Hankang body scale app program is applied for weight tracker. You need to install app program in your mobile phone for the first time user, then mobile phone and body scale can establish wireless communication via blue tooth module on mobile phone and body scale.For the first time , the user need to operate App, meanwhile stand on the body scale,and App may automatically search body scale until connection, then App will show the weight.
1.For the first time user, you need to set up a basic profile by entering age, gender, height, waist, hip, etc. APP will calculate the ideal weight and other targets for your reference. It takes some time to set up the profile for the first time, but it can be reused even after upgrade.
2.Weight tracking: you may enter and track multiple profiles,and monitor and save the progress of your family members,friends.
3.Weight analysis: BMI, body fat, lean mass, average actual metabo-lism, waist to hip ratio to keep track of weight change.
4.Weight suggestion: the users can set up weight target based on their current weight, height, body frame, gender, age. The application will suggest your ideal change and recommend the amount of time needed to reach your target.
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