Now you can go back to the Good Ol' Twitter!
- No algorithmic feed, chronological order only
- Limit of 140 characters to post new tweets
- No inline images or videos stealing your attention, only links, text is king
- No like button, you need to explicitly tell people when like something they shared
- No retweet button, you need to copy, put RT and your face in front of it, like old times
All this missing features is actually a great thing. Over the years twitter became more passive, you just scroll and scroll, like, RT, without giving much thought to it, together with the algorithm feed it creates addiction and it puts on your timeline more content created by people that you don't follow than from people that you actually do, sadly, twitter became facebook.
Good Ol' Twitter is an attempt to go back to a simpler time, to reduce addiction and cognitive load, while still being able to read content from our favourite platform: twitter.