Imagine – Skin Tracker Читы

Imagine – Skin Tracker Взлом 2.8.0 + Чит Коды

Разработчик: LEO Pharma A/S
Категория: Медицина
Цена: Бесплатно
Версия: 2.8.0
ID: com.leo-pharma.imaging


Game screenshot Imagine – Skin Tracker mod apkGame screenshot Imagine – Skin Tracker apkGame screenshot Imagine – Skin Tracker hack



Imagine-appen er skræddersyet til mennesker, der lever med hudlidelser som psoriasis, eksem, rosacea eller acne for at hjælpe dig med holde styr på din lidelse. Den gratis app hjælper dig med at tage ensartede fotos af de berørte områder for at spore effektiviteten af din behandling, så du kan få et mere tydeligt overblik over din hud og symptomer, når de ændrer sig.

Brug Imagine til at:
• Spore og dokumentere din psoriasis, eksem, rosacea eller acne ved at tage fotos og bedømme symptomer
• Se ændringer i din hud over tid med sammenligningsvisningen og symptomgrafen
• Dele dine fremskridt med din læge eller hudlæge
• Hjælpe med at fremme forskning i hudsygdomme ved at bidrage med dine data
• Lære om nye metoder til at tackle din hudlidelse på fra medicinske eksperter, og bliv inspireret af historier fra folk som dig

Hudlidelser ændrer sig gradvist, og det er vanskeligt at sætte fingeren på, hvad der udløser udbrud. Imagine er udviklet i samarbejde med patienter og hudlæger for at hjælpe dig med at dokumentere din hud med ensartede resultater, så du løbende kan spore og bedømme din lidelse, når den udvikler sig. Ved at ændre den måde, du ser din hud på, ønsker Imagine at hjælpe dig med at finde den rigtige behandling og tilpasse din livsstil, så du bedre kan holde din hudlidelse i skak.

Når du besøger din læge eller hudlæge, kan du bruge Imagine til at vise effekten af en behandling, eller hvordan din lidelse har reageret på eksterne faktorer. Det hele er i appen – tydeligt dokumenteret af fotos og symptomvurderinger, som din læge kan se.

Ved at bruge denne app regelmæssigt gør du en stor forskel for hudforskning. De anonymiserede data fra dig og tusindvis af andre hjælper os med bedre at forstå, hvad der påvirker kronisk hududvikling. Til gengæld vil videnskabelig indsigt være grundlaget for nye appfunktioner, der gør det muligt for dig at bedre holde dine udbrud i skak. For eksempel udvikler vi i øjeblikket en algoritme til at automatisk analysere fotos og visualisere din hududvikling.

Vi ønsker at hjælpe mennesker, der lever med kroniske hudlidelser som psoriasis, til at tage mere styring. Ved at kombinere innovativ billeddannelsesteknologi, maskinlæring og medicinsk forskning laver vi banebrydende arbejde for at gøre Imagine til den mest nyttige app til at spore, analysere og hjælpe dig med at holde styr på din lidelse. Vi håber, at du vil være en del af vores ambitiøse rejse.

Imagine er et digitalt produkt fra LEO Innovation Lab, en afdeling af LEO Foundation. LEO Foundation støtter dermatologiske forskningsprojekter og aktiviteter, og LEO Innovation Lab udvikler digitale løsninger til at forbedre livet for mennesker, der lever med en hudlidelse.

Har du spørgsmål, problemer eller feedback? Kontakt os på [email protected], eller find flere oplysninger på og

Hvis du kan lide denne app, må du meget gerne give en bedømmelse. Det sætter vi pris på.

