чтобы сделать большую часть вашей защиты и дать личный контакт на свою базу!
• Стать еще более мощным, чем раньше прогрессирующим через 9 новых лиг, каждый из которых обеспечивает новые defensives для вашей базы.
• Каждая лига в настоящее время разблокирует здание. Grow вашу базу больше, чем когда-либо прежде!
• Опыт новые стили игры с новыми типами 2 войск, Гренадерского и SUV!
• Знайте, когда ваш союз товарищей отправлять сообщения с помощью уведомлений чата.

• Герои и RPG Солдаты теперь могут стрелять через стены.
• Танки теперь более мощные.
• Улучшенная Гибель Crate капель!
• Добавлены различные новые акции, которые включают в себя акции для новых героев!
• Обновлен заголовок экранного искусства.
• Обновленный значок игры искусство.
• Переработан экран коллекции героя.
• Переработан экран больницы.
• Изменена экономики.
• Настроенные системы сватовства и количество наград.

• Исправлена ​​ошибка, при которой неправильное количество членов альянса будет показан на дисплее альянса.
• Исправлена ​​рассинхронизация, которые будут нужны при содействии членов вашего альянса.
• Исправлена ​​проблема с игроком ранг лиги сбросить обратно на 1.
• Исправлена ​​рассинхронизация при попытке поиска войск.
• Исправлена ​​ошибка при пиная членов из вашего альянса.
• Исправлены некоторые ошибочные строки через различные языки.
• Исправлена ​​проблема с игроками в лиге рангом 16 и выше разъединения при запуске
• Исправлена ​​ошибка, которая будет вызывать излишнюю нагрузку на сервер.
     • Исправлена ​​ошибка, которая позволила бы игрокам, чтобы скрыть здания в других зданиях.
     • Исправлена ​​проблема с запуском игры на нескольких устройствах с Game Center.
     • Исправлена ​​ошибка, при открытии диалогового окна альянса.
     • Исправлена ​​проблема с числом рабочих, когда дом модернизирован.
     • Увеличение тайм-аут для плохих ошибок соединения.
     • Снижение частоты видеть плохое уведомление Wi-Fi.

Признаки и исправления, которые мы включаем в значительной степени руководствовались обратной связи с игроками. Пожалуйста, продолжайте присылать нам свои удивительные комментарии и обратную связь через [email protected].
• Игроки теперь могут выбрать среду для своей домашней базы!
• Связь с вашеми союзниками в абсолютно новом альянс чате!
• Use 3-D Touch to view the range of all towers simultaneously (or for those devices that lack 3-D Touch support, press and hold instead). This is very useful for planning your attack!

• Improved the hero academy and hospital building portraits.
• Added the power station range to the building info dialog.
• Reduced the ammo recharge time from 60 to 45 minutes.
• Reduced the gem cost of ammo.
• Reduced the strength of the level 1 and level 2 Gatling Tower to make the game easier for new players.
• Adjusted the matchmaking algorithm.
• Changed the maximum ammo from 3 to 5.
• Changed the healing amount for each upgrade level of the hospital.
• Changed the hospital heal times for various troops.
• Changed the token requirements for unlocking certain heroes.
• Changed the drop rate of certain items in crates.
• Changed the drop rate of certain heroes.
• Changed damage dealt by various towers.
• Changed the number of workers that start with each depot.

• Fixed a situation where the player was able to dismiss the "Under Attack" dialog and be permanently stuck waiting for the attack to end.
• Fixed a bug that would prevent the player from collecting their daily reward on the first day of the reward month.
• Fixed a bug that would reward the incorrect hero tokens on the 3rd day of the daily quests.
• Fixed a bug with the hospital patient queue.
• Fixed an issue that would request the player give access to their Music Library in order to play music with an external audio player.
• Fixed an issue that would prevent the tutorial finger from being visible during the quest to upgrade troops.
• Fixed an issue that would allow players to cancel out of Edit Mode when they are requested to modify the layout of their base to address backwards compatibility issues.
• Fixed an issue with combat not automatically ending if you own less than the number of hero slots available.
• Fixed a crash when moving buildings under certain circumstances.
• Fixed a crash when restarting the game.
• Fixed a crash when refreshing the alliance search form.
• Fixed a bug that would cause buildings to jump to an unexpected location when moving them via a press-and-hold interaction.
• Fixed a bug where the just-in-time tutorial finger was pointing to the wrong button.
• Fixed a bug with missing buildings not showing up correctly in Edit Mode.
• Fixed a bug with the ranks in the mini-leaderboard (the leaderboard seen during the loading screen) being in reverse order.
• Fixed the placement of buildings that are meant to be repositioned.
• Fixed an issue preventing a league owner from setting a player's rank in the player list if they are the player with the most trophies in the league.
• Fixed an out-of-sync issue with daily quests.
• Fixed an out-of-sync issue with alliances.

