You've played it with your family and friends for years with pen and paper and now you can do it on your iPhone. Call it Celebrities, Charades Ultra, That-Game-With-The-Folded-Papers-And-The-Hat... we call it Fishbowl!
Each round, you try to get your team to guess as many cards as possible in the selected time. First, you can describe it in any way you want just don't say the title. Second round, say only ONE word about the title (don't worry, people should sort of remember what cards were guess on the first round so pay attention!) and last round is like Charades!
Leave the writing of the clues to us. Just let each player choose from our hundreds of cards and get a game going in a few minutes!
Our categories include Celebrities, Movie quotes, characters and titles, Video Games and very random things too!
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