You can easily know FizzBuzz in various languages.
You can save as much data you want to save.
You can edit and create your own best FizzBuzz.
You can use the app without Internet connection.
It mainly contains source code of the following programming language.
- Elm
- Jasmin
- ada
- applescript
- arnoldc
- assembly
- b
- batch
- batsh
- beta
- brainfuck
- c++
- c
- chapel
- clisp
- clojure
- cobol
- coffeescript
- crystal
- csharp
- cuneiform
- d
- dart
- elisp
- elixir
- escript
- forth
- fortran
- fsharp
- gamemakerlanguage
- go
- groovy
- haskell
- holyc
- hoon
- io
- j
- java
- javascript
- julia
- kotlin
- labyrinth
- lolcode
- lolpython
- lua
- matlab
- mercury
- mysql
- nim
- objc
- ocaml
- octave
- pascal
- pawn
- perl
- perl6
- php
- pinecone
- pony
- postgresql
- potigol
- pyret
- python
- python2
- python3
- r
- racket
- rockstar
- ruby
- rust
- sassy-css
- scala
- scheme
- scilab
- sed
- shell
- sqlite3
- swift
- tcl
- text
- typescript
- visualbasic
- whitespace