История обновлений

Alting har en ende. Vi er stolte af, at igennem de sidste 5 år har flere end 200.000 mennesker i næsten hele verden installeret Imagine for at holde bedre styr på deres hud. Vi starter et nyt kapitel inden for digital sundhed, og det betyder desværre, at vi ikke længere kan holde Imagine kørende.
Fra d. 15. juli 2022 er Imagine ikke længere tilgængelig til download.
Fra d. 31. juli 2022 laves der ikke længere backup af dine data. Du kan blive ved med at bruge app'en, men du skal være opmærksom på, at dine billeder, rapporterede symptomer, osv, ikke kan gendannes, når du sletter appen.
Imagine is now available in Chinese, Danish, Spanish and Hungarian!
Additionally, this update enables several partnering dermatology clinics to onboard selected patients to the app for remote monitoring

Lastly, we have also updated some of the technology this app is powered by, so we can keep improving the app in the future.

Thanks to everyone using the app and contributing to our research and understanding of skin diseases. We truly hope the app is useful to you and appreciate any feedback you might have. Just write us at [email protected]
Based on various feedback and analyses this update disables the torch function when taking photos. While helping in some cases with better photos, in other cases the torch reflects too much in the creams used. We might bring back a more flexible option in the future.

What else? We introduced new information about skin diseases such as eczema and acne, and the first AI-supported feedback to take better photos!

We hope both switching off the torch and the AI feedback when taking photos, can help you better compare and zoom in on the Comparison View. And they also help our dermatologists and machine learning researchers progress on our big ambition: To help you get to the right diagnosis and disease management plan, faster.

We’ve also included a bunch of smaller design improvements and fixes and hope you’ll stay on top of your skin for the rest of 2019 and beyond.

As always, we’d love to hear what you think we should work on next! Send us your suggestions or any other questions to [email protected]
Based on various feedback and analyses this update disables the torch function when taking photos. While helping in some cases with better photos, in other cases the torch reflects too much in the creams used. We might bring back a more flexible option in the future.

What else? We introduced new information about skin diseases such as eczema and acne, and the first AI-supported feedback to take better photos!

We hope both switching off the torch and the AI feedback when taking photos, can help you better compare and zoom in on the Comparison View. And they also help our dermatologists and machine learning researchers progress on our big ambition: To help you get to the right diagnosis and disease management plan, faster.

We’ve also included a bunch of smaller design improvements and fixes and hope you’ll stay on top of your skin for the rest of 2019 and beyond.

As always, we’d love to hear what you think we should work on next! Send us your suggestions or any other questions to [email protected]
Based on various feedback and analyses this update disables the torch function when taking photos. While helping in some cases with better photos, in other cases the torch reflects too much in the creams used. We might bring back a more flexible option in the future.

What else? We introduced new information about skin diseases such as eczema and acne, and the first AI-supported feedback to take better photos!

We hope both switching off the torch and the AI feedback when taking photos, can help you better compare and zoom in on the Comparison View. And they also help our dermatologists and machine learning researchers progress on our big ambition: To help you get to the right diagnosis and disease management plan, faster.

We’ve also included a bunch of smaller design improvements and fixes and hope you’ll stay on top of your skin for the rest of 2019 and beyond.

As always, we’d love to hear what you think we should work on next! Send us your suggestions or any other questions to [email protected]
Based on various feedback and analyses this update disables the torch function when taking photos. While helping in some cases with better photos, in other cases the torch reflects too much in the creams used. We might bring back a more flexible option in the future.

What else? We introduced new information about skin diseases such as eczema and acne, and the first AI-supported feedback to take better photos!

We hope both switching off the torch and the AI feedback when taking photos, can help you better compare and zoom in on the Comparison View. And they also help our dermatologists and machine learning researchers progress on our big ambition: To help you get to the right diagnosis and disease management plan, faster.

We’ve also included a bunch of smaller design improvements and fixes and hope you’ll stay on top of your skin for the rest of 2019 and beyond.

As always, we’d love to hear what you think we should work on next! Send us your suggestions or any other questions to [email protected]
Based on various feedback and analyses this update disables the torch function when taking photos. While helping in some cases with better photos, in other cases the torch reflects too much in the creams used. We might bring back a more flexible option in the future.

