GhostCodes -Discovery for Snap Читы

GhostCodes -Discovery for Snap Взлом 2.0.2 + Чит Коды

Разработчик: GhostCodes
Категория: Социальные сети
Цена: Бесплатно
Версия: 2.0.2
ID: com.softway.snapcodes


Game screenshot GhostCodes -Discovery for Snap mod apkGame screenshot GhostCodes -Discovery for Snap apkGame screenshot GhostCodes -Discovery for Snap hack


This app is not sponsored or endorsed by, or affiliated with, Snapchat, Inc.

GhostCodes is a simple, fast and fun way to discover new people on Snapchat.

Have you ever asked the question, “How do I find people to follow on Snapchat?” We have too…all the time. So we built an app that makes it possible. GhostCodes is the best way to find new people to follow on Snapchat. Users can browse by category or they can search by name and/or interest. Easily save snapcodes to your camera roll, and batch follow people by using Snapchat’s ‘add by snapcode’ feature.

Search - say goodbye to usernames. Easily find snapchat users by their real name.

Interests - add interests to your profile so others with similar interests can find and follow you.

Categories - every user is listed under a specific category. Browse through topics that appeal to you.

Intro Videos - Create a 30 second intro video to introduce yourself to other GhostCodes users.

Kudos - this is our ranking system. Everyone is ranked in their respective category by Kudos. This way, the best users rise to the top.

Save - easily save Snapchat codes to your camera roll so you can easily batch follow them.

Profile - this is your home base. See how many times your Snapcode has been downloaded, deep dive into your interests, add additional social media links, create your intro video and more.

Edit - Add, remove, and refine your Snapcode image quickly and easily!

GhostCodes provides you a platform to use your own Snapcode to enable others to add you as a Snapchat contact. GhostCodes is not affiliated with Snapchat, Inc. Which means Snapchat does not sponsor or endorse the GhostCodes website and App or any of the services provided by them.

История обновлений

Fixed a bug in the edit profile when updating your snapcode.
Welcome to the all new Ghostcodes! We're back and we've updated the app to be even better.

• We now support iPhone X, iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, iPhone XR, iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro, iPhone 11 Pro
• Updated design to make browsing the app smoother
• Various bug fixes and improvements based on your feedback

Give the new Ghostcodes a try! If you have any issues, don't hesitate to reach out to us at [[email protected]]
Oh Snap! GhostCodes is back with a brand new addition...

We've been working on some of the more boring -- *ahem* -- technical features of GhostCodes to make it more stable, faster, and capable of time travel. Okay, only one of those things is true.

No "mind blowing" features to be seen here, but ghostly bugs have been squashed and spooky issues resolved. We're working on some interesting things around search and discovery, so be sure to fill out you details (birthday, gender, zip code) when we prompt you -- these will eventually help us craft some really cool ways of discovering Ghosties from all over the world.

Lastly--thank you! GhostCodes has continued to be an amazing project to work on, and we can't wait to see what's next. You can reach us on Twitter at @GhostCodes. We'd love to say hi.

Stay Spooky Y'all!
-Team GhostCodes
Intro videos are more better.

We made ya some iMessage stickers.

The end.

(Sorry, our copywriter is on vacation.)

Stay Spooky Y'all,
Team GhostCodes
Since the day we launched, GhostCodes has strived to help our users from all over the globe connect with one another. We've made it easy to search by name as well as browse by categories and common interests.

Today...we took it a step further by bringing you a step closer to people around you. You can now connect with GhostCodes users NEARBY! (without having to be on the same Wi-Fi network -- looking at you, Snapchat.)


That’s right, GhostCodes just got a lot more neighborly.

Introducing ‘Near Me’

Near Me makes it possible to find other Ghosties within a defined radius. You can extend the search radius from 5 miles to 100 miles. Close enough, but not too close. Head to the ‘Search’ section of GhostCodes to try out the new Near Me feature.

*To use Near Me you’ll need to enable location services*

Other Improvements:

-Notification Refinements
-Optimized for iOS 10 Devices
-Trending Algorithm Enhancements

Stay Spooky Y’all,
-Team GhostCodes

You know what’s PLAGUING social media these days?


We don’t need to see a close up shot of your pulled pork tacos, or get weekly updates about your odd toe fungus. BTW you really should get that toe thing looked at.

Oversharing has become a pretty big problem. And with this update…

…we’re going to make it worse.