The features and fixes that we incorporate are heavily guided by player feedback. Please keep sending us your awesome comments and feedback via [email protected].
• The name of the game has changed! Welcome to Fieldrunners Attack!
• Troops wounded from combat now enter the new hospital building and heal over time.
• Battle enemies in various environments, including a winter wonderland and a desert oasis!
• Control how much loot you steal from your opponents in combat by using the Loot Transport building, which also provides a minimum guaranteed loot amount.
• Use the new Cannon Tower to decimate enemy tanks.
• See how you stack up against your opponents via the mini leaderboards which are displayed when entering combat.
• The House has been split into three separate houses, one for each of the various worker types, so that players can better manager the resource income.
• The Warehouse has been split into three separate warehouses, one for each type of resource, so that players can better manage their resource storage.
• Which heroes you receive via crates is now controlled by the Hero Academy building. This building also increases your chance to get heroes from the Battle Crate.

• The economy and combat balance has undergone significant changes to account for all the new buildings and to provide a better end-user experience.
• When a squad is ordered to dash in combat, their selection rings become tinted to let players know when their dash has been exhausted.
• The amount of ammo that can be stored has been reduced.
• The range of the Power Station has been reduced in its early levels, but increases quickly with upgrades.
• The purpose of the Railgun Tower has changed. It is now strong against motorcycles. The Cannon Tower is the new counter to tanks.
• Updated all of the game text to more accurately reflect the current design, and to address grammatical errors.
• Made the opening of the crates be more snappy and appear less busy.
• Improved drag select so that it is only enabled when more than one squad is deployed, and the selection occurs under the player's finger instead of above it.
• Added which towers a hero is strong and weak against to their in-game descriptions.
• Added an edit button to most building button panels to make it more convenient to enter Edit Mode.
• Improve camera panning and zooming in town by ignoring various user interface elements.
• Removed the need for ammo to enter the solo campaign missions.
• Changed troop line-of-sight checks to ignore single wall segments.
• Changed the tally screen to show all of the rewards the player received if they exit it early.
• Added various sounds in places where sounds were missing.

• Fixed several visual artifacts during the tutorial.
• Fixed buildings from being sent to the tray in Edit Mode when they are placed in an invalid location.
• Fixed a jarring visual pop when opening a crate.
• Fixed depot range indicators from permanently being visible when saving changes in Edit Mode.
• Fixed squads from auto-targeting unpowered towers to allow them to focus on bigger threats.
• Fixed a crash when opening/closing the leaderboards.
• Fixed several crashes.
• Fixed various other bugs, too many to mention!

The features and fixes that we incorporate are heavily guided by player feedback. Please keep sending us your awesome comments and feedback via [email protected].
• Changed which leaderboard is initially shown based on where the leaderboards were opened.
• Disabled drag multi-select when only one squad is alive and deployed in battle.

• Improved the performance of rendering text.
• Fixed squads from auto-targeting unpowered towers.
• Fixed strange-looking text in various parts of the user interface.
• Fixed a bug in edit mode that would allow the player to place a building in a bad location.
• Fixed a bug that would prevent the player from completing the quest that asks the player to view leaderboards at league 4 when the player is above league 4.
• Fixed the close button on the notification dialog that sets the alliance member rank.
• Fixed several visual flickers in the user interface.
• Fixed a bug where a question mark would appear in the alliance leaderboard in place of the alliance info.
• Fixed a bug with certain crates charging incorrect amounts.
• Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause the alliance leaderboard to misposition your own alliance.
• Fixed a potential crash when rendering inactive forms.
• Fixed a bug preventing the user from being able to scroll through all of the content of the building toolbar in edit mode.
• Fixed an out of sync that would occur for a small number of users when speeding construction with gems.
• Fixed an issue with viewing an alliance leaderboard if you are not in an alliance.
• Fixed an issue with leveling up heroes that are above their maximum level.
• Fixed a flicker when transitioning into a map with walls.
• Fixed several crashes.