What else? We introduced new information about skin diseases such as eczema and acne, and the first AI-supported feedback to take better photos!

We hope both switching off the torch and the AI feedback when taking photos, can help you better compare and zoom in on the Comparison View. And they also help our dermatologists and machine learning researchers progress on our big ambition: To help you get to the right diagnosis and disease management plan, faster.

We’ve also included a bunch of smaller design improvements and fixes and hope you’ll stay on top of your skin for the rest of 2019 and beyond.

As always, we’d love to hear what you think we should work on next! Send us your suggestions or any other questions to [email protected]
This update fixes an issue where some of you couldn’t log in. It also includes a bunch of under-the-hood improvements and necessary technology-related upgrades, so we can keep improving the app in the future.

Thanks to everyone still using the app and contributing to the various studies we are running to learn more about the ups and downs of chronic skin diseases. We truly hope the app is useful to you and appreciate any feedback you might have. Just write us at [email protected]
Based on various feedback and analyses this update disables the torch function when taking photos. While helping in some cases with better photos, in other cases the torch reflects too much in the creams used. We might bring back a more flexible option in the future.

What else? We introduced new information about skin diseases such as eczema and acne, and the first AI-supported feedback to take better photos!

We hope both switching off the torch and the AI feedback when taking photos, can help you better compare and zoom in on the Comparison View. And they also help our dermatologists and machine learning researchers progress on our big ambition: To help you get to the right diagnosis and disease management plan, faster.

We’ve also included a bunch of smaller design improvements and fixes and hope you’ll stay on top of your skin for the rest of 2019 and beyond.

As always, we’d love to hear what you think we should work on next! Send us your suggestions or any other questions to [email protected]
We’ve got a helpful update for you.

If you change your phone, or accidentally delete the Imagine app - you don’t have to worry. Now you can easily retrieve all the data we’ve saved for you. Simply, login with your usual details after installing the app.

As always, we’d love to hear what you think we should work on next! Send us your suggestions or any other questions to [email protected]
We’ve got a helpful update for you.

If you change your phone, or accidentally delete the Imagine app - you don’t have to worry. Now you can easily retrieve all the data we’ve saved for you. Simply, login with your usual details after installing the app.

As always, we’d love to hear what you think we should work on next! Send us your suggestions or any other questions to [email protected]
We’ve got a helpful update for you.

If you change your phone, or accidentally delete the Imagine app - you don’t have to worry. Now you can easily retrieve all the data we’ve saved for you. Simply, login with your usual details after installing the app.

As always, we’d love to hear what you think we should work on next! Send us your suggestions or any other questions to [email protected]
We’ve got a helpful update for you.

If you change your phone, or accidentally delete the Imagine app - you don’t have to worry. Now you can easily retrieve all the data we’ve saved for you. Simply, login with your usual details after installing the app.

As always, we’d love to hear what you think we should work on next! Send us your suggestions or any other questions to [email protected]
We’ve got a helpful update for you.

If you change your phone, or accidentally delete the Imagine app - you don’t have to worry. Now you can easily retrieve all the data we’ve saved for you. Simply, login with your usual details after installing the app.

As always, we’d love to hear what you think we should work on next! Send us your suggestions or any other questions to [email protected]
We’ve got a helpful update for you.

If you change your phone, or accidentally delete the Imagine app - you don’t have to worry. Now you can easily retrieve all the data we’ve saved for you. Simply, login with your usual details after installing the app.

As always, we’d love to hear what you think we should work on next! Send us your suggestions or any other questions to [email protected]
We truly hope summer season (for those of you in the Northern Hemisphere) means fewer flare-ups and healthier skin for you.
If you use Imagine right now or want to look back at previous photos, we hope you’ll like our new design! The lighter, more soothing and cooling look and feel of the app is based on our research with dozens of people living with skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema.

Also, when looking at your photos in the comparison view you can now zoom in again with both a single-tap and pinch to zoom to get a closer look at your skin changes.