You thought we were going to solve oversharing? Not today y’all.

Here’s what we’ve got in this update:

Yep. Head to your profile and try it out. One tap pulls up an ultra-simple ‘profile card’ that you can either take a screenshot of, or quickly share with the inter webs by tapping on ‘Share’. Not only will it share your ‘GhostCard’, it’ll also direct friends and family to your custom link so they can see your deets without having to download the app first.

We’ve added a new, simple edit profile area that makes it easier to edit your profile quickly, without having to hop in and out of the settings section.

We’re always fixin’ those pesky bugs. You know how we roll.

We’ve got some VERY exciting new features headed your way soon. For up-to-the-minute updates, please follow us on Twitter (@GhostCodes) to make sure you stay in the know. We can’t help it, we’re just as bad at oversharing as you are.

Stay Spooky Y’all!

-Team GhostCodes
You’ll notice a whole new look to the GhostCodes brand...including an adorable new ghost. Since we launched in April of this year, we’ve made great strides to improve Snapchat discovery. That was our #1 goal. But, we’ve also been working on a lot of things behind the scenes that go beyond that. In the coming weeks, as our app continues to evolve, you’ll begin to notice new tools that will help our users grow on all social platforms. Really. Really. Awesome. Stuff.

As we embark on this journey, we thought long and hard about the GhostCodes brand. While we still want to be tethered to Snapchat discovery, we also know that we can give the creators on our app so much more to grow their connections on all social networks.

One thing we’ve come to learn is that the GhostCodes community is filled with fantastic creators. Amazing Artists, Engaging Storytellers, Motivating Fitness Gurus, Hilarious Comedians. We marvel at everyone’s ability to consistently create dynamic content...on every social platform. Because of this, we wanted to embrace a new brand that can stand on its own and support our creators in more actionable ways.

Snapchat discovery will always be part of our core focus as long as the need persists, but supporting our users and giving them tools that help them connect while also providing a platform to be discovered is our new #1 goal. Or, as Khalid would say: “Another One!”

The other updates in this version:

We improved some of our headline discovery tools.
What's up iOS 10!
We punched a few bugs directly in the throat, but in the least violent way imaginable. It was a cute, dainty punch of death. #GhostBugs

Stay tuned for exciting new features we’re cookin’ up in the lab. We’ll be dropping them soon.

Stay Spooky Y’all,
GhostCodes Team
We’re gonna come right out and say it...this isn’t a flashy update.

At least, not on the surface. Most of what’s included is improving some items ‘under the hood’ that will drastically improve the browsing experience within the app, specifically as it relates to Headlines. This version of GhostCodes will especially give us more flexibility with how we showcase creators moving forward. Our editorial team is now able to group a small batch of users into custom curated categories.

We’re calling them: *Pop-Up Categories*

With Pop-Up Categories we can focus on highlighting creators in more specific and exclusive groupings. Wanna know the Top 10 Artists on Snapchat? Easy! We can now group them into their own exclusive category. What about the 25 Hairiest Dogs, Top 14 Most Awkward Huggers, Sassiest Lumberjacks? The possibilities are endless!

With Pop-Up Categories, we now have the power to make those lists happen, and we think that’s exciting.

We also squashed a few bugs as well, which is always fun!

Stay Spooky Y’all,
-Team GhostCodes
*Please read this update aloud in your best old-guy British accent.*

Dearest Ghosties,

How art thou? I trust you’re doing splendid. Indeed it has been a few days - nay - a fortnight, without a new update to our app. Today, most wonderful and esteemed users…that wrong has been GLORIOUSLY righted.

Without further ado, please enjoy this detailed list, ordered in a roman numerical hierarchy.

By jove! Search has been enhanced to improve your viewing and discovery pleasure. You simply must tap on the search tab and experience this for yourself. When you arrive do yourself a favor and toggle between Snappers and Interests. Indeed! Your eyes will bear witness to all sorts of wonder. Finding new Ghosties or the interests they care about has never been more fantastic.

We understand that the average user only wants to see 65% of 34% of their notifications on the activity feed. With our math firmly rooted in reality, we set out to make it easier for YOU to zero out all your notifications with a single tap. Like a ghost, your notifications will be clear.

Henceforth, if you’ ever given us a review in the past (thank you BTW) and would like to review our newest version, you’ll now see that lil ol’ smiley face again in your profile.

*End of British accent*

Well done you guys! As you can tell, we hired a VERY old English ghost to help us “pen” (in his words) our ‘Whats New’ text - and we think he did okay. Solid B.

