Faster and smarter…
Welcome to the fast-growing world of Fishinda! It is easy to use and the registration is fast. These features matter so we have made them even better!
Faster and smarter…
Welcome to the fast-growing world of Fishinda! It is easy to use and the registration is fast. These features matter so we have made them even better! The catch map looks better than ever and became more accurate.
New challenge: you can get the new 'Personal Best' trophies by fish species.
Faster and smarter…
Welcome to the fast-growing world of Fishinda! It is easy to use and the registration is fast. These features matter so we have made them even better! The catch map looks better than ever and became more accurate.
New challenge: you can get the new 'Personal Best' trophies by fish species.
Faster and smarter…
Welcome to the fast-growing world of Fishinda! It is easy to use and the registration is fast. These features matter so we have made them even better! The catch map looks better than ever and became more accurate.
New challenge: you can get the new 'Personal Best' trophies by fish species.
Faster and smarter…
Welcome to the fast-growing world of Fishinda! It is easy to use and the registration is fast. These features matter so we have made them even better! The catch map looks better than ever and became more accurate.
New challenge: you can get the new 'Personal Best' trophies by fish species.
We are glad that you are a member of Fishinda community! To make the experience better and better, we are constantly working on the development of the application. Every update improves the app's speed and reliability. From time to time, the range of features also expands, which we particularly call your attention to.
Inspiring catches, Fishing map, Top baits, Forecasts
New features! Uploading catches is easier and faster than ever. The bait and water search engine has been developed. Try now and find new products and fishing spots.
The Community of the Fishinda App makes the fishing more successful and helps to protect waters.
NEW - Useful features to start the season!
Rating fishing waters *** New newsfeed settings *** Event page
We are glad that you are a member of Fishinda community! To make the experience better and better, we are constantly working on the development of the application. Every update improves the app's speed and reliability. From time to time, the range of features also expands, which we particularly call your attention to.
We are glad that you are a member of Fishinda community! To make the experience better and better, we are constantly working on the development of the application. Every update improves the app's speed and reliability. From time to time, the range of features also expands, which we particularly call your attention to. From now you can use Fishinda in Italian an Bulgarian as well as in English, Hungarian, Chech, Slovakian and Romanian.
We are glad that you are a member of Fishinda community! To make the experience better and better, we are constantly working on the development of the application. Every update improves the app's speed and reliability. From time to time, the range of features also expands, which we particularly call your attention to.
Köszönjük, hogy Te is a Fishinda Közösség tagja vagy! Ahhoz, hogy az élmény egyre jobb lehessen, folyamatosan dolgozunk az applikáció fejlesztésén. Minden Fishinda frissítés javítja az app sebességét és megbízhatóságát. Időről időre a funkciók sora is bővül, amire külön felhívjuk a figyelmed.
Thank You for being part of the Fishinda Community! To make Your experience better and better we are continuously developing Fishinda App. All updates conatins improvements of speed and safety. From time to time we release new functions. Stay updated!
Köszönjük, hogy Te is a Fishinda Közösség tagja vagy! Ahhoz, hogy az élmény egyre jobb lehessen, folyamatosan dolgozunk az applikáció fejlesztésén. Minden Fishinda frissítés javítja az app sebességét és megbízhatóságát. Időről időre a funkciók sora is bővül, amire külön felhívjuk a figyelmed.
Thank You for being part of the Fishinda Community! To make Your experience better and better we are continuously developing Fishinda App. All updates conatins improvements of speed and safety. From time to time we release new functions. Stay updated!
Köszönjük, hogy Te is a Fishinda Közösség tagja vagy! Ahhoz, hogy az élmény egyre jobb lehessen, folyamatosan dolgozunk az applikáció fejlesztésén. Minden Fishinda frissítés javítja az app sebességét és megbízhatóságát. Időről időre a funkciók sora is bővül, amire külön felhívjuk a figyelmed.
Thank You for being part of the Fishinda Community! To make Your experience better and better we are continuously developing Fishinda App. All updates conatins improvements of speed and safety. From time to time we release new functions. Stay updated!
Köszönjük, hogy Te is a Fishinda Közösség tagja vagy! Ahhoz, hogy az élmény egyre jobb lehessen, folyamatosan dolgozunk az applikáció fejlesztésén. Minden Fishinda frissítés javítja az app sebességét és megbízhatóságát. Időről időre a funkciók sora is bővül, amire külön felhívjuk a figyelmed.
Thank You for being part of the Fishinda Community! To make Your experience better and better we are continuously developing Fishinda App. All updates conatins improvements of speed and safety. From time to time we release new functions. Stay updated!
Köszönjük, hogy Te is a Fishinda Közösség tagja vagy! Ahhoz, hogy az élmény egyre jobb lehessen, folyamatosan dolgozunk az applikáció fejlesztésén. Minden Fishinda frissítés javítja az app sebességét és megbízhatóságát. Időről időre a funkciók sora is bővül, amire külön felhívjuk a figyelmed.
Thank You for being part of the Fishinda Community! To make Your experience better and better we are continuously developing Fishinda App. All updates conatins improvements of speed and safety. From time to time we release new functions. Stay updated!
bugfixes, minor improvements
bugfixes, minor improvements