The features and fixes that we incorporate are heavily guided by player feedback. Please keep sending us your awesome comments and feedback via [email protected].
• Join your friends in the new alliance system and compete to become the most powerful alliance in the world!
• See how you stack up against other players in the all-new leaderboards!
• Visit the town of anyone on the leaderboards or in your alliance and steal their layout to call as your own!
• Use the alliance activity stream to watch how your allies are progressing in the game. Give them the boot if they are not performing to your standards!
• Hurry up slow-moving squads by double-tapping whereever you want them to go. But use this sparingly, as squads that are running cannot attack!
• Quickly alter the layout of your town much more easily now through Edit Mode!
• Select your opponent by using the new nexting feature which lets YOU decide who to attack.
• Earn more rewards daily by completing your daily assigned missions.
• Eagle Eye, our tactical sniper hero, did not look sniper-y enough, so we revised him to look more appropriate for his role in battle!
• Use Facebook to see which of your friends are playing the game.
• Buy a monthly pass and earn gems daily.
• Use the more meaningful titles that have been assigned to each hero to better understand their roles in battle.
• Command all of your troops at the same time in battle with the revived "Select All" button.

• Trophy requirements for leagues have been reduced, which may cause players to be bumped up in league.
• Matchmaking has been adjusted to increase the frequency of 2-star victories while reducing 3-star victories and 0-star defeats.
• Heroes now have a maximum star limit. You can now find rare items in the hero crates which increase the hero maximum star limit.
• Promotions have been updated (some have been removed or improved).
• When completing a quest, the quest panel now animates away in a more pleasing manner.

• Fixed various bugs, too many to mention!

The features and fixes that we incorporate are heavily guided by player feedback. Please keep sending us your awesome comments and feedback via [email protected].
• Added new tutorials for various buildings.
• Adjusted some early league mission layouts.
• Adjusted the timing of several promos.
• Adjusted the star requirements for early heroes.
• Tuned the token drop rate.
• Tuned the token unlock requirement for most heroes.
• Tuned matchmaking values.
• Changed the early quest order.
• Changed hero drop rates.
• Changed some league trophy requirements.
• Changed some early building costs.
• Changed the rate in which the attack rating both increases and decreases in the early game.
• Changed quests so that they are marked as complete as soon as they are initiated to allow the next quest to show.
• Changed the tutorial behavior so that the helper glove only is shown when the user is idle, and it lasts for a period of time before going away.
• Reduced the movement speed for Cluck Norris.
• Reduced the hit points and damage per upgrade level for troops, buildings, and heroes.
• Reduced the drop rate of the XP pot.
• Removed league 4 missions.
• Increased the starting squad size. Reduced troop damage to compensate.
• Increased the range of the Tesla tower.
• Increased the damage of the Tesla tower against tanks and soldiers.
• Increased the damage of the hero Yellow Jacket.
• Increased the hero movement speed for soldiers.
• Fixed a balance issue between the hero Blaze and missile towers.

• Fixed a bug that would cause the game to hang at the loading screen if it was suspended while downloading files.
• Fixed a bug with establishing the player attack and defense rating.
• Fixed a bug causing a several second delay in the tutorial.
• Fixed a bug with the defender battle log displaying all zeroes for trophies gained and lost.
• Fixed a bug that would prevent the deployment indicator from showing in the tutorial when deploying a hero.
• Fixed a bug displaying a double minus sign for number of trophies that could be lost.
• Fixed health from exceeding the maximum health allowed for a unit.
• Fixed unit selection in the tutorial.
• Fixed the alignment of the icons on the loading screen.
• Fixed a visual flicker in the tutorial.
• Fixed the quest completion status when spending gems to instantly upgrade buildings or research upgrades.
• Removed broken promos from the store.
• Increased the time that must pass before the field report will be shown when starting a new session, from 2 minutes to 2 hours.
• Changed the number of stars to unlock a hero to one.
• Changed the odds for unlocking heroes versus collecting hero tokens.

• Fixed the Defense Rating so that it is now properly constrained within the limits of the base Maximum Damage Rating.
• Fixed a de-sync bug when collecting energy during an in-app purchase.
• Improved the matchmaking system to better match players against their opponents (details below).
• Improved asset downloading speeds across all devices by up to 500%!
• Improved wall and building placement by removing the snap back when they are moved short distances.
• Increased the speed of the progress meters when upgrading and unlocking heroes.
• Reduced the sensitivity of the slow network connection indicator so that it appears less often.
• Reduced the difficulty of the tutorial missions.
• Changed gameplay balance (details below).

