This update 1.3:
* Fix for crash in iOS10
Previous update 1.4:
* Bridge compatibility update.
+ Cross Fading between presets! Switch seamlessly between presets.
+ When activating or de-activating an individual sound within a preset it fades in our out.
* Fixed Sky Brightness lowest value's.
* Bridge compatibility update.
+ Cross Fading between presets! Switch seamlessly between presets.
+ When activating or de-activating an individual sound within a preset it fades in our out.
* Fixed Sky Brightness lowest value's.
* Fix for high battery usage when not active.
* Drastically improved light effects. Thanks for all the user feedback!
* Audio normalized.
+ Added: Sleeptimer.
+ Added option to choose manual background color.
+ Compatible with HomePod stereo pairs.
+ Swipe down in detail screen to dismiss
+ Restore lights to state when the app was started on quit.