iSpeak 8 английский немецкий Читы

iSpeak 8 английский немецкий Взлом 1.5.2 + Чит Коды

Разработчик: Five Systems Development
Категория: Образование
Цена: 279,00 ₽ (Скачать бесплатно)
Версия: 1.5.2


Game screenshot iSpeak 8 английский немецкий mod apkGame screenshot iSpeak 8 английский немецкий apkGame screenshot iSpeak 8 английский немецкий hack


iSpeak это отличное приложение, которое было создано, для детей и начинающих, чтобы учить родной и иностранные языки бесплатно. С помощью нашего приложения вы будете расширять свой словарный запас быстро и быть в состоянии говорить на целевом языке как носитель языка. С iSpeak вы можете учить следующие языки:
• Английский
• Китайский
• Португальский
• Немецкий
• Русский
• Испанский
• Польский
• Украинский
Программа содержит бесплатные уроки, которые помогут вам выучить новые слова и увеличить словарный запас и говорить очень быстро и эффективно. Наш способ обучения основан на популярных методиках, одна из которых является методом «карточки Домана», который был изобретен, чтобы учить новые слова очень быстро даже для детей, которые не могут еще говорить. Мы улучшили метод «карточки Домана» нашими внутренними исследованиями и алгоритмами, которые мы разработали вместе с преподавателями языка. Результатом является приложение, которое, наверняка, одно из лучших в мире, для изучения иностранного и родного языка.


Если вы решили изучить любой из следующих языков: английский, португальский, китайский, русский, испанский, немецкий, польский или украинский язык, то iSpeak это отличный выбор для Вас, чтобы начать изучать новый или улучшить знакомый вам язык бесплатно. Особенно наше приложение будет полезно для детей и начинающих, так как оно очень простое в использовании. iSpeak является отличным выбором для начала работы с новым языком и для того чтоб увеличить свой словарный запас в нем. iSpeak содержит тысячи слов. У нас вы найдете карточки с впечатляющей картинкой, текстом слова и прослушать произношение от носителя языка. С помощью облачного решения, которое мы использовали для iSpeak, вы можете заргужать для использования каждый урок отдельно и не нужно устанавливать все сразу.


Помимо уроков, где слова, карточки и произношение iSpeak включает в себя уникальные методы тестирования, которыепомогут вам проверить свои знания и улучшить свои языковые навыки. Данные этих тестов позже анализируются с помощью наших алгоритмов, которые дают нам возможность предложить Вам правильные уроки и показать статистику и прогресс вашего обучения. Наше приложение локализовано на китайский, английский, португальский, русский, немецкий, польский, испанский, украинский, т.е. те языки которые вы можете учить, а также на многие другие популярные языки мира.


Мы постоянно работаем над улучшением iSpeak. День за днем мы добавляем новые карточки, где есть словам и произношение. Новые уроки языка сразу становятся доступными для наших пользователей, некоторые из них абсолютно бесплатно. В настоящее время iSpeak включает в себя 8 всемирно известных языков, которые люди могут изучать частично бесплатно: английский, китайский, немецкий, португальский, русский, польский, испанский и украинский.


Есть несколько причин, почему вы должны использовать наше приложение, если вы только начинаете изучать новый или родной язык или если вы решили увеличить свои навыки в том который вы знаете:
- Наше приложение построено на вершине известных методик, как «карточки Домана» и Шичида
- Мы собрали для вас тысячи наиболее часто используемых слов
- Наше приложение является интуитивно понятным для использования даже для маленьких детей
- Мы постоянно расширяем наш словарный запас и улучшаемнаше приложение
- Новые уроки, которые вы можете изучать постоянно появляются для наших пользователей
- Мы поддерживаем самые популярные языки для обучения: английский, русский, португальский, испанский, китайский, немецкий, польский и украинский
- Мы не используем компьютерное произношение и все наши слова продиктованы носителями языка
- Наше приложение используется многими детей и начинающих по всему миру, и мы получаем только положительные отзывы
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История обновлений

