Urgent bug fix, the recent iOS patch 16.0.2 has caused this app to crash on most devices. The app should no longer crash with this update however 'categories' do not currently show as headers between units. I will address the categories ASAP but might not appear on the appstore until early in the new year. My apologies for the inconvenience over the last week or so. Thank you for your patience.
* Requires iOS 16 or higher. The previous requirement was iOS 14 or higher, this change was made to allow for further enhancement of the app.
* ENHANCEMENT - All graphs replaced with a higher quality graphing system that allows for faster and better graphs. It also means other features can advance further.
* ENHANCEMENT - Saving photos replaced with sharing feature to add flexibility.
* ENHANCEMENT - Various theme improvements.
* NEW - Icon to celebrate new version - Available from the options tab.
* NEW - Gallery View - From the list tab you can view all your photos from the one place with the new gallery option.
* NEW - A special theme and new colors.
* NEW - Gauge styles.
* NEW - User field for text entry, configurable name. Useful for adding extra detail about your miniatures.
* Ability to open linked project from a roster
* Ability to open project from random project select screen
* Ability to open rosters from a project
* Lists tab implemented, Rosters, Activity and Seasons moved under this tab to improve app structure (more coming to the lists tab soon)
* New "Pinned" option, projects can be pinned which makes them available for quick access under new "Pinned" list
* Minor theme fixes where a few colors were still hardcoded
* Improved status tag summary to remove lines related to completed projects or sold projects
* Minor text fixes
* 1 new theme and 1 fixed theme
* Ability to change app icon from the options menu, 7 to choose from.
* Some standard colour themes added to give you some suggestions.
* Summary of status tag usage on progress screen if totals graph is enabled.
* Bug fixes.
* Status Tags - In the collection tab options you can define a list of stages each model goes through from purchase to completion. Then on each project track how many models are at each stage. This can also be disabled in the options menu if you prefer not to use it.
* Bug Fixes
Feature - Import/Export is now available from the Options screen. Currently it supports all of your collection data but does not include Rosters. Visit northy.tv and head to the news blog for more information on how this works.
Enhancement - The backlog graph now includes a carry over datapoint so you can see a 'decreasing' line for January.
Minor bug fixes
* Project Roulette - Having trouble deciding what to do next? Let RNG decide your fate. New button added to "Collection" screen
* Fixed bug - Graph totals on acquired and completed should now appear as expected
* Visual enhancement to collection view including related options
* Bug fixes
* Options menu expanded for more user control over progress tab
* New Graph to show backlog, see your progress curve!
* New Icon
* Bug Fixes
* Fixed bug where month/year does not roll over if app remains active between month transitions
* Fixed bug resulting in crashing when not enough history is available to predict estimated completion date
New features soon!
* Fixed bug with roster headers persisting when returning to previous screens
* Minor UI improvements to roster screen
* View options for 'Project' level of hierarchy
* Tighter roster integration, you can now see what rosters a project is linked to, from the project
* Options menu turned in to a tab to allow for more customization and growth
* Ability to fine tune the time period for forecasting
* Additional theme customization
* Seasons with golf style scoring
* Added ability to take / attach photos to projects
* Ability to export photos to photo library
* Photos visible in project list and activity log
* Activity log visually improved
* Fixed bug where project header persisted even when returning to previous screens
* New Feature - Monthly Activity Log to view a summary of purchases, completed and sold items from the 'Progress' tab
* Bug fixes and UI improvements