• Fixed the shield timer indicator so that it correctly updates with the remaining shield time.
• Fixed trophy rewards from combat.
• Fixed the rendering of objects when a texture has not yet been streamed into memory.
• Fixed an issue that only ever showed 0% damage in the player's warlog. Please note that only new defense entries will report the damage correctly. Old entries will still report 0%.
• Fixed an issue preventing players from collecting gems from defense victories.
• Fixed several text strings that referred to objects that no longer exist.
• Fixed an issue in the battle log that would show the trophy change for the attacker instead of the defender.
• Fixed several visual discontinuities when transitioning between screens.
• Fixed the activation of several hero promos.
• Fixed an issue preventing quests from being collected.
• Fixed several crashes.

• Combat
◦ Flame tower range reduced 10.5 ▸ 9.75
◦ Flame tower bonus vs. soldiers reduced 5 ▸ 4
◦ Rail tower bonus vs tanks reduced 5 ▸ 4
◦ Cycle troop health increased significantly, roughly double
◦ Cycle hero health increased significantly (Maxine & Diabolica)
◦ Cycle attack range increased slightly
◦ Chicken defender spawn quantity reduced from 3 ▸ 1
◦ Rocketeer defender spawn quantity reduced from 2 ▸ 1
◦ Tank defender spawn quantity set to 1 at all levels
◦ Second defender spawn timer reduced to 30 seconds at Barracks levels 3-12
◦ Gatling tower damage reduced by roughly 20%
• Leagues
◦ League 4 requirement 200 ▸ 150 trophies
◦ League 5 requirement 500 ▸ 400 trophies
◦ League 6 requirement 1000 ▸ 800 trophies
◦ League 7 requirement 1500 ▸ 1250 trophies
◦ League 8 requirement 2500 ▸ 2000 trophies
◦ League 9 requirement 3500 ▸ 3000 trophies
• Crates
◦ 6 hour “cola crate” timer reduced from 6 ▸ 3 hours
◦ Key crate cost reduced from 100 ▸ 50 keys
• Economy
◦ Holo tower level 1-3 build & upgrade cost reduced
◦ Gatling tower costs reduced
◦ Some building unlocks were shifted up or down one league
◦ Deployment Camp level 3 requirement reduced from HQ7 to HQ6
• Laboratory
◦ Laboratory troop research unlocks only by Laboratory level, not by league level
◦ Laboratory research costs gold instead of food
• Quests
◦ Early game quests have been rearranged and updated
◦ Advanced Holo tower quest reward reduced from 8750 ▸ 2000 wood
• Heroes
◦ Star requirements are rebalanced for many heroes
◦ Cola requirements for hero level up is reduced
◦ Some hero unlock requirements are increased to 3 tokens, temporarily
• Matchmaking
◦ Version 1.0 of a new matchmaking system is implemented which takes into account the attacker’s Attack Rating and defender’s Defense Rating. It may take some time for existing players to be matched appropriately, which could result in battles that are too easy or too difficult until the system adapts. This system will be reviewed and updated as needed over the course of the next few patches.
This is the biggest update to date, containing many new features, bug fixes, and polish!

• Due to significant new gameplay, balance changes and new features, all user progress has been reset with this release, but all previous purchases and time investments have been credited and awarded bonus gems.
◦ All previous purchases are credited with gems of the highest tier, along with a 20% bonus! They can be seen after the tutorial.
◦ Town progress is also credited with gems.

New Features:
• Added new heroes and a redesigned hero system!
◦ Heroes and troops have been combined to form a powerful squad unit.
◦ Heroes have been given new hero powers and abilities. Each hero has many skills to be upgraded, including the ability to increase squad size, change squad attributes or boost the hero in combat.
◦ 10 new heroes have been added to the roster.
◦ Introducing a new rarity system with rare and epic heroes. Rare and epic heroes have extra unique and powerful abilities.
◦ Player does not need to train troops to enter combat anymore. Heroes now require ammo to fight in combat.
◦ Added new daily drop crate rewards.
◦ Heroes now earn stars which increase their maximum level.
◦ Multiple hero squads can be selected by touching on a squad and dragging onto another squad. “Select all” has been removed.

• Added new town buildings and towers!
◦ Tesla tower defends against large mobs of enemies.
◦ Advanced holo tower can be customized between three different tower types.
◦ Large mountain blocker can be built to better defend your town.
◦ New Deployment Camp allows more heroes to be deployed in combat.
◦ Walls have been changed to block most projectiles.

