Inish Lamb is a fast paced adventure story that delves into the lives of the story's four main protagonists, asking why each of them finds themselves on Inish Lamb.
Old secrets, guilt and obsession are roused as our overly cautious and dispairing protagonist takes up the gauntlet of adventure after being summoned to Ireland to join in the hunt for a long lost treasure.
Reunited with his wayward, reckless and obsessive cousin and introduced to two new friends (each with their own agendas), he must solve the puzzles of the isolated and strange island in order to make it out alive and maybe, just maybe find the long lost treasure of the Pirate Mc Laughlin.
Our story app has been specially developed for mobile phone users. The text is presented as a series of easy-to-read text message style chunks.
Your place in the story is automatically saved when you close or pause the app, so you can easily resume reading after a distraction.
Music, backgrounds and animation have been added also to enhance your reading experience with this modern classic!