FLIP Training Читы

FLIP Training Взлом 3.2.2 + Чит Коды

Разработчик: Mercury Studio, LLC
Категория: Образование
Цена: Бесплатно
Версия: 3.2.2
ID: training.flip.prod


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Flashcard Learning to Ignite Performance

FLIP is a mobile-first, micro-learning solution that offers an innovative means of delivering just-in-time learning using a proven memory tool – the flashcard.
Imagine a solution that can fit anywhere (and everywhere) in an organization and be accessed by anyone, anytime, from any device.
FLIP is unlike any learning solution on the market due to its ease of use and unlimited applications. FLIP Excels as: 

A Stand-Alone Learning Solution
FLIP can deliver bite-sized, just-in-time, referenceable content around any topic that can be accessed at the moment of need to improve performance on the job (Sales Enablement, Desktop Reference Guide, etc.).
FLIP can also be used as a great alternative to traditional web-based training programs. The platform can offer the same features as traditional eLearnings, such as certification credentials (CPE), gamification, data, and analytics (integrated into any learning system). However, FLIP greatly improves the user experience by enabling learners to quickly and easily access the training anywhere, anytime, and from any device – whenever they have a few minutes free (maybe in a cab, on a plane, or waiting for a meeting to start).

A Complement to Existing Learning Programs
FLIP can seamlessly work in tandem with established learning programs, serving as the platform for pre-work, in-class engagement, as well as post learning reference.
You’ll no longer have to dig through emails, websites, or papers to find the key takeaways from the training you just attended. With FLIP, everything can be digitized and quickly referenced (and updated), and FLIP’s push notification capabilities can be used to engage learners downstream to follow up on their experience as well as how the learning is being applied.

A Curation Tool
FLIP can easily connect with established systems such as an LRS, LMS, Compliance Dashboard, and more.
It’s a great tool to centralize disparate resources – allow users to access all learning resources through one platform as well as enable the creation of customized learning plans from the range of resources.

FLIP is:
* Accesible
* Customizable
* Engaging
* Fast
* Measurable
* Personalized
* Intuitive
* Secure

FLIP is a unique solution not only for its ease of use and agility but for offering a range of proven benefits, unlike most other platforms.
Ignite Performance
FLIP delivers on-the-job knowledge to employees exactly at the point of need. Whether working to close a sale, help a customer, or solve a problem – FLIP can deliver exactly what is needed in the moments that matter to help your team.
Improve the Talent Experience
FLIP makes the process to access, complete, and reference learning simple and easy. FLIP fits anywhere in an organization’s needs landscape and can be both a stand-alone solution, a complement to other learning interventions, and/or serve as a curation tool – giving employees the ability to access and complete learning anytime, anywhere, from any device.

Save Time
FLIP not only accelerates an individual’s ability to access and consume learning, it also saves organization’s a tremendous amount of time in building, publishing, and updating content given the ease of our authoring platform. FLIP’s reporting and analytics capabilities streamline the time and energy needed to analyze results and assess ongoing needs.

Save Money
FLIP enables organizations to build and design 100% of their content, eliminating the need for 3rd party vendors to create training products. Additionally, our implementation pricing packages can be flexible and agile, based on an organization’s needs. This, coupled with the time savings FLIP provides, translates into lower operating and administrative costs.

Get Started Today!
The best way to understand FLIP is to experience it first-hand. Access FLIP now to see example use cases as well as browse features, capabilities, and card types.
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История обновлений

* Bug fixes and stability improvements for Discussion Card with iOS Keyboard
* Internal build changes to speed up feature development
* Minor bug fixes and improvements
* Support split-screen on iPad
* Internal bug fixes and security patches
* New In-App QR Code scanner
* Daisy Chain Unlock and Guided Categories
* Dark Mode for Index Cards
* Cover Images for Assessment Instructions Cards
* Refreshed App Icon and Splash Screen
* Behind the Scenes Platform Upgrades for Improved Stability
* Various Bug Fixes and Improvements
Completely redesigned navigation, plus new Home, Library, and Search screens.
Platform upgrades to improve reliability and scalability
Feedback card type
Various fixes and improvements
Various fixes and improvements
* Support LOTS of cards in a deck
* Sound toggle and Content Library selections persist across logins
* Category search
* Images in card content can be tapped to view full screen, with pan/zoom
* Various other fixes and improvements
- Fix images being distorted
- New "Add Content" screen
- Index Card
- Revised home screen UI
- Fixed orientation issues
- Improved image caching
- Offline indicator
- Share extension improvements
- Updated libraries and dependencies
- Various fixes and improvements
- Share feature for creating your own cards from websites and other sources
Bug fixes and minor improvements.
* Custom external video support
* Question card: remediation content
* Question card: knowledge check mode
* Font colors
* Support for forced password change
* Support for per-org inactivity timeout
* Fix upper right area of card not being tappable
* Fix orientation issues
* Platform and library upgrades
- iPad sizing improvements
- Mark cards as seen as soon as you view the front
- Images in content are now always full-width
- Remove feature tour slideshow
- Group content packs by organization
- Confirmation dialog on log out
- Various other fixes and improvements
- iPad support
- iPhone X support
- Same aspect ratio (golden ratio) for cards on all devices
- New sliding hamburger menu
- Manage User Roles feature
- Removed footer from front of image cards
- Various other improvements and fixes
- Robust offline support
- In-app web browser
- Unseen markers (count on deck, blue dot on card)
- Edge-to-edge card images
- Remember deck and card states after closing/reopening
- Better support for long card lists
- X flips card back to front
- Image support for action and file cards
- Edge-to-edge webview card type option
- Bookshelf home screen
- Assessments
- Rich content enhancements
- Video and audio embeds
- New search
- Sound effects
- Remember your position within deck
- Asssessments
- Fix deck ordering
- Light gray bg on deck line screen
- Carry over title formatting to back of card
- Count of cards and questions deck front; new icon
- Make answer choices look more pressable
- Gradient above content to signal ability to scroll
- Results count for search
- Lock factoid cards so they can’t be flipped
- Various other fixes and improvements
- Show login screen first, with option to create account
- Always allow previously-downloaded content to be viewed when offline
- Various fixes and improvements
- Account creation, with configurable fields for name, email, and password
- Tutorial slideshow first time user opens app
- Terms and conditions checkbox on login screen
- Show content above questions and checklist items
- On start, auto-scroll to first org deck if present
- Improve layout on iPhone 5 and when iOS text size is enlarged
- Various other fixes and improvements
Added share extension for saving websites as cards.
- Add content packs by scanning QR codes
- Push notifications
- Fix crash when first user deck is empty
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