Stay Spooky Y’all,
Team GhostCodes
You’ll notice a bold new look to GhostCodes in this update. Something we’ve been crafting for some time.

It’s been amazing to see such a diverse group of users embrace the platform. Over 18,000 unique interests have been added to Ghostcodes since we launched in April. That’s 18,000 different ways to make discovery on our app more dynamic.

:: 1. Introducing: HEADLINES ::

With Headlines, we’ll focus on more than just individual creators. We will highlight Interest Groups, Events, Trends, Pop Culture, Cities, Food, etc. The possibilities are endless.

You’ll find Headlines built right into the home page. We’ll change them multiple times per week, giving you more excuses to come back and discover other Ghosties from around the world.

But wait, there’s more…

:: 2. Sort By Video ::

As you know, our last update was a step into video with the launch of Intro Videos (beta). You can now SORT by video, making it roughly 1,237% easier to find users with an Intro on their profile. BOO-ya!

:: 3. Public Web Profiles ::

We’ve come to realize that GhostCodes isn’t just about Snapchat discovery. It’s about universal social discovery. We’ve seen thousands of connections happen across all social platforms. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, MySpace….ok, maybe not MySpace.

Because of this, we wanted to make your GhostCodes profile easier to SHARE outside of the app. GhostCodes users now have custom linkable/sharable web profiles! Show your kudos off to all your friends! Your profile link is easy:

Hope you guys enjoy the new goodies we cooked up. Now back to the lab to work on some more cool stuff.

Stay Spooky Y'all,

-Team GhostCodes
GhostCodes Updates are a lot like children, we try not to show favoritism. But, sometimes you just can’t help it. This version is definitely our pride and joy. (shhhh - don’t tell the others)

As you know, the purpose of GhostCodes is to help you get discovered…especially on Snapchat. With every new release our goal is to turn up the ghost-pacity.

This update does that in a big way by introducing a really exciting new feature: VIDEO. It’s a little taste of things to come. We’re calling them Intro Videos beta*. The feature gives you the tools to introduce yourself to your fellow Ghosties, so they get an idea of why they should be following you on Snapchat. (and across your other social channels)

*Fair warning, this is a beta. It’s not perfect. We’re already working on improving the video tools as well as how they’re displayed within the app. We didn’t want to delay getting it out to you. This way you can give us feedback on ways to make it better.

Here’s a summary of all the new things you can expect:

1. INTRO VIDEOS - Lights. Camera. Action.

Users will now have the ability to add an intro video to their profile. Videos are recorded natively in-app and can be up to 30 seconds in length with the option of adding multiple scenes. This tool is a direct response to some of our user comments. Comments like:

“I love browsing the app, but don’t know what to expect when I add someone on Snapchat. Please Halp!”

We feel your pain, fellow ghost. A bio only says so much about a user. There should be more.

“I added someone on Snapchat because I thought they loved Dogs…but it turns out they’re a Cat person.”

Yikes. Videos should help users avoid this type of emotional trauma.

“I want an excuse to be in your app longer so I can work less and discover more!”

Us too! And, the best part about intro videos is they can be changed as often as you like. Make them Weekly. Daily. Hourly. Minutely. Secondly. It’s your time to shine!

2. EMAIL VERIFICATION - Trolls should only be in fairy tales.

Yeah, this is kind of a boring new feature. BUT! In an effort to keep the trolls at bay, we’re adding in email verification. This shouldn’t affect you much…unless you like creating a bunch of fake accounts. In that case, it'll probably annoy you.


-social linking improvements
-bug fixes

Stay Spooky Y'all,

-Team GhostCodes
This release focuses on two things:
2. DISCOVERY (now 187% more DISCOVERY-ER)

Take a look at some questions from REAL GhostCodes users, turned into legit features on GhostCodes:


“I like FINDING people on GhostCodes, but I don’t really care about being FOUND. Any way I could browse the app privately?”

We’re beyond-the-grave excited to introduce a new privacy feature called GhostMode! This feature allows you to browse the app PUBLICLY in “visible mode” or PRIVATELY in “invisible mode”. You can change your GhostMode in the settings area at any time. If you’re new, you can register as an "Invisible mode" user for an expedited registration process.

If a ‘ghost’ gives you a Kudo or downloads your code, don’t get spooked - it’s a user who’s GhostMode is set to ‘Invisible’.