Dear user,
We thank you for using iSpeak! To make our products better and make sure you have best solution we constantly add new features and enhance our software. For this purpose we regularly upload new versions to AppStore. Each our update contains some useful features, performance enhancements and user interface improvements.
This release includes following changes:
- updated location of the additional data
- resolved the issue with the missed content
Dear user,
We thank you for using iSpeak! To make our products better and make sure you have best solution we constantly add new features and enhance our software. For this purpose we regularly upload new versions to AppStore. Each our update contains some useful features, performance enhancements and user interface improvements.
This release includes following changes:
- fix app name
- internal functional changes
Dear user,
We thank you for using iSpeak! To make our products better and make sure you have best solution we constantly add new features and enhance our software. For this purpose we regularly upload new versions to AppStore. Each our update contains some useful features, performance enhancements and user interface improvements.
This release includes following changes:
- store tests results
- improved test's UI
Dear user,
We thank you for using iSpeak! To make our products better and make sure you have best solution we constantly add new features and enhance our software. For this purpose we regularly upload new versions to AppStore. Each our update contains some useful features, performance enhancements and user interface improvements.
This release includes following changes:
- improved tests descriptions
- improved test's UI
Dear user,
We thank you for using iSpeak! To make our products better and make sure you have best solution we constantly add new features and enhance our software. For this purpose we regularly upload new versions to AppStore. Each our update contains some useful features, performance enhancements and user interface improvements.
This release includes following changes:
- improved visual notification about passed/failed tests
- added tests descriptions
- updated tests icons and names
Dear user,
We thank you for using iSpeak! To make our products better and make sure you have best solution we constantly add new features and enhance our software. For this purpose we regularly upload new versions to AppStore. Each our update contains some useful features, performance enhancements and user interface improvements.
This release includes following changes:
- added test names
- added visual notification about passed/failed tests
- improved spelling tests (letter now can be unpressed)
- improved test with pairs
Dear user,
We thank you for using iSpeak! To make our products better and make sure you have best solution we constantly add new features and enhance our software. For this purpose we regularly upload new versions to AppStore. Each our update contains some useful features, performance enhancements and user interface improvements.
This release includes following changes:
- fixed images sizes
- fixed view for the test one from 4 texts: when I select correct answer for bottom words
- fixed view for the test one from 4 voice: button to play again
- fixed view for the test with pronunciation and translation added play button
- improved test with pairs
- improved tests view
Dear user,
We thank you for using iSpeak! To make our products better and make sure you have best solution we constantly add new features and enhance our software. For this purpose we regularly upload new versions to AppStore. Each our update contains some useful features, performance enhancements and user interface improvements.
This release includes following changes:
- added test for finding pair of word translation
- improved existing tests logic
Dear user,
We thank you for using iSpeak! To make our products better and make sure you have best solution we constantly add new features and enhance our software. For this purpose we regularly upload new versions to AppStore. Each our update contains some useful features, performance enhancements and user interface improvements.
This release includes following changes:
- added test for word translation after pronunciation (audition)
- improved existing tests logic
Dear user,
We thank you for using iSpeak! To make our products better and make sure you have best solution we constantly add new features and enhance our software. For this purpose we regularly upload new versions to AppStore. Each our update contains some useful features, performance enhancements and user interface improvements.
This release includes following changes:
- added test for word translation
- improved existing tests logic
Dear user,
We thank you for using iSpeak! To make our products better and make sure you have best solution we constantly add new features and enhance our software. For this purpose we regularly upload new versions to AppStore. Each our update contains some useful features, performance enhancements and user interface improvements.
This release includes following changes:
- added test for word spelling when picture showing
- added test for word spelling with pronunciation only
Dear user,
