* iOS 14 compatibility enhancements.
* ability to use select all in custom media picker.
* design improvements.
* bug fixes.
* iOS 13 compatibility enhancements.
* visual and code improvements.
* bug fixes.
* layout fixes for status bar growth.
* screen brightness settings for night based on a defined time range.
* ability to resume playlist at correct index position when not in shuffle mode.
* custom screen brightness settings.
* made slider markers smaller.
* fitness timer bug fixes.
* layout bug fix where the player would expand to safe areas after a call.
* fix for correctly pausing song when a music video is playing.
* compatibility fix for landscape rotation in help and song lookup screens.
* minor code improvements.
* increased slider marker visibility.
User requested changes :
* the ability to swap slider positions is back.
* increase to speed label font size for motion fx.
* fix for in-app purchase not completing.
* major change to architecture which enables playback of saved playlists from Apple Music.
* support for iPhone X screen.
* lots of code optimisations, and bug fixes.
* fix for overlapping icons when auto pause and motion fx is enabled.
* auto pause for stage performances or lectures where you play the current track, the next one cues but is paused.
* major power usage optimisations for background mode.
* new que system, play next and play later.
* faster restoration of playback state.
* improved playback state capture for inactive background mode.
* lots of code optimisations, visual improvements and bug fixes.
* fixed crash when loading songs or queuing playlists on 64 bit devices.
* additional validation of stored indexes.
* bug fixes.
* detection and handling of an incomplete save state.
* texture fix for search history buttons.
* metering animation optimisations.
* ability to enable or disable sound cues for motion fx.
* ability to contact support via setup.
* iOS 10 compatibility.
* power saver enhancements.
* theme & particle emitter improvements.
* bug fixes and performance improvements.
* fixes for updated SoundCloud API.
* ability to select from New & Hot and Top 50 genres for SoundCloud.
* code optimisations.
* fixed a bug from the previous build where artists were being indexed twice.
* favorites now appears at the top when viewing playlists in the songs screen.
* quicker state save when exiting.
* fixed a bug where the play button would not show if you had selections and came back into the songs screen.
* faster playlist switching in songs screen.
* vibrate every 1000 meters when using fitness timer.
* minor improvements to fitness timer screen.
* moved SoundCloud indicator icon to the left as most album art warning labels are positioned right.
* code optimisations.
* fixed startup crash in some scenarios where the saved state restored would have a lot of missing songs.
* alignment fix for alerts when there is a bigger status bar.
* access to Sound Cloud favourites even when no local media exists.
* improved detection of media library change.
* several optimizations.
* iOS 9 compatibility updates.
* media is now only indexed once and saved to a cache, a reindex triggers automatically when media library updates are detected, or it can be triggered manually from setup.
* playback state is restored when app is restarted!
* fixed single search history restore for SoundCloud search button.
* info fx position fix for artist title when there is a larger status bar.
* you can now set a volume level for speed alerts.
* three speed alert audio cues to choose from.
* better sorting method for playlists.
* fixed a bug where the favourites song count was not getting refreshed properly.
* several minor visual improvements.
* fixed a bug when adding songs to playlists.
* run / walk icon indicator now reflects movement speed when using several fitness timer modes.
* minor layout improvements to song info screen.
* improved playlist position handling when toggling between shuffle and normal modes.
* sometimes the app would crash when doing a SoundCloud search, this has now been fixed.
* corrected handling of audio interruptions especially with streaming audio.
* repeat one no longer locks to the same song when pressing next.
* better handling of playlist modes when no local media is detected.
* improvements to motion fx display.
* sort order is now correctly restored when viewing search history.
* fixed a bug where incorrect progress was shown when using the run/walk timer with a repeat greater than one.
* audio cues for run / walk are now easier to hear when using streaming audio.
* fixed bug where sometimes the wrong album art was shown for streaming audio files.
* fixed bug where custom playlists would not refresh correctly when restoring from cloud save.
* remote control events are now more accurately reflected on screen.
* visual improvements to primary theme.
* additional style for large song and artist titles.
* fixed time display bug on lock screen and bluetooth devices from previous version.
* added confirmation alert when restoring settings from iCloud.
* excluded iPod media items that haven’t been downloaded when queuing all songs.
* excluded iPod media items that haven’t been downloaded from custom media picker.
* button presses are now more responsive especially when using sound effects.
* 64 bit support.
* code optimisations,library updates & major stability fixes!
* stream music from SoundCloud!
* lots of improvements and feature additions.
* iOS 8 compatibility.
* Custom media picker now supports multiple selections as well as index jumps.
* Lots of enhancements, optimisations & bug fixes.
* fixed toggle bug with sleep timer button in primary interface.
* fixed a sleep timer bug where it would stop when switching to the main screen with less than a minute to go.
* music videos can now also use landscape mode.
* when launching a music video while music is playing, it is automatically paused and resumed.
* minor improvements to primary glyph sizing.
* layout fixes for smaller screens for album art size button.
* layout fix for search history table for iOS 6.
* slight increase in button sizing for share and close for when the fitness timer stops.
* fitness timer can be paused automatically when no movement is detected.
* motion fx audio alerts and fitness timer now runs even when the player is in the background!
* fixed display bug with loading all songs alert when triggered multiple times in quick succession.
* fixed incorrect album art display when the player comes into focus after an extended period.
* integrated web search results.
* added button for Facebook page!
* improved the way different album art sizes are toggled.
* minor graphical improvements to songs screen.
* ability to restore your last 100 searches under songs (keep the search button pressed)!
* ability to delete searches from history (swipe left on table cell).