“Can we have different ways to SORT users? Right now it’s geared towards how many kudos someone has, which makes it hard to find other awesome people that aren’t at the top of the list.”

Now there are FOUR different ways to sort users. When you’re browsing a category or interest you can change to any of these new filters:

MOST KUDOS - Pretty self explanatory.

POPULAR - These users are trending on GhostCodes. This algorithm DOES NOT take into consideration total number of kudos, but a variety of other metrics—AKA Secret Sauce.

RANDOMIZE - Walk on the wild side and see a fully random view of users in a category or interest.

NEW USERS - Aww, look at all the lil’ baby ghosts! Make sure to say hello, the most recent users of GhostCodes will appear first with this sort filter applied.



“What gives? Where’s the social icon for Periscope?”

Um—we just added it. It’s been there for like 20 minutes…ish.



-Expanded grid view of Snapcodes in a category (up from 18 to 36).
-Your ’Last Name’ is now optional (lookin’ at you brands ;)
-Added the OG (original ghost) badge to all user profiles that registered before May 15.
-Integrated numeric identifier into to the activity tab on the navigation bar.
-Fixed a weird kudos numbering issue thingy.

Stay Spooky Y'all,
-Team GhostCodes
We’re taking a quick breather before the next super fantastic update of GhostCodes to bring you BUG FIXES, SPEED IMPROVEMENTS, and more GHOST PUNS. So in the ‘spirit’ of ‘transparency’ - here are some real quotes from GhostCodes users:

1. “I found a glitch, gosh doggit! When a notification popup appears in the app, it FORCES me to visit the activity screen. HELP!”

—We punched that bug in the throat. You can now dismiss the notification, or view it. Your choice!

2. “What in tarnation? When I tap on someones profile from a list, and then go back to that very same list…the app make me go ALL THE WAY BACK UP TO THE TOP.”

—We tried waving our “magical” wand at the issue, but that didn’t work. So then we fixed it, and that totally, 100% fixed it.

3. “Goodness me, the app CRASHES when I scroll really far down on the activity page.”

—We bug fixed the CRUD out of this issue. Scroll for days fellow Ghosties!

4. “Listen you little toots, my ‘Downloaded By’ and ‘Kudos From’ sections are crashing.”

—Legit spooky, for sure. Good thing we ain’t scared of no ghost…bugs.

——— —

We’ve also improved the speed of every page, stabilized the platform, tweaked a few things under the hood, and given you faster access to add more social links (just tap on the greyed out icons from your profile). We’re just getting started. Be on the lookout for the next BIG GhostCodes update in a few weeks!

Stay Spooky Y’all,
Team GhostCodes
Real questions from real users, turned into real features for our official launch:

1. “I really wish Snapchat would let me edit my snapcode.”

Don’t we all? Head over to your GhostCodes profile, tap on the purple ‘camera’ icon on the bottom of your snapcode, and behold…the MAJESTY! Retake your snapcode image, upload from gallery, then download and share.

2 “Can I change my Category in GhostCodes?”

YES, now you can! Visit your settings area, tap on category, select a new one…and SHAZAM, you’re listed in a new category.

3. “How do I know who’s given me Kudos or downloaded my code?”

Ugh, so annoying right? Tap on the flag icon from the new nav bar. Magical, right? Also, while you’re chillin’ inside your profile, tap on the download and kudos icons under your Snapcode to see the full list.

4. “Notifications would be great.”

We agree, so we built in all sorts of lovely notifications. You’ll get notified whenever someone downloads your snapcode, gives you kudos, or if you rank in a category. You can edit the frequency of these notifications in your settings area.

5. “If I find…inappropriate, how can I report that?”

When you visit their profile, scroll down past their interests (but be careful), and you’ll find a ‘Report Abuse’ button. Magical things happen when you tap that button.

6 “I need to delete my account.”

We’d hate to see you go this early on, but we totally understand. Scroll to the very bottom of your settings page and tap ‘Delete Account’. Poof!

Whew! Outside of those new features, we’ve massively improved the speed of the app, and squashed a whole squad of ghastly bugs.

Stay Spooky Y'all!
Team GhostCodes
We're continually working to provide you with the best possible experience and regularly put out updates with minor bug fixes and improvements.

Let us know what you think by contacting us at

Stay Spooky Y'all!
Team GhostCodes

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3.7 из 5
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Cool app
Ababa mans,
It helps me a lot. Thank you.

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