As always, we’d love to hear from you what you think we should work on next! Send us your suggestions or any other questions to [email protected]
We are happy to announce a brand new "Tips & Stories" section in the app.
Rush over there to discover a dozen articles that are written and curated by our medical experts.
You will learn more about psoriasis, steroids and moisturizing, side effects, and much more.
We will keep adding new content based on your feedback so don't be afraid to reach out to us.

Along with this new section we made some stability improvements to the capture process.
We hope you will like it.
This time we've got 2 helpful updates for you:
* You can now take photos by pressing the volume buttons – helpful when you need to hold your phone in a way you can't reach or see the capture button.
* You can now see your account status in the settings. You can sign up to backup your photos.

Oh, and Imagine now has a new app icon – what do you think? We hope you like it and will stay tuned for more spring-matching updates to the look and feel of the app.
This time we've got 2 helpful updates for you:
* You can now take photos by pressing the volume buttons – helpful when you need to hold your phone in a way you can't reach or see the capture button.
* You can now see your account status in the settings. You can sign up to backup your photos.

Oh, and Imagine now has a new app icon – what do you think? We hope you like it and will stay tuned for more spring-matching updates to the look and feel of the app.
This time we've got 2 helpful updates for you:
* You can now take photos by pressing the volume buttons – helpful when you need to hold your phone in a way you can't reach or see the capture button.
* You can now see your account status in the settings. You can sign up to backup your photos.

Oh, and Imagine now has a new app icon – what do you think? We hope you like it and will stay tuned for more spring-matching updates to the look and feel of the app.
This is a big update for all of you who’ve asked for it: You can now track multiple body areas!
Each area comes with a separate Outline to help you easily take comparable photos. And of course, you can see your photos in the Comparison View with the Discomfort Graph for that body area to stay on top of how your skin and symptoms change over time.

Everyone experiences psoriasis differently and we really hope this new feature will be useful to you. Use it to see how different treatments work on different body areas, how more sun-exposed areas develop, or how body parts in constant movement such as the elbows or knees flare up.

We’ve been working hard on this and we are already working on the next improvements, so we’d love to hear from you. Any feedback and suggestions, please send it through the app or to [email protected]
Find Imagine useful? We’d greatly appreciate your rating!
This is a big update for all of you who’ve asked for it: You can now track multiple body areas!
Each area comes with a separate Outline to help you easily take comparable photos. And of course, you can see your photos in the Comparison View with the Discomfort Graph for that body area to stay on top of how your skin and symptoms change over time.

Everyone experiences psoriasis differently and we really hope this new feature will be useful to you. Use it to see how different treatments work on different body areas, how more sun-exposed areas develop, or how body parts in constant movement such as the elbows or knees flare up.

We’ve been working hard on this and we are already working on the next improvements, so we’d love to hear from you. Any feedback and suggestions, please send it through the app or to [email protected]
Find Imagine useful? We’d greatly appreciate your rating!
This is a big update for all of you who’ve asked for it: You can now track multiple body areas!
Each area comes with a separate Outline to help you easily take comparable photos. And of course, you can see your photos in the Comparison View with the Discomfort Graph for that body area to stay on top of how your skin and symptoms change over time.

Everyone experiences psoriasis differently and we really hope this new feature will be useful to you. Use it to see how different treatments work on different body areas, how more sun-exposed areas develop, or how body parts in constant movement such as the elbows or knees flare up.

We’ve been working hard on this and we are already working on the next improvements, so we’d love to hear from you. Any feedback and suggestions, please send it through the app or to [email protected]
Find Imagine useful? We’d greatly appreciate your rating!
Good news for those of you who experienced issues while signing up, we now have a fix for you.
Head back to the settings section to register your account.
We are deeply sorry about the temporary inconvenience.
We released a new blog with content we hope you will find exciting!! And the even greater news is that you now can access it from the Settings menu. Do not hesitate to give us feedbacks and leave us some comments.

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Super best! Good!