We thank you for using iSpeak! To make our products better and make sure you have best solution we constantly add new features and enhance our software. For this purpose we regularly upload new versions to AppStore. Each our update contains some useful features, performance enhancements and user interface improvements.
This release includes following changes:
- added test for word spelling when picture showing
- improved true\false testing
Dear user,
We thank you for using iSpeak! To make our products better and make sure you have best solution we constantly add new features and enhance our software. For this purpose we regularly upload new versions to AppStore. Each our update contains some useful features, performance enhancements and user interface improvements.
This release includes following changes:
- added test for true and false
- enhance existing tests with showing right answer if user select wrong option
- started to prepare infrastructure for tests with word spelling
Dear user,
We thank you for using iSpeak! To make our products better and make sure you have best solution we constantly add new features and enhance our software. For this purpose we regularly upload new versions to AppStore. Each our update contains some useful features, performance enhancements and user interface improvements.
This release includes following changes:
- added auditing test for listening and four images selection
- improved UI for existing tests by adding counter
- improved behavior with flags at the main screen
- changed icons for all tests
- removed mute icon for text test as it is not required there
- improved behavior for long stringsac
Dear user,
We thank you for using iSpeak! To make our products better and make sure you have best solution we constantly add new features and enhance our software. For this purpose we regularly upload new versions to AppStore. Each our update contains some useful features, performance enhancements and user interface improvements.
This release includes following changes:
- change test for 2 pictures
- improve test for 4 pictures
- improve test for 4 texts and one picture
- change test summary page
Dear user,
We thank you for using iSpeak! To make our products better and make sure you have best solution we constantly add new features and enhance our software. For this purpose we regularly upload new versions to AppStore. Each our update contains some useful features, performance enhancements and user interface improvements.
This release includes following changes:
- improve UI for test with 2 pictures
- add new sounds for test with 2 pictures
- add total score for test with 2 pictures
Dear user,
We thank you for using iSpeak! To make our products better and make sure you have best solution we constantly add new features and enhance our software. For this purpose we regularly upload new versions to AppStore. Each our update contains some useful features, performance enhancements and user interface improvements.
This release includes following changes:
- adding voice subtitles
- updating UI for voice subtitles
- changing settings to have voice subtitles
- updating application icons
Dear user,
We thank you for using iSpeak! To make our products better and make sure you have best solution we constantly add new features and enhance our software. For this purpose we regularly upload new versions to AppStore. Each our update contain some useful features, performance enhancements and user interface improvements.
This release include following changes:
- Fix for bug with same language for learning as application interface that prevents directories to be downloaded
Dear user,
We thank you for using iSpeak! To make our products better and make sure you have the best solution we constantly add new features and enhance our software. For this purpose we regularly upload new versions to AppStore. Each our update contains some useful features, performance enhancements and user interface improvements.
This release includes following changes:
- Localization to 26 new languages
- improvements in internal logic
- preparation for new functionality
Dear user,
We thank you for using iSpeak! To make our products better and make sure you have best solution we constantly add new features and enhance our software. For this purpose we regularly upload new versions to AppStore. Each our update contain some useful features, performance enhancements and user interface improvements.
This release include following changes:
- Subtitles for: Ukrainian, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, Chinese, Polish, German, English localization
- Rating system
- improvements in internal logic
- updating according to latest Apple policies
- Sharing in Facebook
- UI changes and enhancements
- internal improvements
- adding new test for one picture and 4 words
- making logic enhancements
- updating UI
- preparing to add more tests
- Added test menu
- Added 4 cards testing
- Changed categories to be named at locale language
- UI Enhancements
- Abilities to add new categories on the fly
- Redundancy improvement
- Adding more cloud services to support recovery
- UI enhancements
- Preparation for 1.3.X version
-changed main view
-changed category icon
-Norvegian localization
-Swedish localization
-Korean localization
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4 из 5
2 Голосов


звезда восьока,
Как изменить языке
Как изменить язык? Выбрала китайский. Хочу ещё английский. Не где не поменяешь в меню язык.
Нет звука
Нет звука ни на одной Карточки
Татьяна Соловьева,
За большиой шрифт класс