In this dark and moody endless runner filled with memories that haunt young Kai, a self-labeled black sheep of the family, is trapped in a run for sanity within a nightmare. From its first moments, the creepiness of Kai’s world makes itself known with a soundtrack that darkens Kai’s journey into his fears even further.
A true challenge for fans of endless runner games, Kai’s simple interface offers a mixture of ground and flying mode that players will have to balance in order to survive.
In this place, it’s like a nightmare that never ends. An endless runner loop that Kai may never escape. Play if you dare.
• Simple tap mechanic controls
• Creepy environment to fly, glide and run through
• Dodge the wheels on the ground as you run or the birds in the air as you fly
• Fly over obstacles on the ground and birds in the air
• Collect as many coins throughout the journey
• Challenge your high-score when you reenter the nightmare