Push Button, Hear Comedy.
That’s pretty much it. They say a good, hearty laugh is the best medicine — “they” being our friends William and Jeanne, a couple of PhD’s who are never wrong about anything laugh-related. Laughing can “reduce stress, relax the body, improve mental health, blah blah blah” — all things you probably want. It’s classic science. The more you laugh, the happier you’ll be. Haters can google it.
Haha is a free 24/7 comedy radio station that plays random stand-up bits from some of the best local, up-and-coming, and well-known comics in the world. Tune in whenever and wherever — there's always someone being funny on Haha.
"Sometimes you just have to laugh. Like now. Now would be a good time. Luckily there’s an app for that. Download Haha and get stand-up at the push of a button, whenever." - Whalebone Magazine
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