• Improved the first-time user experience!
◦ Added a new just-in-time tutorial to provide guidance and tips to the player.
◦ Reworked the tutorial to be more clear and succinct.
◦ Improved the league system which now includes a progression system.
◦ Replaced the existing league loading screen with an even better one.
◦ Polished the combat HUD.
◦ Polished the city HUD.
◦ New hero crates give you heroes and colas.
◦ Added a new epic hero crate.
◦ Workers are now created and they behave automatically.
◦ Barracks spawn all troop types. The airport has been removed.
◦ Campaign missions have been updated.
◦ Added new introductory league missions.
◦ Economy, leagues and combat have been fully rebalanced.
◦ Players can revenge their attackers.

• Improved many visuals!
◦ Replaced the game icon with something much cooler and representative of the game!
◦ Refined all of the building and tower icons in the build menu.
◦ Added star indicators over resource buildings in battle to indicate that destroying the building contributes to the victory condition.
◦ Vehicles and soldiers leave footsteps and track marks when they move.
◦ Upgrade arrow signs now appear in front of buildings that can be upgraded.
◦ Towers now indicate when units enter their attack range.
◦ The chrono pods have been replaced with war chests.
◦ Massively improved lighting and polish on high-end devices.
◦ Removed waterways from the world map.

• Fixed many bugs!
◦ Fixed several Game Center issues.
◦ Fixed various crashes and desyncs.
◦ Fixed issues with shields.
◦ Improved grammar and capitalization issues on text strings.
◦ Shortened long town names with ellipses.

We would love to hear from you! Please send any feedback to [email protected].
Improved stability.
Improved stability.
Improved stability.

Чит Коды на бесплатные встроенные покупки

Покупка Цена iPhone/iPad Андроид
Gem Crate
(A pack containing 14000 gems.)
8 990,00 ₽
BA418473133✱✱✱✱✱ 62AFFB5✱✱✱✱✱
Gem Stack
(A pack containing 500 gems.)
449,00 ₽
BA504903636✱✱✱✱✱ 96F4F99✱✱✱✱✱
Monthly Pass
(Get a daily gem reward every day for 30 days.)
449,00 ₽
BA791412395✱✱✱✱✱ 6A334FD✱✱✱✱✱
Gem Hoard
(A pack containing 2500 gems.)
1 790,00 ₽
BA354139135✱✱✱✱✱ A741EA5✱✱✱✱✱
Gem Pile
(A pack containing 1200 gems.)
899,00 ₽
BA423097234✱✱✱✱✱ C4BFB94✱✱✱✱✱
League Bundle - Cluck Norris
(A bundle of items that includes the Cluck Norris hero.)
449,00 ₽
BA401992356✱✱✱✱✱ E345565✱✱✱✱✱
Gem Bucket
(A pack containing 6500 gems.)
4 490,00 ₽
BA927402856✱✱✱✱✱ 1DFA679✱✱✱✱✱
League Bundle - Nightshade
(A bundle of items that includes the Nightshade hero.)
599,00 ₽
BA899183013✱✱✱✱✱ F222A17✱✱✱✱✱
Super Deal!
(Get this one time purchase at a discount.)
4 490,00 ₽
BA939359599✱✱✱✱✱ 4235D72✱✱✱✱✱
League Bundle - Stinger
(A bundle of items that includes the Stinger hero.)
449,00 ₽
BA929205147✱✱✱✱✱ BBE3BCF✱✱✱✱✱

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4.4 из 5
105 Голосов


Почему когда я нажимаю атаковать пишет чего-то не хватает? Нельзя сделать посто нажал и поиграл. Исправте это пожалуйста
Отличная игра!
Сначала не очень въехал, что-то напрягала всё время. Когда понял концепцию игры, проникся. Не глупая игра, есть где подумать. Играю без доната и вполне успешно. Чего и вам желаю!
Super Fieldrunners attack!!!!
Прекрасная игра!
Doesn’t work
По ходу забанили игрулю в Рашке. Это печально
Victor 52,
Хорошая игра.
4 звезды. Нет Русского языка!!!!!
Russian language!!!
Please 😢
Food storage bug. Maximum capacity 10 000 when already built upgrade up to 20 000
Отличная игра!
Прикольная игрушка
Игра огонь
Супер!!! Я доволен

Другие приложения этого разработчика