"Hello Japanese" is a program of Japanese language lessons produced by Japan's public broadcaster, NHK WORLD RADIO JAPAN.
- Learn the Japanese easily through audio lessons. This feature need a internet connection but you can learn Japanese communication easier.
- Learn Japanese conversation with common daily phrases and sentences.
- Learn Japanese new words in each lesson. Each lesson have about 5 - 15 vocabulary with the explanation. This will help you to learn vocabulary easier.
- Learn Japanese grammar. Each lesson have some grammar points.
- Learn Japanese in 17 language.
- Learn Japanese Alphabet (Hiragana and Katana)
- [Sound Words] Onomatopoeia and imitative words describing persons or things are introduced with audio and illustrations.
- [Teach Us, Teacher] The lesson supervisor, Assoc. Prof. Akane Tokunaga, explains important learning points in the lesson.