Disclaimer : Stable internet connection is required to use galpowala mobile application which uses streaming over internet to deliver bengali audiobooks to your device. Ensure you update to latest build always to have the best experience.
Featuring elocutionists and celebrity voices like Barun Chanda, Pranati Tagore and Sujoy Prosad Chatterjee
Stream your bengali audiobooks on the galpowala mobile application.
Listen at home, while cooking, driving or just about anywhere else, just perfect for the bengali audiobook lover.
Trial is completely free for 30 days, so take your pick and listen to a over 30 hours of premium bengali audiobooks from renaissance period. Listen to free bengali audiobooks
How it Works :
Install the galpowala mobile application
Login using your Apple or Social ID
Create a User ID and password
Verify Email
Enjoy !
How do I listen to Sample Free Audiobook ?
Home > Click on free bengali audiobook sample play button to hear to an audio clip
Home > Click on bengali audiobook. From audiobook detail page click on sample play button to hear free bengali audiobook sample.
Will I be charged for 30 Days Free Trial ?
How do I add more audiobooks to My Library ?
Click on bengali audiobook in Home view to see audiobook details
Add to Library adds the bengali audiobook to Your Library
Select the bengali audiobook you wish to listen
Select Play in Smart Player below to enjoy listening to your favourite bengali audiobook.
Can I browse the playlist ?
Yes. Click on Playlist button on Smart Player to expand playlist
Select the section, title from Audiobook you wish to listen
Auto-plays if you were already listening to an audiobook
Select play to start listening and enjoy your bengali audiobook
What about new bengali audiobooks on galpowala platform. Do I have access to all of them ?
Yes. If you are a paid subscriber, Monthly or Yearly, all bengali audiobooks added to the Galpowala application and platform will be available to you.
Where do I report bugs ?
Please write to contact@galpowala.com
FAQ & Known Issues : https://www.galpowala.com/faq/
Terms of Use/ EULA: https://www.galpowala.com/terms-of-use/
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