1. UI Improvement: user can delete exercise from exercises list by swiping the row in 5.0 version.
2. UI Improvement: user can edit workout name, start and end time on workout record editing dialog in 5.0 version.
1. UI Redesign: Redesigned weekly calendar view with bigger chart and simpler workout records display.
2. New Feature: Implemented tracking&logging body weight, fat, BMI and Waist Circum with Apple Health.
1. UI Improvements: replaced exercise icon, changed primary fonts on all dialogs. Redesigned Dashboard UI layout, buttons style and color.
2. AD Optimization: replaced end workout video ad with banner AD on several dialogs to fully utilize the space.
1. New Feature: Today Widget for daily workout plan display and quick access.
2. Ad Optimization: replaced previous broken Ad network with a new one.
3. New Feature: Notice board for the purpose of communication.
1. UI Redesign: Completely redesigned icon, launching screen and colors on the dashboard to make it more attractive.
2. New Feature: Added workout notification reminders to remind you on planned workout day.
3. New Feature: Added progress bar to track the planned number of exercises to make it more motivating to finish your workouts and exercises.
4. UI Optimization: Now each exercise is counted as 1 star on weekly calendar view as well. Added flag and star count on weekly calendar view.
5. UX Optimization: You will be taken to the Current Workout UI directly when there is a workout in progress, without asking you to resume or delete.
6. New Default Workout Plans (new user only): Updated the default workout plans so beginner users can have something to start with.
1. New Popup: Added video AD after finishing a workout since it seems no many people care about it ATM :).
2. New Feature: Added a top bar to show total workouts as captured flags and exercises as collected stars on top of the dashboard.
3. New Feature: Previously unfinished workout can be resumed after terminating the app.
4. Icon Polish.