Features added:
- SplitView and MultiWindow support (You can now use Jottre with multiple instances)
- The cells width is now optimized for the current screen-size (less white-space)
- Resolved bug that causes App to crash after switching between local2iCloud
- Fixed ui bug that showed the wrong thumbnail in the wrong cell
Bug fixes:
- The appearance of the thumbnails now automatically adapts to the selected interface display (dark, light, auto)
- Overall performance improvements
- You now can edit jots with you're finger if you don't have an Apple Pencil (iPadOS only)
Improved iCloud:
- Your files are now synced more frequently and automatically updated in an open Jottre app
- After switching from local to iCloud, your jots are automatically moved to iCloud (after switching back, iCloud files are transferred back to local storage)
- Added conflict resolution when a file changes locally while the same file is edited in the app